Some Thoughts on Baldness

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  • Weedwacker
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2010
    • 109

    Jooder, there is no doubt that "Fixed" has contradicted himself more than once. First, he said that hair is not necessary for a person to look good, and then he said that all bald men are ugly. Then, he said that life was just bearable with hair, but then he said that he would be happy and all would be great with hair. Then, he said there are no bald men who are successful out of the sports arena;however, that is false. Steve Ballmer became the CEO of Microsoft as a full Norwood, and he doesn't shave his head. Ben Bernanke is the head of the U.S. Treasury and he is a full Norwood;and no, he doesn't shave his head. There are around a dozen U.S. Governors who are bald, not to mention senators and reps. Of course, there are many more examples which he clearly doesn't want to acknowledge. One of his points is valid:no actor in Hollywood became successful as a bald 20 year old, and no one ever will.

    Steve Austin is not a good example because, in my opinion he is a juicehead. That isn't my opinion just because of his ex-wife's allegations. Furthemore, pro wrestling is a circus show which does not pertain to reality.

    Actually, the chemo reference seems valid to me. Many guys who shave their heads look sick even though they have eyebrows;however, some can pull it off. There are people who are undergoing chemotherapy who get fake eyebrows but that doesn't do much to help. I just don't think it is accurate for people to say that ALL bald guys look horrible because it's not true.

    I don't think that "Fixed" trying to impose his viewpoints on young bald guys and ridicule them is healthy because many come here for support. On the other hand, some guys try to bully balding men into shaving their heads in order to follow a machismo trend. In the 1980's, a guy would have been considered a skinhead or freak for shaving his head, but now it's a trend. When I began balding around 1992-93, I buzzed my head and went to high school like that. I was ridiculed and mocked for it;however, now it's more acceptable.

    Seeing as we are supposed to have hair on our heads, shaving makes me feel sick. I am too pale to shave and that's why I need some stubble on my head;furthermore, I will not shave my head in order to surrender. Nature has taken it's course and I will not allow my MPB to force me to shave to deny the damage.


    • KeepTheHair
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2010
      • 1215

      Originally posted by jooder
      Keep the hair - Ok, whenever there is an example which contradicts your theory..... i will not post it. Thats a really good idea. Your wasted on this site
      First of all. I don't have a theory or whatever.

      There will always be some bald guy with success out there. That does not change the fact that in most cases and most of the time:

      Balding makes you less attractive.
      Screws your confidence
      and all the million other reasons it sucks.

      So, what is the point in saying "uh uh uh but that 1 guy got success?" that is the point? Really? Whats the point.

      That has just gotten really old and stupid on these boards and I don't even blame Fixed for being so annoyed every time it comes up because really...there is simply no point. Are you trying to make yourself feel better or something?

      If I could be Steve Austin instead of myself, I would NOT. EVER.

      But to me this post is just extremely retarded:

      'Just for the sake of argument.....Steve Austin was an average wrestler with hair......then he shaved bald and became one of the biggest stars the industry has ever known.
      Its ok though, i fully expect fixed to say he doesnt count....even though wrestling is nearer to entertainment than a sport'

      Saying that is unbelievably stupid. Do you think Daniel Radcliffe would still have gotten his role in Harry Potter if he had the horse shoe or shaved head look? No.

      There are a lot more examples like that then the one very crap example you put out. Wrestlers are meat heads. I don't want to be one. Not even if it means I can be rich and whatever.

      I can tihnk of a lot of movies and series where if the guy didn't have such good hair, he most certainly would NOT have gotten the part.

      Your logic sucks and it's really annoying.


      • gmonasco
        • Apr 2010
        • 883

        Originally posted by KeepTheHair
        Saying that is unbelievably stupid. Do you think Daniel Radcliffe would still have gotten his role in Harry Potter if he had the horse shoe or shaved head look?
        Daniel Radcliffe was cast as Harry Potter when he was 11. Do you really think there are 11-year-olds exhibiting male pattern baldness, or are you just pretending to be stupid?


        • KeepTheHair
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2010
          • 1215

          Dude, I can think of plenty other more appropriate examples. Your the idiot.

          That just happen to come to mind. Sure it wasn't the best example. BUt if you don't see my point I don't see why I should be explaining to someone dumb how dumb he is. Thats dumb.

          Your dumb.


          • Fixed by 35
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2010
            • 618

            Steve Austin is a laughably bad example to give to a 27 year old finance professional who thinks that wrestling is a childish form of entertainment for closet gay rednecks who like to look at scantily dressed meathead men. Being placed under the impression that I am moving closer toward the likes of Steve Austin being a role model truly makes me want to crawl under a rock and die.

            As for the Harry Potter example, does anyone believe he wouldn't have been re-cast if he lost his hair before the final film? He wouldn't be the first Harry Potter actor to go on to fail in Hollywood because of baldness; Ian Hart (who you will seldom see without a hat on) saw movie exec after movie exec in Hollywood after appearing in the first Harry Potter movie only to eventually be told to leave Hollywood because there were no roles for a bald guy. Hart, by the way, is one of Britain's finest actors.

            Actually, logically you'd think bald guys would suit acting quite well because their real hair wouldn't get in the way when the director wanted a very particular look. You could just slap on the right wig and run with it. Hollywood is stupid isn't it?


            • jooder
              Senior Member
              • May 2010
              • 170

              Fixed had previously said that any bald man who is successfull became so before he went bald. He said he didnt know of any bald man who became famous/ successfull after they went i gave an example of one -Steve Austin. Steve Austin is also an actor as well as a wrestler.......obviously not everybody's favourite person but it proved a point.
              'Keep the hair' seems to have a problem when people argue against his and 'fixed by 35s' posts. He cant understand the logic behind it.
              Heres the logic :

              Young men visit this forum very depressed about things.........if there was just the 'bald is ugly, grotesque and your a loser' argument around here, they would leave even more depressed....and over time perhaps some may become suicidal.
              So thats why i post the opposing argument..... and also because i actually believe in what im saying!
              There are plenty of sucessfull, attractive bald men.........there are also ones who arnt. There are hair loss treatments that work. I also believe some hair transplant drs are good at what they do. Its not for me.....but why rubbish it?
              Above all, there are options for people visiting this site. You can shave your head and may look good doing that. Its worth a try to some people who think they may benefit from it. You can get on medications and have a good chance of saving much of your hair..........or you can get a hair transplant. You can even do a combination of things.
              I believe thats a truthful and responsible message to put out........and when i see people rubbishing a 'solution' unjustly then i will post my opinion.

              Thats the logic


              • Fixed by 35
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2010
                • 618

                so i gave an example of one -Steve Austin. Steve Austin is also an actor as well as a wrestler
                You are kidding me? Austin acts? No, wait. Austin can talk legibly without people thinking he's a caveman? As a Brit, I wasn't aware of this, and now I will have to scour Youtube for the best laugh in years.

                By the way, there is a young man who went bald and became a famous actor; Patrick Stewart. Of course, he had to wear a wig and, personally, I feel he didn't get the parts that merited his ability (but then I think Star Trek is shit).


                • jooder
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2010
                  • 170

                  I dont really have much of an opinion on Steve Austin one way or another........but he seems the subject of some ridicule here.......... yet you all know him and his character pretty well, even without his acting. Maybe your not as unfamiliar with his wrestling as you portray


                  • Fixed by 35
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 618

                    There was this kid at school who just wouldn't shut up about him. We had to bog flush him in the end, we were left with no other choice.


                    • jooder
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2010
                      • 170

                      I believe you


                      • Fixed by 35
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 618

                        As if the day couldn't get any worse, now an American thinks I like wrestling! It's the sort of entertainment you'd have at a gay wedding isn't it? Although Americans aren't too keen on that sort of thing are they? I always presumed that the average American's intolerance of homosexuality was the reason for so much closet gay culture in the States.


                        • jooder
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2010
                          • 170

                          Im British


                          • Fixed by 35
                            Senior Member
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 618

                            That's even worse. Someone sane and rational enough not to take the Tea Party seriously thinks I like wrestling.


                            • jooder
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2010
                              • 170

                              Maybe you dont like wrestling.........just men in shorts


                              • 25 going on 65
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 1476

                                This thread is evidence that hair loss leads to civil wars. As if it didn't have enough unfortunate consequences already!

                                And hey, give Americans some credit for working on our redneck epidemic. We even have a president now who can speak English... progress!

