follicept - what's this?

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  • DanWS
    • Jul 2013
    • 68

    Originally posted by unbalding
    You do realize that anyone can pay to put out a press release on businesswire for anything, right? Just like running a classified ad.
    OK so ignore the part about it being a fantastic professor of clinical and translational medicine leading the company who put out this press release... because "anyone can do that".


    • unbalding
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2014
      • 140

      Originally posted by DanWS
      OK so ignore the part about it being a fantastic professor of clinical and translational medicine leading the company who put out this press release... because "anyone can do that".
      He wouldn't be the first such "respected" professional to peddle a scam. Let me guess, you also fall for every penny stock that comes along too?

      I hope this works, but don't get your hopes up. It wouldn't be the first seemingly promising treatment to come along and do nothing.


      • DanWS
        • Jul 2013
        • 68

        Originally posted by unbalding
        Let me guess, you also fall for every penny stock that comes along too?
        Yeah alright genius because you're clearly the epitome of wisdom around here. Lol.


        • unbalding
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2014
          • 140

          Originally posted by DanWS
          Yeah alright genius because you're clearly the epitome of wisdom around here. Lol.
          Thanks for the compliment. Have a nice day


          • willy
            • Feb 2012
            • 31

            To me this totally smells like a typical scam..

            - pay a website to make a "news" article on it - just like "penny" !
            - base the product on believable science - ie use growth factors that everyone knows can theoretically grow hair
            - ask for investors
            - ask for customers ( first come first served ) before official product launch ~ Fall 2015... "you can it in on the action early! lol"

            To me, this sounds completely ridiculous. These guys are laughing at us all the way to the bank.


            • Conpecia
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2011
              • 911

              Guys... it's a photo of an arm. Can we at least see a picture of a bald head before we start creaming our pants...

              I'm not sure how long many of you have been around, but this falls right in line with the recent trend in prospective hair loss treatments I've seen over the past couple years. They're not "snake oils" in the scam artist sense of the word. And they're backed by legit science. And a few people get minimal results. But for whatever reason they don't work well enough and everyone drops them and they fade out after 6-8 months.

              If you want to save your hair, start early, and take propecia, or dutasteride, or RU. If you have unacceptable sides with one, try another. I had horrible sides on finasteride but have had no sides on dutasteride every other day for 1.5 years and RU 5x a week for about 6 months. I'm 30 and my hair looks good enough to pass, even though I was NW2 by 18 and losing ground fast. If nothing works or everything gives you sides, you need to shave your head and move on. Once it's gone it's gone, unless you stop it before NW3 and get a transplant. That's the best we have for the time being. If you're on the fence about anti-androgens, it's your call but that is literally the only thing that will stop your hair loss in 2015. Sucks but it's the truth.


              • sdsurfin
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2013
                • 713

                I can't figure out if IGF-1 is bad for hair or good for hair. have seen several studies linking high levels of IGF-1 to increased linkage with vertex balding. Other articles say that DP cells make IGF-1 and that it grows hair, but those have been on mice. Id have to say the proof is gonna have to be in the pudding here, I have no idea whether this idea will make hair better or worse just by looking at the science. hopefully whoever is behind this knows more than I do.


                • Swooping
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2014
                  • 801

                  Won't work at all. Has been tried ages ago. People have tried IGF-1 even in a topical nano formulation which is even better than liposome as the individual particle size is smaller and thus delivers deeper into the hair follicle. Bodybuilders use IGF-1/IGF-1LR3 for ages. They have also injected this into their scalp. Everything came out with basically nothing.

                  Look this study for example;

                  Effects of topical application of growth factors followed by microneedle therapy in women with female pattern hair loss: A pilot study
                  The major components of the topical solution used for treatment were basic fibroblast growth factor (2.5 lg/mL), insulin-like growth factor-1 (1 lg/mL), vascular endothelial growth factor (2.5 lg/mL), stem cell factor (2.5 lg/mL), keratinocyte growth factor-2 (2.5 lg/mL), superoxide dismutase-1 (5 lg/mL) and Noggin (2.5 lg/mL). The target proteins were produced using the KGMP facility for pharmaceuticals at the Daejeon Bio Venture Town (Daejeon, Korea).The Escherichia coli host strain used in this study was BL21 (DE3) whose chromosome carries the T7 RNA polymerase gene under the control of the lacUV5 promoter.
                  People have tried exactly the same formulation as this, yet it didn't work or barely. I think people really underestimate what some people have tried. If IGF-1 would work that well guys everyone would use it already. It's really simple as that. Again I don't want to be a downer, I'm just providing you reality here.


                  • noisette
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2013
                    • 260

                    Originally posted by Swooping
                    Won't work at all. Has been tried ages ago. People have tried IGF-1 even in a topical nano formulation which is even better than liposome as the individual particle size is smaller and thus delivers deeper into the hair follicle. Bodybuilders use IGF-1/IGF-1LR3 for ages. They have also injected this into their scalp. Everything came out with basically nothing.

                    Look this study for example;

                    People have tried exactly the same formulation as this, yet it didn't work or barely. I think people really underestimate what some people have tried. If IGF-1 would work that well guys everyone would use it already. It's really simple as that. Again I don't want to be a downer, I'm just providing you reality here.
                    Perhaps, it's just a question about the good vehicule ? IGF-1 could be a good thing to stimulate hair growth. Let's wait and see how this topical treatment works.

                    I want to begin the Dr Klein's product with Susan.. but I'm afraid about the side effects. So I take my time before beginning anything. I think to test it (folliconcept) . Who knows, perhaps we will surprise about the results. If it don't works, I will use Dr Klein's product with the great help of Jazz

                    I get in touch with them and they told me this : " Can you also let people know that the issue is that IGF-1 has been known to work, but safe and effective delivery has been the issue? It’s our transdermal delivery technology that allows that to happen. We aren’t reinventing the wheel here, just putting the car in drive."


                    • sdsurfin
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2013
                      • 713

                      Originally posted by Swooping
                      Won't work at all. Has been tried ages ago. People have tried IGF-1 even in a topical nano formulation which is even better than liposome as the individual particle size is smaller and thus delivers deeper into the hair follicle. Bodybuilders use IGF-1/IGF-1LR3 for ages. They have also injected this into their scalp. Everything came out with basically nothing.

                      Look this study for example;

                      People have tried exactly the same formulation as this, yet it didn't work or barely. I think people really underestimate what some people have tried. If IGF-1 would work that well guys everyone would use it already. It's really simple as that. Again I don't want to be a downer, I'm just providing you reality here.
                      From what I can tell IGF in the bloodstream does nothing for hair, but inside the follicle it could. so bodybuilders using it wouldn't have noticed anything unless they were directly putting it into the follicle. as for that korean study it is all blurred out and I can't tell much from the paragraph you posted, Im not sure how they were conducting the delivery of these factors or what the bacterial aspect was all about. also these were women. I think we probably do just have to see how this plays out, but I'm definitely skeptical as well.


                      • Swooping
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2014
                        • 801

                        Here you go you can even buy it;!treatments/cee5.

                        Full study;

                        Btw korea has been loading IGF-1 for ages in their topical cosmetics, liposome as nanosome (for follicular delivery, due to small particle size) derived from e.coli, this will be no different really.


                        • noisette
                          Senior Member
                          • Jun 2013
                          • 260


                          I have an answer from them, by email. Wait and see how their product works I'm optimist even if we have seen some snake oils over the years.... I hope follicept works with a link to a video.

                          here an answer : " I made this video last night to post on the forum- if you want to share it and look like the cool guy, go ahead

                          Also, note that we won’t take money until we are ready with a product we know will work.

                          Ours may have issues if used with minoxidil- still exploring that. The other 2 are dangerous drugs in high doses, and our formulation enhances penetration, so we don’t want to deliver extra minoxidil- could be dangerous. "


                          • Swooping
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2014
                            • 801

                            It's good that you are a optimist. But from logical thinking you can already know this is a snake-oil or going to be a sub-par treatment. Even those guys having attention is a bad thing. I sincerely believe that we as AGA sufferers are to blame that still no more effective treatments exist. It's simple. People who have AGA are extremely easy to manipulate and mislead. They will buy anyway. This is a dream market for people who want to make money. It's hilarious but on the other hand quite sad actually.

                            Keep spreading the word yeah, they will cash in and hope of people will be vanished again with an empty wallet. Anyway I might be wrong though but I'm 99.9% sure this isn't going to be anything at all.

                            Get that guy on the forum here into a discussion here please, it would be real fun to see how he is going to respond to some questions.


                            • nave13579
                              • Feb 2015
                              • 34

                              [QUOTE=Swooping;198618]Here you go you can even buy it;!treatments/cee5.

                              Full study;

                              Someone in contact with Follicept should try asking them about this product and how theirs might be different. I think we would all be interested in their response


                              • follicept
                                Senior Member
                                • Feb 2015
                                • 251

                                Originally posted by Swooping
                                It's good that you are a optimist. But from logical thinking you can already know this is a snake-oil or going to be a sub-par treatment. Even those guys having attention is a bad thing. I sincerely believe that we as AGA sufferers are to blame that still no more effective treatments exist. It's simple. People who have AGA are extremely easy to manipulate and mislead. They will buy anyway. This is a dream market for people who want to make money. It's hilarious but on the other hand quite sad actually.

                                Keep spreading the word yeah, they will cash in and hope of people will be vanished again with an empty wallet. Anyway I might be wrong though but I'm 99.9% sure this isn't going to be anything at all.

                                Get that guy on the forum here into a discussion here please, it would be hilarious to see how he is going to respond to some questions.

                                12085 Research Drive, Alachua, FL 32615. We'd love to have you come visit! Though I would appreciate you leaving my nose intact.

                                Look, guys. Your skepticism is well founded. I get it. This fell into our lap and we are running with it. But we are doing it based on good science, in good faith, and with integrity.

                                I understand you have been burned plenty before. We will NOT take any money until we finish up human trials in the next several weeks and prove to OURSELVES, and to you, that we have a product that is safe and effective. I can't spend too much time on the forum responding to flames, but I felt it was important to let you know that we are listening, we feel your pain, and that we take seriously our integrity and the hope that this represents for you, as well as the responsibility that comes with that hope.

                                You are completely right to be skeptical All I ask is you don't trash us and give us a chance. Check out too. Social media campaign for the insulin patch we did, which got less response than this has in 2 days! So thank you for your passion, and rest assured, we are the real deal. If this doesn't work, we WILL NOT SELL it. We will move on, send an email to apologize, and all that you spent was time. I promise. If this doesn't convince you, nothing will, and that's fine. Just give us a little time.


