Biothera Clinics

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  • Winston
    • Mar 2009
    • 943

    It’s so sad that these companies still get away with this crap! The only reason the guarantee is offered is to give customers as sense that they have nothing to lose. These places do not give refunds! It's a scam!


    • namratasnv
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2010
      • 17

      I have not heard about this clinic but I really want to know about this as, it is like I can suggest about this clinic to everyone who are staying nearer to this and can get facilitated.



      • alcany
        Junior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 2

        hey you guys. Just wanted to give my 2 cents.

        In Edmonton we had another laser clinic called "international laser clinic".
        It seem legit; with a BBB sticker, a licence. It even went to health and beauty shows promoting it self.

        Then in i think mid 2008, they just packed up and left! This was on Trouble shooters on Globle TV. The office they had was just empty, and no one could contact the owners.

        So what im saying is becareful! I'be been to both 'internation laser clininc' and 'biothea' consultation. And Im glad I didnt shell out any money.

        And have you checked out biotheras site? They claim to do everything 'hairloss, weight loss, quit smoking, thermal wrap."

        If you wanna do try laser, at least try a DIY 1st. couple hundred cheaper!

        Oh, lastthing, the 'result guarentee' isnt really a 100% thing. ANY results is a good result! They'll claim you're getting growth even if your not!

        Good luck guys. We're all in this together.


        • snakeoids
          Junior Member
          • Apr 2010
          • 1

          home laser

          Just my two cents:
          -Biothera is hugely expensive
          -Lasers are fda approved for safety only; not effectiveness
          -My family physician has his own hair laser clinic and showed me the great results (intouched photos) of his patients.

          It's anybodies guess if laser treatment will really work or not. My solution was purchasing a home laser hood for $800. By do this, it's not an incredible amount of money to spend, and the only other factor at risk if it doesn't work is time spent under a hood of lasers.

          The company that I got if from is called Lasermax. It is a full hood of lasers. These lasers use the same frequency laser as regular hair clinics. I went for the largest model. It comes with a stand. Just set it up and sit under the hood while watching TV. I have been at it for almost 4 months. They say that it takes at least 4-6 months before seeing a result. I'll keep you posted on progress.



          • crpl_hicks
            Junior Member
            • Dec 2009
            • 14

            Biothera is a Scam!

            Surprise, surprise. I contacted the Edmonton Better Business Bureau regarding Biothera's questionable business practices & how they "honour" their guarentee. I have been notified, that after several attempts, Biothera has refused to respond to their inquiry. Yet again this shows that Biothera KNOWS they are SCREWING clients & would rather ignore complaints than defend themselves to the BBB.

            I think this should be a warning sign for any of you who have expressed intrest in Biothera. And for those who have extended their sessions for another 6 months & hoping for results, you will be in the same spot you are now, just delayed. I urge you to file complaints against Biothera, as this is a way to reflect to potential clients that Biothera is a scam.

            I am planning to contact Alberta Service, the government version of the BBB & see if they have any effect on Biothera. Probably not becasue Biothera obviously feels they can act without reprisal.


            • crpl_hicks
              Junior Member
              • Dec 2009
              • 14

              Biothera Ripping You Off

              I filed a complaint with Service Alberta and had a discussion with an agent & of course Biothera, yet again has the upper hand on those people that get ripped off. It basically boils down to biothera's word against yours. Because I had no witness during the consultation (where they tell you that your an ideal candidate & convince you that you will have success & because of their "guarentee" you have nothing to lose)there is little Service Alberta will do. They need some hard evidence.

              The one way they would investigate is if they start getting more complaints against Biothera. So Again, I encourage anyone & everyone who was ripped off by Biothera to complain to the...

              Better Business Bureau


              Service Alberta

              If you are okay with being taken advantage of, then do nothing. If your pissed about being lied to & taken for a ride, then take a few minutes to tell your story & get back at biothera. If everyone complained about how Biothera tries to convince you to sign up & then fails to deliver, then maybe something will happen.


              • jdonovan
                Junior Member
                • Jun 2010
                • 1

                Biothera is a scam

                BEWARE - DO NOT BE FOOLED by BIOTHERA CLINIC in Vancouver, BC. It is too late for me now, but not for YOU. I had the same experience as J from Edmonton. But whoever you are thinking of signing up for BIOTHERA - BEWARE it is nothing but 100% a SCAM. NO HAIR will grow because of this laser treatment, it is just your normal hair growth. SAVE YOUR MONEY for better things.

                They guarantee hair growth in 6 months to one year. BEWARE - this is a SCAM, HOAX, FALSE HOPE. This clinic is run by very slick, smooth-talking bunch of impostors. SAVE YOUR MONEY and be happy with what you've got. Whoever you are I hope you read this. I wish someone posted a WARNING but some are just embarassed by admitting they've been HAD. It is a TOTAL RIP-OFF. You don't know how lucky you are to have read this. I hope you have not started the treatment, which is a LOAD OF CRAP. Whoever supports BIOTHERA is an accessory to this big CON GAME. DO NOT BE DECEIVED by their expensive ADVERTISING or you will end up like me. HAIRLESS & MONEYLESS.

                It is unfortunate that consumers are not protected but I am glad we have this blog of HONEST,CONCERNED citizens. Once again, DO NOT BE FOOLED BY BIOTHERA. BIOTHERA = TRICK = SCAM = CHEAT = LIARS = RIP-OFF = NO CONSCIENCE = CON ARTISTS. I cannot wait for the day that they close down their business.


                • Fisdemous
                  Junior Member
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 2

                  Long time Biothera Clinic Client

                  I'm probably Biothera / International Laser Clinic's longest client so I can shed some light on the subject.

                  I started in Calgary when they opened their doors in around 2005 and my hair loss was just starting. They since changed the name to Biothera. I now live in Vancouver and go to the clinic here.

                  My hair loss just started and I caught it early, I wasn't yet bald but it was starting. Hair falling out everywhere.

                  -The Shampoo they give you works well enough, easy on the scalp
                  -The drops they give you stimulate the scalp and get some blood flowing, but I actually found it to be too harsh for my scalp so I use them every other day with wet hair and it helps.
                  -The home laser they give you does nothing. Runs on batteries so you have to constantly buy batteries.
                  -The hood lasers do very little. They helped fill in what was going to be a bald spot in the back of my head but that's it.
                  -Calgary has a "high intensity" laser that actually worked quite well. My hair got thicker with use with this laser. Now however in Vancouver they don't have this high intensity laser so I'm out of luck.

                  Basically it's hugely expensive, and time consuming, but over the last 6 years I have significantly slowed my hair loss and actually maintained quite a full head of hair.

                  I did of course continue to use 1mg Finasteride and 5% Minox every day. That's about all you can do.

                  Bottom line, if you have hair and you are trying to keep it, laser will help. You won't re-grow hair and it won't completely stop hair loss, but I would say it bought me a number of years of a head of hair.


                  • mehairless
                    Junior Member
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 2

                    Well, now - you see? You can't definitely say that it was Biothera that stopped your hairloss when you've been on propecia and minoxidol...


                    • Fisdemous
                      Junior Member
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 2

                      Very True

                      Biothera told me I could stop Finasteride and Minox and that the laser treatment would be enough. I didn't risk it however; I kept using the two actually proven treatments along with laser to give myself the best chance for success.

                      Honestly, I think Finasteride and Minox is the most important treatment anyone can do for pattern baldness to slow it down. In my case the laser treatments did help. That's why I stayed with the program so long.

                      Twice now I have tried stopping the laser treatments alltogether and gone about 6 months without to see if it made any difference and my hair really shed after 2-3 months without. I usually freak out at this point and sign on again for another year.

                      I think they do lie to people about the results to expect, and it is way overpriced for the results you do get, but if you want to do everything you can to try to maintain the hair you have until there is an actual cure for pattern baldness, it has helped my existing treatments. Just go in with realistic expectations. I wouldn't rely on laser 100% either.


                      • crpl_hicks
                        Junior Member
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 14

                        Biothera NOT the answer

                        I agree with the above posters in regards to using other, better methods. Biothera's program will NOT grow hair nor will it stop hair loss.

                        I have tried Propecia & because my thin hair is @ the front, Propecia will not be as effective. While it may be true that a laser may increase the apparent thickness of the hair follicle, that is not the same as increasing hair density, as Biothera claims it will do.

                        There are several reasons NOT to trust Biothera, they come across as "snake oil" salesmen, with no integrity. I have been lied to, face to face, told by their Program Coordinator that she doesn't have anything to do with refunds, yet her name was on the rejection letter.

                        I am more upset with the lies & deception, than I am with the fact that the laser program didn't work.


                        • JPG
                          Junior Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 1

                          Biothera got an "F" in their newest rating with the Better Business Bureau. Tread carefully.


                          • nikole957
                            Junior Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 1

                            Originally posted by Winston
                            Unfortunately it is common knowledge that these types of laser clinics are nothing more then businesses that do very little to help people with their hair loss. If you are going to try lasers you should pick up a home laser comb to give it a try. They are much cheaper and will do the exact same thing.
                            Any clinic that claims you are a candidate for a treatment that everyone is a candidate for should be your first red flag. Sounds like you've been taken for a ride unfortunately.
                            I'm in Vancouver and I was thinking about trying this in 3-4 months too if I don't see further result from Proscar as by then it would be about my 10 months with Proscar.

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                            • JAY4X4
                              Junior Member
                              • Jun 2011
                              • 1

                              , I usually don’t write these sorta things , but it seems that it’s a good way to get things out there .
                              To you men out there , im a 29 year old man that was losing my hair , after months and months of looking for ways to keep my hair and not losing any. I found Biothera . I heard there ads on the radio ..

                              And decided to make the call , It was the best thing that I have ever done , been there for there one year program , and my top of my head ( crown area ) is the technical word that they use was filled in .

                              I saw my year end photos , that they kept track from start of my program, to the end , So you men out there who are looking to save your hair check out biothera clinics .


                              • Thinner
                                Junior Member
                                • Jul 2011
                                • 1

                                Everyone absolutely needs to know the truth about it all.

                                (The Real Truth).

                                I'm 31 years old and was about 24 when my hair started to thin.

                                Let me start by saying that in my opinion my hair is falling out fast, thinning rapidly and it's so noticeable to me. In the opinions of others, I don't appear to have lost any hair at all.

                                I have tried pretty much everything for years, and currently I'm off everything.

                                I've read every study, spoke to several doctors and have tried many things.

                                Here are the facts that you should know about hair loss and treatment, I've read this entire thread and feel I need to let my fellow Vancouverites in on some knowledge. Hopefully this will totally help some of you guys out with some secrets that I have learned. And hey, unlike those jerks, this is free of charge.

                                If you have MPB, you are going to lose your hair. It's genetic and despite any laser treatments, hormonal medications or panic and stress this may cause - It's going to happen and seriously try not worry about it. Ask a bald person how to shave your head and hey, hats are in these days.

                                My first girlfriend when I was 18 years old was ssssmoking hot and actually liked bald men. She even wanted me to shave my head. I didn't. She was nuts. But I say this to assure you that even though you might be going bald, there comes a time in life where everyone becomes aware that we are all getting older, and losing hair isn't the end of the world! Think of all the famous people that are balding and all the bald people that are still cool and awesome. They can't do anything about it either. It happens. It's difficult to see changes in yourself, but it's okay. Be glad you are healthy.

                                Hair loss for some is hormonal. Through various stages in life and by aging, your hormones change causing hair loss. Which is why drugs like propecia, proscar or avodart work sometimes in people and sometimes better with some other people.

                                So this may mean without doing anything you could have thinning hair for awhile, and it will stop at a point, then a couple years later you might have some more, and etc etc.

                                Proscar cut into 4's has the best results. Avodart works the same but also changes a chemical in the brain. Because of this reason, most doctors will recommend Proscar.

                                Proscar is usually prescribed for men with enlarged prostate. So this medication will shrink your prostate. You may initially experience urination problems, like having to go in the middle of the night. This usually goes away fairly quickly because your body will adapt to these very small doses.

                                It's common for a shedding phase, since when it starts to work, it grows all the hairs at the same cycle, so it's all growing at the same time - all at once. You might notice after a shedding cycle that the hairs have stopped falling out after 6-8 months. For some this might be enough to make them happy. Continued use may result in some hair regrowing back, which usually happens after a year.

                                These medications (like proscar) work by reducing the chemical your testosterone produces (DHT) and leaves on your scalp. This causes your hair follicles to shrink and cut off the blood flow to the hair and thus results in the hair thinning to the point where it can't grow and it falls out.

                                They (your doctors) legally have to warn that you will have an increased risk of prostate cancer with use of these medications, based on the FDA studies. The studies have shown that there is a slight increase of risk. However, this is derived mainly because of the fact that it will prevent the symptoms of early stages of prostate cancer and thus stop detection. So based on the studies, the findings actually don't prove it can cause cancer, however if you were going to get prostate cancer anyways, it actually makes it less likely you'll catch it early and be able to save your life. So that's somewhat of a red flag there and you should really decide for yourself if you'd rather be bald and alive or die later in life with a full head of hair.

                                If you have taken these medication for a few years time. Ask your doctor about symptoms or possible tests. You should ask get in the habit of having regular blood tests for things like this.

                                Proscar will have some mild symptoms while taking it. For example it will mess with your mood, just a little. It will make you a little dizzy sometimes and cause a little bit of depression. For people more prone to these things already, it will be more noticeable. To people that don't, you'll probably never notice it.
                                It will curb a lot of your sexual urges, so your desire will be less often. In some cases, men that are less macho by nature actually become a little more feminine.
                                However, a side effect to this is displacement of testosterone. Some side effects result in muscle growth and performance enhancement. This is a reason why this drug is a banned substance in many professional sports.

                                Rogaine or store brand hair regrowth generally help a little. They are designed to increase blood flow to the head, which, over time and continued use starts to thicken the hair and give you softer and healthier hair. It can't really regrow a lot of hair, but it has proven to help keep some.

                                Some things you may have never heard of before are things like biotin.

                                Biotin is a natural vitamin you can take that makes your hair and nails thicker. It takes about 6 months of taking one concentrated capsule a day before you notice anything, but you will see your hair will become thicker. And thicker hair doesn't hurt.
                                Everyone will experience this. This is just what it does.

                                It also doesn't hurt to take a B complex vitamin. Vitamin B for your health and mind does wonders.

                                If you haven't switched to advanced higher quality hair-thickening shampoos, do it. Some products even like Pantene Pro-V for thinning hair are a good start. It's also best to alternate shampoos and use a thickening conditioner as well.
                                This will keep your hair hydrated, and even drinking more water helps too. If you have dry or thin and sharp hair, it means you aren't treating it well, which sucks.

                                Another thing. Stop touching your hair. The oils from your hair go to your scalp and clog the follicles. This can speed up the thinning process and result in your hair falling out faster.

                                Brushing is a waste of time. It can do more damage than good if it's the wrong kind of brush. And no, brushing does not move the oils through your hair to help split ends. It works for girls because they have long hair, generally men (and balding men) don't have very long hair, so this makes no difference.

                                Another great product is called Nizoral. It's actually an anti-dandruff shampoo which you can find in any London Drugs Shampoo section. It's a very strong anti-dandruff shampoo, but actually has an interesting side effect. The medicine in this shampoo is intended to get rid of dry scalp but also actually works partly in removing DHT from the surface of the scalp. It's what causes baldness, so it's good to use every once in awhile. All you need is a pearl sized drop every few days and you'll be doing your scalp some good. It's not HUGE, but it helps a little.

                                Now, this Biothera stuff. Unfortunately laser light therapy is NOT proven or backed up by facts. Let's just get this real fact out there right away.

                                However laser treatment works much like rogaine and stimulates the scalp. So people have seen what appears to be things filling in. It's actually making what you have thicker. Unfortunately it's not permanent and needs to be used a lot to have noticeable effects. Saying it regrows hair is a gimmick, and it's absolutely equal to those $18 laser therapy combs you can by from gadget sites online. If you are a good canditate for laser therapy, you don't have MPB, you most likely have thinning hair due to reduced blood flow, bad nutrition and aging. Laser treatment can slow this down, can keep the fine hairs that you have healthy and produce new little peach fuzz hairs which you can't really see unless you are under a microscope.

                                Well there you have it! Better than what a doctor will give you and it's the unbiased truth.
                                Have a good night.

