Is this hairloss? What should i do?

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  • Tracy C
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2011
    • 3125

    Originally posted by Johny.track131
    Do people get HT for thinning? Also would getting an HT at such a young age an alright idea?
    You do not need a hair transplant. Getting a hair transplant without first spending at least a year trying to treat hereditary hair loss is a bad idea. Getting a hair transplant at such a young age is a bad idea.

    Stress, lack of sleep and poor nutrition can trigger temporary hair loss.


    • Johny.track131
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2012
      • 100

      does this in any way look like temporary hairloss? Because i can definitely say that i've been having alot of stress, lack of sleep etc these days... Is there a way to pinpoint if it's hereditary or not? (I looked at your website but i dont live in any of these countries).


      • Maradona
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2011
        • 830

        Originally posted by Johny.track131
        does this in any way look like temporary hairloss? Because i can definitely say that i've been having alot of stress, lack of sleep etc these days... Is there a way to pinpoint if it's hereditary or not? (I looked at your website but i dont live in any of these countries).
        Imo there is one way to tell for sure, just count how many hairs you lose a day and if the hairs are you losing are THIN/SMALLER than the hairs nearby, it's definitely MPB.

        But from opinion and from the pictures you show, you do not appear to have MPB.


        • Johny.track131
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2012
          • 100

          I'm pretty sure i lose long hairs, but my general hair length's pretty long as well so im not sure. If i look at the towel after i dry my hair after a hot shower, i would count around 10-15 long hairs.


          • Johny.track131
            Senior Member
            • Feb 2012
            • 100

            what's scaring me is that when i run my hand through the top of my head, and then i run it through the sides, i can feel a difference..


            • 25 going on 65
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2010
              • 1476

              Your scalp reminds me a little of mine when I got on hair loss meds (though the thinness for me was more "scattered" rather than focused in the center). I wish I could agree with others here that you don't look like you have MPB, but my suspicion is that you may be at the early stages. Again, though, do not panic: you have very good options for treating it if you want to!
              With all due respect to Maradona, I personally don't recommend counting hairs as a way to determine if you have genetic hair loss. You'll never keep track of all the hairs you lose in a day. Plus, it's normal to lose 50-100 hairs every day, even if you don't have MPB.
              Comparing the thickness of lost hairs to the hairs on the side and back of your scalp might be useful (I did this when I first noticed my thinning), but going to a hair loss specialist is still the better route I think.
              Tracy is right that meds treat diffuse thinning. That's the kind of thinning I have, and meds work for me. She's also right that a transplant in your position would be very risky... if you have hereditary hair loss and want to do something about it, meds definitely would be the first step.


              • chrisis
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2012
                • 1257

                Originally posted by Maradona
                hey chris when your hairline started to recede, did you notice shedding or you just noticed a receding hairline?

                I think this is the main difference between a maturing hairline and MPB, one should check if the hairs that are falling are minituarized/thin etc.
                Nah I didn't notice any shedding until I started taking finasteride. It's been a very slow process.

                On that note, I'm noticing some fuzzy little hairs coming in around my receded areas now. Nothing amazing, but even my hairdresser noticed, so it's not just in my head. I dunno if that's down to the finasteride I started in Nov or the minoxidil in January, but I'm hoping the latter since I had to quit finasteride.


                • Maradona
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 830

                  Originally posted by chrisis
                  Nah I didn't notice any shedding until I started taking finasteride. It's been a very slow process.

                  On that note, I'm noticing some fuzzy little hairs coming in around my receded areas now. Nothing amazing, but even my hairdresser noticed, so it's not just in my head. I dunno if that's down to the finasteride I started in Nov or the minoxidil in January, but I'm hoping the latter since I had to quit finasteride.
                  double post lol.


                  • Maradona
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2011
                    • 830

                    Originally posted by chrisis
                    Nah I didn't notice any shedding until I started taking finasteride. It's been a very slow process.

                    On that note, I'm noticing some fuzzy little hairs coming in around my receded areas now. Nothing amazing, but even my hairdresser noticed, so it's not just in my head. I dunno if that's down to the finasteride I started in Nov or the minoxidil in January, but I'm hoping the latter since I had to quit finasteride.

                    ur so lucky bro, best way to bald is to bald slow and without meds but im heading straight to norwood 6 lol


                    • chrisis
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2012
                      • 1257

                      I guess I might be a little on the luckier side comparatively, but I'd rather not be balding at all


                      • mnx
                        • Feb 2012
                        • 37

                        I would go see a specialist as soon as possible, Johny. I would say do not put it off at all.

                        You need an expert opinion. Your hair looks good, but there are suspicious things and it is best to check those out. The earlier you catch it, the better off you will be in the long run.

                        If you do have MPB starting, and you catch it now, you have a great outlook. Waiting to see with MPB is the worst option.


                        • stratofortress
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 124

                          Originally posted by mnx
                          I would go see a specialist as soon as possible, Johny. I would say do not put it off at all.

                          You need an expert opinion. Your hair looks good, but there are suspicious things and it is best to check those out. The earlier you catch it, the better off you will be in the long run.

                          If you do have MPB starting, and you catch it now, you have a great outlook. Waiting to see with MPB is the worst option.
                          /\ Good advice.


                          • Johny.track131
                            Senior Member
                            • Feb 2012
                            • 100

                            Went to see two Dermatologists and each said no MPB from looking at my hair, hairline and one pushed against my scalp and asked if it hurt.. They're not hairloss specialists though, just really old (and I hope, experienced) Dermatologists. This should be fine and dandy but then now everytime i take a shower and i look at the what i see in these pics in the mirror, it just scares me shitless again...
                            Attached Files


                            • chrisis
                              Senior Member
                              • Feb 2012
                              • 1257

                              Whoever pushed against your scalp and asked if it hurts sounds like an idiot. Since when did pain when pressure is applied to the scalp indicate MPB?

                              I think you should ignore them and go to a hair loss expert.


                              • 25 going on 65
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 1476

                                I agree with chris that a specialist would be the way to go.

                                I've never heard of putting pressure on the scalp as a way to diagnose genetic hair loss either.

