Starting to loose my hair

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  • Dean Gough
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2009
    • 1

    Starting to loose my hair

    Hi all,

    My name is Dean Gough and I started noticing thinning of the hair about a year ago, I paid not too much notice at the time as my hair has always being fairly short but it has become much more of an issue.

    My hair is very thin now and I'm grasping onto what I have left but unfortunately I have bald patches that look like crop circles. It upsets me so much that sometimes I just look in the mirror and cry, I've even started bullying a young lad at my work because he has long hair but it's only because I'm jealous and really he has amazing hair.

    As I'm quite new to all this is there any hair treatment to delay or at least cover up my baldness?

    Thanks for any help
  • Zao
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 156

    Hi Dean, you found the right place! You need to see a doctor to make sure you have male pattern baldness before you begin to treat it. Most doctors will start you on Propecia or Rogaine and sometimes both. I’ve done very well on Propecia over the years. You should also listen to Spencer Kobren’s radio show on Sunday nights, it’s help me more then I can say. Good luck!

    Here’s my story:
    Eleven years ago back in 1998 I was an 18 year old freshman in college and I was losing my hair. I had been losing it since about 16, I think but it was becoming very noticeable when I got to college. Styling my hair was nightmare and I was starting to get the comments from my friends. It came to a head one night when I was at


    • MackJames
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2009
      • 165

      Originally posted by Dean Gough
      Hi all,

      My name is Dean Gough and I started noticing thinning of the hair about a year ago, I paid not too much notice at the time as my hair has always being fairly short but it has become much more of an issue.

      My hair is very thin now and I'm grasping onto what I have left but unfortunately I have bald patches that look like crop circles. It upsets me so much that sometimes I just look in the mirror and cry, I've even started bullying a young lad at my work because he has long hair but it's only because I'm jealous and really he has amazing hair.

      As I'm quite new to all this is there any hair treatment to delay or at least cover up my baldness?

      Thanks for any help

      I have a similar situation. For about a year my hair has been rapidly thinning. I have always had a circular patch of thinner hair on the left head, near the temple. The patch became progressively bigger after a scalp infection. Now my hair is considerable thinner.

      Any answers to your question, Dean, would help me out tremendously. Pass on anything you find.


      • SpencerKobren
        • Oct 2008
        • 398

        Get Checked Out By A Doctor First | Audio Response

        Originally posted by Dean Gough
        Hi all,

        My name is Dean Gough and I started noticing thinning of the hair about a year ago, I paid not too much notice at the time as my hair has always being fairly short but it has become much more of an issue.

        My hair is very thin now and I'm grasping onto what I have left but unfortunately I have bald patches that look like crop circles. It upsets me so much that sometimes I just look in the mirror and cry, I've even started bullying a young lad at my work because he has long hair but it's only because I'm jealous and really he has amazing hair.

        As I'm quite new to all this is there any hair treatment to delay or at least cover up my baldness?

        Thanks for any help
        Spencer Kobren
        Founder, American Hair Loss Association
        Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

        I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.

