HASCI - -How well does it work? Now we'll be able to find out!

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  • AlmostUndone
    Senior Member
    • May 2015
    • 127

    Here's part deux. Fingers crossed.


    BEFORE PROCEDURE (SOME ALTERNATIVE VIEWPOINTS. POSSIBLY USEFUL!, TOO): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/...rnative_98.jpg


    EXTRACTIONS (AN ADDITIONAL VIEWPOINT): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/...%20PICTURE.jpg


    • AlmostUndone
      Senior Member
      • May 2015
      • 127



      • Arashi
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2012
        • 3888

        Originally posted by AlmostUndone
        So for my understanding: the left and right side are like seperated area's ? Like in the middle there were no extractions ?

        BTW, I've currently analyzed 25% of your donor.


        • AlmostUndone
          Senior Member
          • May 2015
          • 127

          Originally posted by Arashi
          So for my understanding: the left and right side are like seperated area's ? Like in the middle there were no extractions ?
          Correct. They are separated, disjoint. No overlap exist between them.

          All of the donor they used is now there, in those pictures.


          • Arashi
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2012
            • 3888

            Originally posted by AlmostUndone
            Correct. They are separated, disjoint. No overlap exist between them.

            All of the donor they used is now there, in those pictures.
            Perfect. I'm at 30% of your donor now, so far I've analyzed 441 extraction points which contained 374 lost hairs. So everything thing so far adds perfectly up, if there was NO regeneration at all. Also we can already dismiss the possibility of 80% regrowth at this point, even without having looked at your donor. The 80% regrowth is impossible, cause at this rate we'll end up at about 1280 lost hairs in your donor. 80% regrowth means that recipient will contain 5x more new hair than was lost in donor (like if you transplant 100 hairs, you'll receive 100 in recipient and will have regrown 80 in donor so only lost 20 in donor, so 100:20 is 5x ratio). So that would mean in your case that you should have received 6400 hairs in your recipient. At 800 grafts that would mean you'd have 8 hairs/graft !! LOL. I've only come across a few 4 hair grafts and so far have no seen more than 4 hairs lost in a graft, so your donor will most likely not contain anything beyond 3 hair/graft maximum)

            So, everything at this 30% mark points at 0 regrowth at all and most probably some net hair *loss* instead (1280 lost hairs in 800 grafts, transplanted 1:1 would mean 1.6 hair/graft in recipient, which would be really high for HASCI already. Most likely your donor will have less hair/graft which would then equal net hair loss). But I will continue working and we can only make a final conclusion once we have counted the whole donor AND the whole recipient.


            • jamesst11
              Senior Member
              • Jun 2014
              • 1110

              Originally posted by Arashi
              Perfect. I'm at 30% of your donor now, so far I've analyzed 441 extraction points which contained 374 lost hairs. So everything thing so far adds perfectly up, if there was NO regeneration at all. Also we can already dismiss the possibility of 80% regrowth at this point, even without having looked at your donor. The 80% regrowth is impossible, cause at this rate we'll end up at about 1280 lost hairs in your donor. 80% regrowth means that recipient will contain 5x more new hair than was lost in donor (like if you transplant 100 hairs, you'll receive 100 in recipient and will have regrown 80 in donor so only lost 20 in donor, so 100:20 is 5x ratio). So that would mean in your case that you should have received 6400 hairs in your recipient. At 800 grafts that would mean you'd have 8 hairs/graft !! LOL. I've only come across a few 4 hair grafts and so far have no seen more than 4 hairs lost in a graft, so your donor will most likely not contain anything beyond 3 hair/graft maximum)

              So, everything at this 30% mark points at 0 regrowth at all and most probably some net hair *loss* instead (1280 lost hairs in 800 grafts, transplanted 1:1 would mean 1.6 hair/graft in recipient, which would be really high for HASCI already. Most likely your donor will have less hair/graft which would then equal net hair loss). But I will continue working and we can only make a final conclusion once we have counted the whole donor AND the whole recipient.
              both of you need to try and publish a paper on this, and provide it on the internet. This is very disappointing and people should know.


              • Arashi
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2012
                • 3888

                Originally posted by jamesst11
                both of you need to try and publish a paper on this, and provide it on the internet. This is very disappointing and people should know.
                I'm going to update my website (hasci exposed) of course with this case (if that's ok with AlmostUndone of course). Also I'm now seriously thinking about a collective mass lawsuit against HASCI in which we ask our money back.


                • AlmostUndone
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2015
                  • 127


                  It's ok. Hopefully such findings will be taken seriously by organizations, who deal with consumer rights and hair loss.... Spencer... et. al.

                  (I hope nobody uses the Windows photo viewing program. You know, the one which badly pixelates the images.)


                  • caddarik79
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2013
                    • 496

                    well done guyz !

                    Arashi: if HST is really the fraud you are calling for more than 3 years already and if you can build solid proofs out of this thread, I think you are right to propose a lawsuit because it would mean that they have fooled hundreds and hundreds of people like you and I and many others via their regeneration argument.

                    I would never have considered a simple FUE or any other intervention, never, because moving follicles from one place to another was not my motivation, I chose to make that step for the ONLY very reason that they claimed 85% regeneration in donor !
                    I never took a single pill of finasteride nor have I ever put minox on my head because they are not good solutions. I was patiently waiting for multipication or something related to regenerative medecine.

                    The fact that they refuse further discussions when it comes to show evidence of multiple procedures (8 HST and only slightly depleted donor -- in Spencer interview but never ever a picture of those) is already a bit weird.

                    If it ever comes true and checked and triple checked and official that they have no regeneration happening, I am in for the lawsuit.

                    If they are regenerating 85% as they claim, I'm in for multiple sessions (I have money aside just for that), as simple as that !


                    • paleocapa89
                      • Sep 2015
                      • 52

                      I don't want to defend HASCI at all, but do you think there is a possibility that the donor follicles which you noticed that lost hair will regenerate fully at a later time? I've read about FUE transplant somewhere for example that it is possible that a transplanted 2haired follicle will first produce 1 hair and later another one as it matures. Is there a possibility that it will happen to the donor follicles as well? Or maybe a damaged donor follicle might regenerate in the next anagen cycle several years later? I'm just theorizing stuff, I don't have the required knowledge of course.

                      BTW do we know what determines whether a hair follicle will produce 1-2-3 or 4 hairs? Is it determined during fetal development when the follicles form? Can a follicle ever transform from a 1haired follicle to a 3haired follicle forexample? I've read somewhere that during AGA miniaturization the multi haired follicles will produce less and less hairs as they shrink, so I'd assume a 4haired follicle can transform to a 1haired follicle forexample due to AGA. So many questions..


                      • Arashi
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2012
                        • 3888

                        Originally posted by paleocapa89
                        I don't want to defend HASCI at all, but do you think there is a possibility that the donor follicles which you noticed that lost hair will regenerate fully at a later time?
                        The cases that HASCI showed in their paper all showed that hair started to 'regenerate' already after a few days and most hair had 'regenerated' after 3 months, that's why we used that time frame too.


                        • Arashi
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2012
                          • 3888

                          @Almostundone: hey do you happen to know if HASCI took 400 grafts from the left and 400 from the right ? Or isn't it split like that ?


                          • AlmostUndone
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2015
                            • 127

                            Originally posted by Arashi
                            @Almostundone: hey do you happen to know if HASCI took 400 grafts from the left and 400 from the right ? Or isn't it split like that ?
                            No it isn't like that.

                            <350 from the right, and 450< from the left. I recall the nurse said something like that. Can't remember the exact number.


                            • Arashi
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2012
                              • 3888

                              Originally posted by AlmostUndone
                              No it isn't like that.

                              <350 from the right, and 450< from the left. I recall the nurse said something like that. Can't remember the exact number.
                              Ok, great ! I've now counted 611 extraction points on your left donor side (I'm still not done with the left). What I did in my analysis is count every graft that grew back in the same amount of hairs as failed extraction, and all others as succesful extractions. That way I've now counted 353 succesful extractions in your left side. So I figured, if the grafts are split 400/400 then something must be wrong in my method. But >450 from the left, that seems to correspond quite good with my findings


                              • Arashi
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2012
                                • 3888

                                So I finished analyzing your left donor part ! I've counted 821 extraction points and according to my analysis 646 hairs were lost there.

                                I've counted every graft that appeared in the same formation in before and after photo as a failed extraction and thus the grafts that had less hairs in the after photo I've counted as succesful extraction. That way I ended up with 465 succesful extractions, which seems to correlate quite good with what you've said (>450 grafts extracted).

                                So everything at this moment points at no regeration at all: grafts that grew fully back seem just failed extractions and the total hairloss in succesfully extracted grafts correlate with normal hair gain in recipient (at this point would come down to 1111 lost hairs which would be 1.38 hair/graft which would be a normal HASCI recipient density result) .

                                I will continue counting your right part the coming week. Also will upload my analysis photo's soon (tomorrow I think). And then we'll need to count recipient soon ! I think next weekend I'll have your right donor side ready so we can then start with the recipient

