Funding Desmond to go to WCHR 2014
Just got word from Dr. Gerd Lindner (project leader of hair cloning and inventor of the bioreactor from Dr. Lauster's team) and he's got two available time slots to meet with Desmond. If anyone's got a way of reaching out to Desmond, please notify him as I'm finalizing meetup times and the location.
Thank you!Comment
Just got word from Dr. Gerd Lindner (project leader of hair cloning and inventor of the bioreactor from Dr. Lauster's team) and he's got two available time slots to meet with Desmond. If anyone's got a way of reaching out to Desmond, please notify him as I'm finalizing meetup times and the location.
Thank you!
Have you reached out to Cots/Follica? If you have what are they saying to you?Comment
Just got word from Beren Atac that Dr. Lauster will not be attending, but the inventor and project leader of the hair cloning technology in the group, Dr. Lindner will be there.
Desmond, you've got a time window of 10-11am on Thursday for Q&A on current developments with him! Location isn't yet determined, but I'm working on it! I'll let you know once I get more details from Beren Atac!
I'm in Seoul tonight flying out to Jeju Island tomorrow morning. BTW thanks for the offers our Korean members. I actually have 2 friends in Seoul who have been kind enough to take me around.
Helouser you already got in touch with them? That is amazing brother. Great work. I was planning to go and introduce myself to all the researchers and ask for an interview. This makes things so much easier.
I have access to wifi as of today which will male things so much easier.
I've locked this time into my diary.Comment
Just got word from Dr. Gerd Lindner (project leader of hair cloning and inventor of the bioreactor from Dr. Lauster's team) and he's got two available time slots to meet with Desmond. If anyone's got a way of reaching out to Desmond, please notify him as I'm finalizing meetup times and the location.
Thank you!
BTW guys please make a thread about what lectures you want me to record.
I'm try and record the ones I originally posted. What else do you wanna see?Comment
Thank you for welcoming me, Sogeking. I am beyond bitter, especially for my son, so I feel I can empathize with the feelings expressed here.Comment
Just got word from Dr. Gerd Lindner (project leader of hair cloning and inventor of the bioreactor from Dr. Lauster's team) and he's got two available time slots to meet with Desmond. If anyone's got a way of reaching out to Desmond, please notify him as I'm finalizing meetup times and the location.
Thank you!Comment
Bummer! I just heard back from both Dr. Cotsarelis' administrator:
Hi Hellouser,
I had forwarded Dr. Cotsarelis your message below, asking him to let me know if he would have any time available to chat with Desmond. Unfortunately, his schedule must be full, as he did not provide me with any times available.
Thank you for following up and I apologize for any inconvenience.
Hi Hellouser,
Thanks for your note, but unfortunately, neither Colin nor I will be attending the meeting in Korea this week. Happy to talk with this student another time though, thanks for your interest in our work, angela
Title says it all! Let's organize some questions for Desmond to ask the top guys. Members can post questions they want to see asked and if you agree with a question then you can quote it, followed by a "+1". You are not allowed to vote more than once for the same question. Since the forum does not allow editingComment
However, this doesn't necessarily mean they are particularly close to anything. It's just the way a wise CEO would actComment
Hi I'm new,I'm not going to go through a sob story about how I'm losing my hair I just wanna know if there's any more progress with Desmond ?the work you guys are doing with this is amazing ,just for the record Hellouser ,youre amazing man and Desmond youre my new role model.sorry I couldn't donate guys I'm only 16 with no paypal account.and to everyone else,great job ,great ****ing job.Comment