S-equol again

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  • PinotQ
    Senior Member
    • May 2010
    • 188

    Originally posted by brooks1089
    Pinot>>> thanks for the update on s-equol. Although most don't seem to be interested I would really appreciate if you could provide updates for the s-equol treatment either here or by PM. Thanks!
    Definitely. I agree there does not seem to be much interest, possibly b/c some tried s-equol from sources that I would characterize as less than credible with no results But I believe this is the first legitimate source. I will be 7 weeks in on Monday.


    • nliyan25
      • Jul 2013
      • 44


      Originally posted by PinotQ
      Definitely. I agree there does not seem to be much interest, possibly b/c some tried s-equol from sources that I would characterize as less than credible with no results But I believe this is the first legitimate source. I will be 7 weeks in on Monday.

      Pinot, have you noticed a reduction in hairloss at all? Any thickening?


      • PinotQ
        Senior Member
        • May 2010
        • 188

        Originally posted by nliyan25
        Pinot, have you noticed a reduction in hairloss at all? Any thickening?
        Nliyan25, I believe it is way to early to draw any conclusions. I have never counted hairs or really noticed an unusual or excessive amount of shedding. My hair loss has always been very gradual over time. I have tried many products over the years and many times had thought a product was working when it fact it was not as many factors such as weather, hair cut, length of hair, etc. can give the illusion of improvement in the short term. So I believe it will take 4 to 6 months, and maybe longer, before I am able to draw any type of conclusion. Two things I will note are that; 1) my scalp feels very good; and 2) in the last month my hair appeared to have grown at a much faster rate than usual. My hair was very definitely longer when I got it cut (every 4 weeks) however that could theoretically have been b/c it wasn't cut as short the previous hair cut. If this observation was not an illusion, it would almost certainly be b/c of s-equol's effect on the estrogen B receptors. Not only does s-equol bind to DHT but it also binds to the estrogen B receptor which is thought to promote hair growth. For those who have read the many studies on s-equol, it is without doubt that equol binds with strong affinity to DHT without negative hormonal side effects so there is certainly a reasonable possibility that it has the potential to shut down hair loss. The big question would seem to be dosage. Except for the cost of taking the 144 mg per day, I would take s-equol if it wasn't effective for hair loss b/c of the fact that it is a powerful antioxidant, reduces wrinkles and benefits the health of your skin, and it lowers LDL cholesterol.


        • nliyan25
          • Jul 2013
          • 44

          Good results

          Those results still sound promising to me. Let us know what your condition is in a few months.


          • hair200k
            Junior Member
            • Jun 2014
            • 3


            Hey Pinot I've been a lurker on here and *** for around 3 years now. Nothing ever sparked an interest in me enough to post. However I am very much interested in this stuff and have seen you'd been following this treatment for quite a while. Just want to say thank you for all your informative posts, and I will continue to check up on your updates. Good luck brother!


            • JulioGP
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2013
              • 294

              Originally posted by Cob984
              From a forum member inquiring about this product:

              I was wondering what would be the benefits of reducing DHT by this remedy or by Finasteride. What are the differences?
              I think it would only benefit is the reduction of DHT is that by other methods, to be free of side effects, no?
              If a simple reduction as Finasteride does not see many advantages.

              The answer: "Hello Julio,

              I wanted to provide you with some follow-up information. I was notified by my associate that you may be posting on Hair Loss Talk forums about Proequol. We monitor these forums because they generally help drive a lot of traffic to our website. We cannot post on any of the hair loss websites because of the forum rules about promoting products.

              To clear up some of the discussion about Proequol and equol supplements:

              Any equol supplement, such as Pharmavite, would be unlikely to be potent enough to have a sufficient levels of equol, in vivo, to fully mitigate DHT. Through our years of studies, we have determined that 100 ng/ml of unbound equol in blood plasma is the minimum level needed to mitigate DHT. By our estimates (based on urine levels of equol), Pharmavite may only provide 1/12th of those blood levels because not all of the equol contained in the capsule/tablet will be fully absorbed into the bloodstream. Additionally, their product is marketed towards menopausal woman, and the blood levels required there are likely not as high as they are for mitigating DHT.

              The moral here is that metabolizing equol in the intestines is the most effective way to produce and more importantly, absorb equol into the body. In that respect, any supplement containing synthesized equol cannot compete with Proequol's equol output.

              Finally, some of the results of our studies cannot be made public because Proequol is being marketed as a nutritional supplement. Only pharmaceuticals can make direct effectiveness claims. However, Proequol is not a pharmaceutical and we must market the product within legal limits.

              Thank you,
              Black Bear Naturals, LLC"

              Thoughts? anyone in the US willing to give this a go? Its DHT binder not 5ar inhibitor in theory, Cannot be shipped overseas at present
              Probably that user "Julio" was me.

              We made strenuous tests using Kératene here on the forum with several tests of DHT, not only me, but also other users. The Kératene NO showed reduction in DHT, differently from what they publish in their study. In their study, a reduction in DHT even greater than Finasteride can.

              About equol, I believe that just doing the test and based on comparison of "before" and "after" blood tests do check the DHT level. Useless to do as many here do, go on the drug and "believe" that it works. Have to realize this through tests, or probably it may be the placebo effect.


              • kmit028
                • Feb 2013
                • 30

                So are there any theoretical side effects to inhibiting DHT???

                We all know DHT causes hairloss for those that are genetically predisposed (all of us here lol), but doesn't it also have other important functions in the body? And if we inhibit it (potentially with Equol) would there be some side effects from reducing it?


                • PinotQ
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2010
                  • 188

                  Originally posted by kmit028
                  So are there any theoretical side effects to inhibiting DHT???

                  We all know DHT causes hairloss for those that are genetically predisposed (all of us here lol), but doesn't it also have other important functions in the body? And if we inhibit it (potentially with Equol) would there be some side effects from reducing it?
                  I'm not a doctor, endocrinologist or medical research scientist so I don't pretend to be an authority but my understanding is that DHT is important in the development male sexual characteristics but relatively unimportant after puberty. There are are numerous studies on s-equol showing that it does not alter other circulating sex hormones in the body......here are 2: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releas...-hsa043010.php & http://www.rbej.com/content/9/1/4/. Also note as I have mentioned many times, a significant percentage of the population (see http://www.naturalequol.com/about.html) produces s-equol naturally as a by-product of soy in the intestines. If you read the research, you will see that natural s-equol producers are found to have up to 10 times or more circulating levels of s-equol than is speculated to be required to bind 100% of the DHT in your body (see the above post on dosage). To me, this is a very powerful statement about safety.


                  • PinotQ
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2010
                    • 188

                    Originally posted by hair200k
                    Hey Pinot I've been a lurker on here and *** for around 3 years now. Nothing ever sparked an interest in me enough to post. However I am very much interested in this stuff and have seen you'd been following this treatment for quite a while. Just want to say thank you for all your informative posts, and I will continue to check up on your updates. Good luck brother!
                    Thanks hair200K! I have been waiting for this to be released for many years.


                    • kmit028
                      • Feb 2013
                      • 30

                      Originally posted by PinotQ
                      I'm not a doctor, endocrinologist or medical research scientist so I don't pretend to be an authority but my understanding is that DHT is important in the development male sexual characteristics but relatively unimportant after puberty....
                      I am still trying to understand FIN and 5AR and DHT

                      I know FIN inhibits 5AR, and this leads to less testosterone getting converted to DHT

                      So, which chemical is actually responsible for the FIN side effects like libido or ed?

                      Is it the inhibited 5AR?


                      Less DHT?

                      I tried researching this but have not been able to find a clear answer....


                      • PinotQ
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2010
                        • 188

                        Originally posted by kmit028
                        I am still trying to understand FIN and 5AR and DHT

                        I know FIN inhibits 5AR, and this leads to less testosterone getting converted to DHT

                        So, which chemical is actually responsible for the FIN side effects like libido or ed?

                        Is it the inhibited 5AR?


                        Less DHT?

                        I tried researching this but have not been able to find a clear answer....
                        I'm not sure and I don't know if that has been conclusively determined by any medical research. But if I had to guess, I would say that putting a man-made chemical like finasteride in your body (that is intended to disrupt the natural chemical process of converting testosterone to DHT) would have a much higher likelihood of causing unintended chemical reactions or side effects (even if that likelihood is small) than s-equol that is produced naturally by the body. So my presumption is that having less DHT does not cause the side effects. There is no indication in anything I have read that the percentage of the male population that naturally produces s-equol has any known side effects. I personally have experienced no side effects from s-equol although I am probably not a good anecdotal example as I have no known side effects from fin either.


                        • cthulhu2
                          • Jun 2014
                          • 71

                          Greetings from ***. NatureMade was supposed to release their S-equol supplement sometime last year, which was indicated in an email I got from them upon requesting this information. They were intending to release it for menopause but they acknowledge that it could be useful for AGA. It is my understanding that Equol would be safer than finasteride for one key reason: it inhibits DHT while un-affecting neurosteroids. The problem with alpha 5 reductase inhibitiors is that 5 alpha reductase is responsible for the production of neurosteroids and by inhibiting 5 alpha reductase, you change the amounts of these pretty drastically. Since Equol simply binds to DHT, I think we would be able to eliminate the sides people experience and still retain/regrow their hair.


                          • PinotQ
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2010
                            • 188

                            Originally posted by cthulhu2
                            Greetings from ***. NatureMade was supposed to release their S-equol supplement sometime last year, which was indicated in an email I got from them upon requesting this information. They were intending to release it for menopause but they acknowledge that it could be useful for AGA. It is my understanding that Equol would be safer than finasteride for one key reason: it inhibits DHT while un-affecting neurosteroids. The problem with alpha 5 reductase inhibitiors is that 5 alpha reductase is responsible for the production of neurosteroids and by inhibiting 5 alpha reductase, you change the amounts of these pretty drastically. Since Equol simply binds to DHT, I think we would be able to eliminate the sides people experience and still retain/regrow their hair.
                            Good information! FYI Nature Made was originally supposed to release s-equol in California in late 2013 and then go nationwide in 2014. It's possible I could have gotten this information from your post. I emailed Nature Made after they missed their initial release time frame and was told that there were quality control issues with the manufacturing process. They gave me no indication of how long they would be delayed.


                            • cthulhu2
                              • Jun 2014
                              • 71

                              Originally posted by PinotQ
                              Good information! FYI Nature Made was originally supposed to release s-equol in California in late 2013 and then go nationwide in 2014. It's possible I could have gotten this information from your post. I emailed Nature Made after they missed their initial release time frame and was told that there were quality control issues with the manufacturing process. They gave me no indication of how long they would be delayed.
                              Well that's good news to me. I was worried they abandoning all plans to produce the supplement.


                              • PinotQ
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2010
                                • 188

                                Originally posted by cthulhu2
                                Well that's good news to me. I was worried they abandoning all plans to produce the supplement.
                                I am hoping that the Nature's Sunshine product I am using is high in quality and consistency. I have seen the NatureMade product and it is a large solid pill. For those that might be interested in creating their own topical, the Nature's Sunshine product is encapsulated in powder form. The thing that is a little odd is that the researchers that have done years of studies (Lund, Setchell,etc.) don't appear to be related to either the Nature's Sunshine or NatureMade products...despite the fact that they have filed patents.

