Funding Desmond to go to WCHR 2014

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  • thechamp
    What happened to piloxll???

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  • sdsurfin
    Originally posted by Molten
    I agree with you about more effective preventative treatments coming online within the next decade or so. The research going into the CB vehicle looks promising and they just need to iron out a few technical problems before going mainstream with it. This will be an effective "cure" for future generations that really only requires careful attention to one's hair every now and then.

    This is where I'll have to disagree. This is really a sad case of the devil being in the details. The problem of creating viable hair follicles in the lab is a completely different beast than transplanting them and expecting them to function as well as the native follicles. The former will likely be demonstrated sometime soon (if it hasn't already), but I don't think the latter will happen anytime soon at all and will probably require many extensive breakthroughs over many decades to achieve any sort of results. The problem is simply many more times difficult than it would appear.

    No disagreement here.

    Well the scientists working on this don't seem to be of the same opinion. considering they are creating skin from scratch these days, I'm sure they'll find some way to encase or support the follicle, and the new treatments like replicel will help to keep it healthy. I think the hard part is actually building a lot of new working follicles, but i wouldn't say ten years is unrealistic for that to happen. One huge question mught be: do the hair cells infulence their surroundings more than their surroundings influence them? if the former is true then there might be less problems to deal with. we shall see.

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  • bananana
    I haven't read everything concerning WCHR, simple because I don't have the time, but as it seems A LOT of positive stuff is going on, everything is developing with exponential rate, new teams are kicking in, we have far better understanding of MPB than we had just 10 years ago. Just take a look at this
    Articles like these come BY THE HOUR! My software company is working on stuff that was labeled sci fi just 5, 6 years ago...

    There is no doubt in my mind that treatments far better than "the big three" are close and the full blown NW7-1 cure is less than 10 years away.
    Keep the optimism up guys.

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  • Arashi
    Originally posted by sascha
    Well if you read through the information Dr. Gardner gave us all this timeline bull is invalid. It happens when it happens and than it will occure rapidly. Guys need to stop to write these kind of posts.

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  • sascha
    Well if you read through the information Dr. Gardner gave us all this timeline bull is invalid. It happens when it happens and than it will occure rapidly. Guys need to stop to write these kind of posts. We should concentrate on the good things. Cotsarelis never entioned anything like quitting or failing. Histogen is on its course. so is CB. replicel too and they also have the new japanese regulations.

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  • Sogeking
    Guys, I am really glad we sent Desmond to Korea. Great work.
    And now to comment:
    I'm disappointed because I though all of this is 10y years away. Its not it is 15+ years away .

    The biggest let down was from Follica I guess. Dr. Cotsarelis is a scientist he has no real motivation to bring anything to the market and that is why they can't get funding to bring anything to the market. He let Puretech ventures deal with all of that but I don't think there is any point to wait for that.

    The quickest products to the market seem to be Replicel and CB. I really really hope Replicel will manage to increase efficacy from the Phase 1 trials but if they are going with the unchanged treatment than that won't do us much good, unless it can stopp the progression of hair loss.


    Hey mate, I get what you are saying but you have to realize that not anyone can become a white collar worker with 65k per year income, especially if one is not born in USA but in a developing country. 40- 60k $ treatment is bloody a lot, I earn around 15k per year in my country, which is enough for me to live comfortably, now imagine how much would I need to to save for a treatment. But anyway there is no point in discussing it on the forum, the provider of the treatment will set the price and the only thing that can affect it is the market, however who ever offers the treatment with growing new follicles without limit will have monopoly on the market.

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  • Molten
    Originally posted by sdsurfin
    I think those guys who are already bald or will be very bald in the next decade are probably screwed for quite a while. and even if new follicles come in 15-20 years, they will be harder to grow in very bald scalp probably. The chances that we get a good preventative treatment in the next 8 years or so are I think quite high. I don't know what your smoking gun is, but anything that works as well as propecia without sides (and the combination of things like replicel and histogen and better chemical blockers look good) will pretty much keep an ok head of hair on my head even if they take 8 more years to come out.
    I agree with you about more effective preventative treatments coming online within the next decade or so. The research going into the CB vehicle looks promising and they just need to iron out a few technical problems before going mainstream with it. This will be an effective "cure" for future generations that really only requires careful attention to one's hair every now and then.

    Originally posted by sdsurfin
    the regeneration progress will be incremental and slow, but i dont think 15-20 years is unrealistic, seeing as they are already inducing mini follicles in skin, and growing new organs of any kind from stem cells is not a hypothetical possibility, it is an imminent reality. The roadblocks are pretty well defined, and if you study the ways that things like replicel have worked and what is needed for a new follicle to grow, then it's an educated guess to say that better stem cell maintenance treatments and eventually lab grown follicles will be a reality in the next decade (scientists like dr. xu have backed this estimate). add time for testing and fine tuning and you're looking at 15-20 to basically put new follicles all over your scalp (or at the least fill in your donor zone, which is "better soil")
    This is where I'll have to disagree. This is really a sad case of the devil being in the details. The problem of creating viable hair follicles in the lab is a completely different beast than transplanting them and expecting them to function as well as the native follicles. The former will likely be demonstrated sometime soon (if it hasn't already), but I don't think the latter will happen anytime soon at all and will probably require many extensive breakthroughs over many decades to achieve any sort of results. The problem is simply many more times difficult than it would appear.

    Originally posted by sdsurfin
    and YES it will be expensive. very. most men will still go bald. that's why you gotta go out and get that money.
    No disagreement here.

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  • Molten
    Originally posted by Thinning87
    Hahaha I'm 26 and I make 65k base. That's without my bonus. It happens to a lot of people who happened to go to a good college and study their asses off rather than drinking.
    So, basically you are a clueless person zero financial sense. The average person earning 65K base with average financial sense would laugh at the idea of dropping 40K on something as relatively trivial as hair.

    Your assumptions about me are amusing and hilarious as well. I'll be graduating in a STEM field among the top of my class and will be attending a competitive graduate school. I plan to be a research scientist/engineer and have long accepted the fact I'll max out at around 50K as most do in the field I'm going into. I've long accepted the fact I'll lose my hair and I'm alright with that, because most other balding men will as well as they too won't be able to afford this "cure".

    You also have demonstrated just how clueless you are about how the real world works. If there a direct proportional relationship between hard work and financial compensation, then average salaries would easily be in the 6 figures. However, most rational people understand basic economics and know that this is simply a naive worldview about the world at best and a delusional fantasy at worst. Most people, regardless of how hard they work, will earn an average salary of 40-60K over the course of their lifetime. This is statistical fact.

    Originally posted by Thinning87
    If you cannot afford a 80k treatment for somethig as stupid as hair then it is your fault because the world doesn't owe you financial support to make your hair grow back.
    You might want to work on your reading comprehension. No one is asking for a handout, just stating the facts that this "cure" will not be available to almost all balding men. The average middle class person who is not a moron has enough financial sense to know that there are many more pressing things to spend 40K on than hair.

    Originally posted by Thinning87
    For those like me, there will be financing options. For this like you, who will earn 40k as a middle aged man, hair or no hair does not matter because the ladies tend to find hair less important and other aspects of the man, including his ability to financially support a family, will become more important as you age.
    Last I checked, statistically speaking, the median household earning (for both the man and woman) is 50K and most people manage to do just fine.

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  • Thinning87
    Originally posted by Molten
    You sound incredibly spoiled and have absolutely no real concept of how the majority of people earn their living. "You should work more". What an absolute joke. Because most employers are going to allow and pay you to work 80 hours a week just to afford this?

    Again, that still doesn't change the fact I raised in my post. The vast majority of balding men (95%) will not be able to afford this, and for most men, spending their yearly salary or even half of it will be extremely frowned upon and seen as completely socially unacceptable. Statistics don't lie, and statistically speaking, 40K is practically a small fortune for all men other than the extremely wealth.
    Hahaha I'm 26 and I make 65k base. That's without my bonus. It happens to a lot of people who happened to go to a good college and study their asses off rather than drinking. If you cannot afford a 80k treatment for somethig as stupid as hair then it is your fault because the world doesn't owe you financial support to make your hair grow back. For those like me, there will be financing options. For this like you, who will earn 40k as a middle aged man, hair or no hair does not matter because the ladies tend to find hair less important and other aspects of the man, including his ability to financially support a family, will become more important as you age.

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  • Molten
    Originally posted by Thinning87
    Yeah ok. I just feel bad for you if you think 40k is a lot. You should work more. I don't care what you think women want. Just start working for your own sake.
    You sound incredibly spoiled and have absolutely no real concept of how the majority of people earn their living. "You should work more". What an absolute joke. Because most employers are going to allow and pay you to work 80 hours a week just to afford this?

    Again, that still doesn't change the fact I raised in my post. The vast majority of balding men (95&#37 will not be able to afford this, and for most men, spending their yearly salary or even half of it will be extremely frowned upon and seen as completely socially unacceptable. Statistics don't lie, and statistically speaking, 40K is practically a small fortune for all men other than the extremely wealth. Hence, this "cure" is useless to just about every balding man out there and finasteride/minoxidil will still be the only effective treatment for the foreseeable future.

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  • Thinning87
    Originally posted by Molten
    Because the average middle-class Joe who earns 40K at his average job (which is the national median salary) will have 40-60K to blow on this treatment, right? It sure sounds like you're calling the vast majority of people poor as only 5% of men in the country can reasonably expect to afford this treatment, and I doubt it will ever get much cheaper, at least anytime in the near future after its released.

    Lol if you actually think good looking women care that much about money, only gold-diggers do and you need to be a multi-millionaire to register on their radar. The good looking NW0 guy is much more desired to women these days than the average looking NW2 guy making low 6 figures as a professional.
    Yeah ok. I just feel bad for you if you think 40k is a lot. You should work more. I don't care what you think women want. Just start working for your own sake.

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  • Molten
    Originally posted by Thinning87
    That's an astronomical cost only if you're poor, in which case you'll have better luck letting your hair grow but keeping some money to pay the bills. You won't get a good looking woman either way.
    Because the average middle-class Joe who earns 40K at his average job (which is the national median salary) will have 40-60K to blow on this treatment, right? It sure sounds like you're calling the vast majority of people poor as only 5% of men in the country can reasonably expect to afford this treatment, and I doubt it will ever get much cheaper, at least anytime in the near future after its released.

    Lol if you actually think good looking women care that much about money, only gold-diggers do and you need to be a multi-millionaire to register on their radar. The good looking NW0 guy is much more desired to women these days than the average looking NW2 guy making low 6 figures as a professional.

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  • Thinning87
    Originally posted by Molten
    I've been following for this time and, suffice to say, I'm not that impressed unfortunately. Call me a pessimist if you will, but I simply do not see these breakthroughs leading to an actual, affordable cure within any of our lifetimes.

    These scientific breakthroughs are great and these scientists should pat themselves on the back, but there is no "smoking gun" cure that is in the pipeline. It sounds like sensationalism to me. That isn't to say there won't be a cure, but it's going to require many, many decades of incremental scientific and technical breakthroughs before an actual cure is on the market and the cost will be absolutely astronomical at at least the price of 3 current HTs. I can only see it as a luxury of the extremely wealthy and not the average balding Joe who already struggles to afford even a single subpar HT.
    That's an astronomical cost only if you're poor, in which case you'll have better luck letting your hair grow but keeping some money to pay the bills. You won't get a good looking woman either way.

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  • sdsurfin
    Originally posted by Molten
    I've been following for this time and, suffice to say, I'm not that impressed unfortunately. Call me a pessimist if you will, but I simply do not see these breakthroughs leading to an actual, affordable cure within any of our lifetimes.

    These scientific breakthroughs are great and these scientists should pat themselves on the back, but there is no "smoking gun" cure that is in the pipeline. It sounds like sensationalism to me. That isn't to say there won't be a cure, but it's going to require many, many decades of incremental scientific and technical breakthroughs before an actual cure is on the market and the cost will be absolutely astronomical at at least the price of 3 current HTs. I can only see it as a luxury of the extremely wealthy and not the average balding Joe who already struggles to afford even a single subpar HT.
    I think those guys who are already bald or will be very bald in the next decade are probably screwed for quite a while. and even if new follicles come in 15-20 years, they will be harder to grow in very bald scalp probably. The chances that we get a good preventative treatment in the next 8 years or so are I think quite high. I don't know what your smoking gun is, but anything that works as well as propecia without sides (and the combination of things like replicel and histogen and better chemical blockers look good) will pretty much keep an ok head of hair on my head even if they take 8 more years to come out.

    the regeneration progress will be incremental and slow, but i dont think 15-20 years is unrealistic, seeing as they are already inducing mini follicles in skin, and growing new organs of any kind from stem cells is not a hypothetical possibility, it is an imminent reality. The roadblocks are pretty well defined, and if you study the ways that things like replicel have worked and what is needed for a new follicle to grow, then it's an educated guess to say that better stem cell maintenance treatments and eventually lab grown follicles will be a reality in the next decade (scientists like dr. xu have backed this estimate). add time for testing and fine tuning and you're looking at 15-20 to basically put new follicles all over your scalp (or at the least fill in your donor zone, which is "better soil")

    and YES it will be expensive. very. most men will still go bald. that's why you gotta go out and get that money.

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  • Molten
    I've been following for this time and, suffice to say, I'm not that impressed unfortunately. Call me a pessimist if you will, but I simply do not see these breakthroughs leading to an actual, affordable cure within any of our lifetimes.

    These scientific breakthroughs are great and these scientists should pat themselves on the back, but there is no "smoking gun" cure that is in the pipeline. It sounds like sensationalism to me. That isn't to say there won't be a cure, but it's going to require many, many decades of incremental scientific and technical breakthroughs before an actual cure is on the market and the cost will be absolutely astronomical at at least the price of 3 current HTs. I can only see it as a luxury of the extremely wealthy and not the average balding Joe who already struggles to afford even a single subpar HT.

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