Ok so I am almost 18 years old. I still have a good hairline, and I think its starting to recede a little bit. If I talk to my dermatologist now and start Propecia, will I be able to maintain a good head of long hairs for a long time. At least throughout my 20s and into my 30s.
Working Ahead/Hopeful
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Predicting the loss
Hi chewytorch,
Propecia is your best bet, you are correct. How fast your hairline will change (if at all!-one can always hope...) is unfortunately impossible to predict. You can look to your male relatives (on BOTH Mom and Dad's sides of the family) for some indication, but nothing predicts it totally. Realize, too, that you might develop a "mature" hairline, and then not progress too much for a while. In that case, you could very well be in your thirties before having to seek any additional treatment. Good luck! -
Everyone responds differently to medications. We all know that some people cannot tolerate Finasteride as well as others and it is the same with any prescription medicine.
The only way you can find out is if you take the medication for a trial period.
I don't think that Dr. Wasserbauer is reckless in her recommendation especially when I am sure she would encourage any person contemplating taking it to do it under a doctors supervision.Comment
You can read my story here.
Eleven years ago back in 1998 I was an 18 year old freshman in college and I was losing my hair. I had been losing it since about 16, I think but it was becoming very noticeable when I got to college. Styling my hair was nightmare and I was starting to get the comments from my friends. It came to a head one night when I was atComment
There is no doubt that starting Propecia was one of the best decisions that I ever made. Side effects happen in a very small number of men compared to the men that benefit from it. There is no way it is like Russian roulette! I think there is more of a chance of sexual sides effects taking anti depressants and I bet a lot of the guys who refuse to take Propecia will eventually be taking those.
You can read my story here.
But for the guys on Propeciahelp.com, maybe they'd agree strongly it's Russian roulette!
I'm not an authority on it tho, just read the horror stories, have even contemplated using it myself, but growing irreversible beasts kinda puts me off the idea.Comment
yeah.. and it is irreversible... thats what happened to me.. although only very mild and unnoticeable as I stopped as soon as it started occuring, it still hasn't gone away. I'd say if you do start taking propecia, buy a pill cutter and start at a lower dose and see how that goes for you.Comment