Complete RU58841 Usage Guide

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  • Tenma
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2013
    • 172

    Tenma, Do you mean January 2015 or January 2014? And any idea how many mg's of ru you apply daily? Once or twice? Thanks
    Started January 2015.

    I use the 5% concentration, 1 ml (50 mg) per day


    • diffuse
      • Feb 2015
      • 35

      sides form RU

      Do u guys get sides from RU (erection problems)? I'm using it with dermaroller 1mm since the end of january 60 mg (so it's 2 month now) daily in 2ml (ethanol/pg) to cover my entire diffuse scalp. In the begining I had a bit of nut pain but after 2 weeks it was gone and had zero sides. About a week ago i started noticing erection problems. My hair is great i have amazing results i will post pictures next months. I don't want to give up, do you think by lowering the dose down to 40mg could help??? I missed 1 application because i wanted to see what happens with my libido and erection and the sides were gone. Would it be effective if i use it every other day?

      Please don't ignore me guys.



      • PinotQ
        Senior Member
        • May 2010
        • 188

        Originally posted by diffuse
        Do u guys get sides from RU (erection problems)? I'm using it with dermaroller 1mm since the end of january 60 mg (so it's 2 month now) daily in 2ml (ethanol/pg) to cover my entire diffuse scalp. In the begining I had a bit of nut pain but after 2 weeks it was gone and had zero sides. About a week ago i started noticing erection problems. My hair is great i have amazing results i will post pictures next months. I don't want to give up, do you think by lowering the dose down to 40mg could help??? I missed 1 application because i wanted to see what happens with my libido and erection and the sides were gone. Would it be effective if i use it every other day?

        Please don't ignore me guys.

        I have been on it for 5 weeks. I started with 100mg and didn't really notice any libido or erectile issues but I have also never had any on Fin either. I did notice a sort of mild buzz in my head that seemed to last an hour or so that wasn't really a big deal. But that turned a little stronger and lasted longer at about the 3 week mark so I cut back to 60mg. Not noticing it much at all now. My hair seemed to perk up almost immediately after I started and there seemed to be a reduction in oil on my forehead and in my scalp. But my hair seems a little thinner now and although I don't count shed hairs, I did notice a few more after I showered (at about the 3rd or 4th week) but nothing drastic. Did you shed at all? Just a guess but b/c of the 1 hour half-life, it would probably be most effective when applied daily. I'm still learning and analyzing and may try a very small second application at night at the hairline. Also, where did you buy your ru?
        Last edited by PinotQ; 03-24-2015, 02:57 PM. Reason: Add question.


        • diffuse
          • Feb 2015
          • 35

          I got it from Kane. I've been trough a terrible shed form December to February lost half of my hair, now a great regrowth the hairs are still short but pigmented strong one. I loose like 5 hairs in the shower and another 5 when i apply the RU and minox i guess it's normal. If the erection problem doesn't go away by reducing the dosage i'll consider taking some mild supplement in low doses which increases free testosterone levels or an aromatase inhibitor. I think it won't harm my hair because in my scalp the dht stays blocked, but i'm not a doctor. Sorry for my english im from hungary.


          • RockyMtn
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2015
            • 21

            Originally posted by Tenma
            Thanks! is the premixed solution from anageninc (kane us and europe office i heard).

            Im a diffuse thinner so mainly existing hair but the change is really encouraging given i started ru last january.
            Do you feel like RU is showing benefits everywhere for you? I ask because I have diffuse thinning as well, and have decided it's RU time for me. Are you seeing positive things throughout the crown and front?


            • burtandernie
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2012
              • 1568

              Just out of curiosity has anyone using RU ever had any hormone tests to see their androgen levels before/after using it?


              • Tenma
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2013
                • 172

                Originally posted by RockyMtn
                Do you feel like RU is showing benefits everywhere for you? I ask because I have diffuse thinning as well, and have decided it's RU time for me. Are you seeing positive things throughout the crown and front?
                i use it only in the front, all throughout nw2-3 area.


                • Swooping
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2014
                  • 801

                  Originally posted by burtandernie
                  Just out of curiosity has anyone using RU ever had any hormone tests to see their androgen levels before/after using it?
                  Some people have. Do a google search you will find them. No changes were reported by the ones who tested it. Nonetheless non-steroidal anti-androgens don't alter hormones even if they go systemic, there might be only a slight increase in testosterone.


                  • burtandernie
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2012
                    • 1568

                    So assuming you get legit RU you think its pretty safe to use long term? I know it finished phase 2 in humans and no major issues. When people report heart issues and stuff like that it really makes me hesitant to try it. I just dont like the idea of internal drugs long term. It just seems very odd to me people getting fin like sides or heart issues from a drug that in theory only affects receptors and mainly acts locally to the scalp.


                    • burtandernie
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2012
                      • 1568

                      Originally posted by Swooping
                      Some people have. Do a google search you will find them. No changes were reported by the ones who tested it. Nonetheless non-steroidal anti-androgens don't alter hormones even if they go systemic, there might be only a slight increase in testosterone.
                      So you think RU is safer to use long term than say fin? There are people that have been on RU already for at least a year so I guess its time tested a little


                      • Swooping
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2014
                        • 801

                        Originally posted by burtandernie
                        So you think RU is safer to use long term than say fin? There are people that have been on RU already for at least a year so I guess its time tested a little
                        Can't say. Maybe, maybe not. The longest RU user is Elevation he is a 10 year user of RU at a dosage of 100-150mg a day. That's a very big dosage by the way. I find the mechanism of topical anti-androgens just more exciting. Yeah its definitely "time tested" by many users. If you really want to bring it far you could possibly test if RU accumulates systemic in your body by having your blood screened for RU and the metabolites. Anyway I can't say which one is safer. Nonetheless there is a huge chance you won't be having any problems at all with finasteride really. If you will, you could just quit and at least you would have tried it that way. The odds of you suffering from permanent side effects from it is incredibly small.


                        • burtandernie
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2012
                          • 1568

                          Its legal than to buy RU for research purposes from somewhere like I dont want to get arrested by DEA or something for buying it. Although I am thinking fin might be a safer first shot than RU.


                          • ghostrider
                            • Mar 2015
                            • 49

                            Yes ru is concodered as legal powder. It is not classiefied as a drug.

                            I have never run into issues with thekandshop or

                            Always Swift delivery and no authorities knocking on my door.

                            You'd better starting of with fin though. It's what I did in first place.


                            • lilpauly
                              Senior Member
                              • Feb 2012
                              • 1084

                              Burtanderine why don't u try a custom topical fin product ?


                              • lilpauly
                                Senior Member
                                • Feb 2012
                                • 1084

                                Ok I have some good news for patients of Dr oscar Klein, I been researching everyday in trying to find a doctor to prescribe us his formulations. Unfortunately most doctors are not interested, especially being from the uk. Dr kleins website and formulations have changed, they no longer sell more than 5% minoxidil and also they

