Do Or Die (Literally)

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  • Footymad
    • Oct 2010
    • 33

    Do Or Die (Literally)

    I suppose this is a form of cry for help really.

    I am 33 years of age and for the past 12 months have experienced a rapid hair loss. I still keep it long to try and disguise this fact.

    Been taking propecia for 5 weeks, no change yet, still losing hair at a ridculous rate. I know its early days as for the propecia, plus my scalp is driving me crazy with an insect like crawling feeling or burning feeling which happens about 90 % of the day after I get up.

    I feel unless I can do anything to restore or prevent further loss from here on in I will be ending my life very shortly. I am 100% serious...

    Any suggestions at all?
  • Spex
    Dr Representative
    • Nov 2008
    • 4217

    Buddy, welcome to the club. We have all been in the same boat at some stage. I think you need to serious just step beack and realise it takes time and there are solutions but positive attitude is also vital and the mind is a ppowerful destructive tool.

    You have only been on the meds literally seconds in real terms - it takes several months to really start to benefit and then its main role is to stop loss.

    You could then and only then look into HT 's to restore the loss hair so try take a big deep breath and be reassured u are not alone, far from it.

    Dont let hairloss beat you , we can beat it but it takes time, patience and understanding
    We are here to help bro!

    Best regards
    Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

    Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

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    I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


    • Footymad
      • Oct 2010
      • 33

      Originally posted by Spex
      Buddy, welcome to the club. We have all been in the same boat at some stage. I think you need to serious just step beack and realise it takes time and there are solutions but positive attitude is also vital and the mind is a ppowerful destructive tool.

      You have only been on the meds literally seconds in real terms - it takes several months to really start to benefit and then its main role is to stop loss.

      You could then and only then look into HT 's to restore the loss hair so try take a big deep breath and be reassured u are not alone, far from it.

      Dont let hairloss beat you , we can beat it but it takes time, patience and understanding
      We are here to help bro!

      Best regards
      Thanks Spex but I cannot remain positive as i avoid light places, mirrors and cant even bring myself to look at myself if that makes sense!!! I shave in the mirror with a cap on for christ sake !!!

      I cannot stand this tingling sensation all over the top of my head that starts from the minute i wake up, whats it all about?


      • jooder
        Senior Member
        • May 2010
        • 170

        Footymad - Go to the forum......and post the same question there.....its possible you may have demodex mites, which can cause rapid hairloss....and cause the tingling feeling you describe.


        • jooder
          Senior Member
          • May 2010
          • 170

          Maybe try nizoral shampoo initially. Seabuckthorn oil is also supposed to be good.


          • Footymad
            • Oct 2010
            • 33

            Originally posted by jooder
            Maybe try nizoral shampoo initially. Seabuckthorn oil is also supposed to be good.
            Hi Jooder

            Thanks for your replies, really appreciate it. I also made a post on the site you suggested. My concerns are that if I went to my GP which I have done several times and suggested my scalp may be infected by mites or parasites causing me this discomfort they would dismiss it or send me to see a Dermatologist like I went to see last week who was utterly useless and simply looked at my scalp and said I have a small amount of eczma and that I am experiencing hair loss due to MPB he did not examine my scalp with any equipment, simply by hand and eye.


            • Mirage
              Junior Member
              • Oct 2010
              • 27

              I am so sorry to hear about your hair loss situation Footymad. I know at times you must feel that you are alone in this cruel senseless world, but believe me, everyone here knows exactly what you are experiencing.

              I distinctly remember the burning itching sensation when MPB initially reared its ugly head on me. Even though you feel that the Dermatalogist was pretty much worthless in his examination of your scalp, he actually probably eliminated your concerns of being infested with mites and/or parasites. When I first saw my first of two Dermatalogist, I basically had the same impression of him as you did with yours. Mine did a blood check to see whether my thyroid was acting up (can cause rapid sudden hair loss.) The truth of the matter is we "think" that our hair loss happened over night but in actuality, it was probably taking place over a decade. The average person has 100,000 hair follicles. How much do you think we have to lose before we notice that we have a hair loss problem? 1,000? 5,000? 10,000? As crazy as it may seem, we won't notice any hair loss until we lose over 50%! It is then that we start realizing that MPB has hit us but in truth, it was with us for many years already.

              I am hoping that you caught your hair loss problem earlier. Unfortunately, not much can really be done. Glad to hear that you are now taking Propecia. The only other approved treatment is Minoxidil/Rogaine. You might want to try it in additional to Propecia. As others suggested, using Nizoral will certainly help in alleviating the itching burning sensation. Only a small percentage actually regrows hair with medication. Most experience a reduction in the amount of hair loss. HT is certainly a viable treatment but you first need to stabilize your condition.

              I truly do wish you the best. We all know how devastating hair loss is to our self esteem. Do everything you can to combat the problem and then try to relax knowing that you're doing all that is possible. Stress will accellerate your hair loss even more so please try not to dwell on it as much (we all know that we always will though...)

              All of us are hoping for the best for you. Good luck Footymad!


              • iwannakeephair1674
                • Nov 2008
                • 79


                I'm begging that you have hope! I know how devastating MPB can be, but where is your hope? Have you seen the positive news recently with all the advancements going on?! The future is bright for hair loss suffers and you are still young and can benefit from this, just do the absolute best you can right now by being proactive with your hairloss and by having hope.

                I'm very thankful that you have found this place to vent and to be honest with your feelings, but there is more things in life that is much more important than hair. As much as we all in here want hair, what's the real point in wanting it so bad?... Is it so that we can be confident in ourselves or maybe to find a really hot woman to be attracted to us or both?

                Well the truth is you can find a wonderful woman to be with whether you have hair or not.... I would much rather find a woman who has true unconditional love for me than a superficial woman that's in it for the wrong reasons. And to be honest with you... the later woman would not bring you true happiness. A true woman looks past you not having hair and the really good ones just don't care at all.

                I encourage you to keep posting your feelings here and vent, but to also have hope and not let this defeat you. I would also ask you to put your faith into Jesus Christ, whether you agree with me or not in this, the truth is I know that you are loved by God more than you can comprehend and that God DOES in fact have a purpose for you. Again, I know many people get uneasy when this subject is brought up, however, I can't help but mention this to you because it's so apparent to me your need for Him.

                By your post I can see how heavy your burden and pain is, and I do soo much feel for your pain. I sincerely do....However, there is still SO MUCH hope and true happiness that can be found in this life while dealing with this pain, if you'll just truly look for it.

                I know you know absolutely nothing about me, but if this is truly your cry for help...then I'm willing to step up to the plate to help you in any way that I can, but the ball is in your court now. Don't let this thing defeat you, b/c I know you can overcome this. Put your trust in something bigger than yourself. I really wish that you'll find what you are truly hoping for.

                I hope this finds you well,


                • Footymad
                  • Oct 2010
                  • 33

                  Originally posted by Mirage
                  I am so sorry to hear about your hair loss situation Footymad. I know at times you must feel that you are alone in this cruel senseless world, but believe me, everyone here knows exactly what you are experiencing.

                  I distinctly remember the burning itching sensation when MPB initially reared its ugly head on me. Even though you feel that the Dermatalogist was pretty much worthless in his examination of your scalp, he actually probably eliminated your concerns of being infested with mites and/or parasites. When I first saw my first of two Dermatalogist, I basically had the same impression of him as you did with yours. Mine did a blood check to see whether my thyroid was acting up (can cause rapid sudden hair loss.) The truth of the matter is we "think" that our hair loss happened over night but in actuality, it was probably taking place over a decade. The average person has 100,000 hair follicles. How much do you think we have to lose before we notice that we have a hair loss problem? 1,000? 5,000? 10,000? As crazy as it may seem, we won't notice any hair loss until we lose over 50%! It is then that we start realizing that MPB has hit us but in truth, it was with us for many years already.

                  I am hoping that you caught your hair loss problem earlier. Unfortunately, not much can really be done. Glad to hear that you are now taking Propecia. The only other approved treatment is Minoxidil/Rogaine. You might want to try it in additional to Propecia. As others suggested, using Nizoral will certainly help in alleviating the itching burning sensation. Only a small percentage actually regrows hair with medication. Most experience a reduction in the amount of hair loss. HT is certainly a viable treatment but you first need to stabilize your condition.

                  I truly do wish you the best. We all know how devastating hair loss is to our self esteem. Do everything you can to combat the problem and then try to relax knowing that you're doing all that is possible. Stress will accellerate your hair loss even more so please try not to dwell on it as much (we all know that we always will though...)

                  All of us are hoping for the best for you. Good luck Footymad!
                  Thank you for your kind words...


                  • Footymad
                    • Oct 2010
                    • 33

                    Originally posted by iwannakeephair1674

                    I'm begging that you have hope! I know how devastating MPB can be, but where is your hope? Have you seen the positive news recently with all the advancements going on?! The future is bright for hair loss suffers and you are still young and can benefit from this, just do the absolute best you can right now by being proactive with your hairloss and by having hope.

                    I'm very thankful that you have found this place to vent and to be honest with your feelings, but there is more things in life that is much more important than hair. As much as we all in here want hair, what's the real point in wanting it so bad?... Is it so that we can be confident in ourselves or maybe to find a really hot woman to be attracted to us or both?

                    Well the truth is you can find a wonderful woman to be with whether you have hair or not.... I would much rather find a woman who has true unconditional love for me than a superficial woman that's in it for the wrong reasons. And to be honest with you... the later woman would not bring you true happiness. A true woman looks past you not having hair and the really good ones just don't care at all.

                    I encourage you to keep posting your feelings here and vent, but to also have hope and not let this defeat you. I would also ask you to put your faith into Jesus Christ, whether you agree with me or not in this, the truth is I know that you are loved by God more than you can comprehend and that God DOES in fact have a purpose for you. Again, I know many people get uneasy when this subject is brought up, however, I can't help but mention this to you because it's so apparent to me your need for Him.

                    By your post I can see how heavy your burden and pain is, and I do soo much feel for your pain. I sincerely do....However, there is still SO MUCH hope and true happiness that can be found in this life while dealing with this pain, if you'll just truly look for it.

                    I know you know absolutely nothing about me, but if this is truly your cry for help...then I'm willing to step up to the plate to help you in any way that I can, but the ball is in your court now. Don't let this thing defeat you, b/c I know you can overcome this. Put your trust in something bigger than yourself. I really wish that you'll find what you are truly hoping for.

                    I hope this finds you well,
                    Thank you Destin...


                    • jooder
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2010
                      • 170

                      Footymad - Its sounds like you have definetely got major inflammation, whether thats from mites, fungal infection or just the process of balding.....who knows?
                      The good thing is that nizoral shampoo works against all these - its sold in tesco in the uk. Bear in mind that its main purpose is against the 'leave on for five mins' instructions will probably not apply for your inflammation. I would leave it on for longer than that, at least until the inflammation subsides.
                      I have also seen your post at the other site.......its likely apple cider vinegar works too as will quite a few other things. I would stick to nizoral initially....whilst you source the other products that may also work.


                      • 25 going on 65
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 1476

                        I know what it's like to have suicidal thoughts over hair loss. When you're emotionally and psychologically at rock bottom, it's hard to see any glimmer of hope. But I can tell you, it gets better.
                        If your problem is MPB, which is the case for more than 9/10 men who experience hair loss, you have options. I know the feeling of hating your own reflection due to thinning hair, but once I got on MPB medication, I started telling myself "this is the worst my hair will ever look. Even if I don't regrow any, it won't get worse than this. There is nowhere to go but up from here."
                        Stay on Propecia, and take the advice others are giving about Nizoral shampoo.

                        Oh. One other thing you might try is having your blood tested to check for thyroid issues, etc. that can cause hair loss. But remember, it's most likely MPB, and unless you learn otherwise for certain you should treat it as such.


                        • Fixed by 35
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 618

                          The good thing is that nizoral shampoo works against all these - its sold in tesco in the uk. Bear in mind that its main purpose is against the 'leave on for five mins' instructions will probably not apply for your inflammation.
                          The shampoo I use, Revita, has the same key ingredients along with things like taurine etc. They say leave in for five minutes too, so my guess is following the same instructions ought to lead to the desired result.


                          • Footymad
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 33

                            just been told by a trichologist that nizoral can actually cause hair loss and told me to use coal tar shampoo instead?

                            your thoughts whilst i'm still here...


                            • jooder
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2010
                              • 170

                              Its an ingredient in nizoral shampoo that may cause problems - sodium lauryl sulfate. But its in most shampoos anyway.....shouldnt be a problem unless you use it daily. Coal tar is supposed to be ok, as is head and shoulders with zinc. I would use nizoral intially though, at least for a couple of weeks to kill the itching. Then again, a trichologist should know more than me.

