HASCI - -How well does it work? Now we'll be able to find out!

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  • AlmostUndone
    Senior Member
    • May 2015
    • 127

    Yup, glad to hear from you mate. The enclosed areas inside the blue borders supposedly represent unchanged areas.

    Hope you're not looking at the older versions of the images. (Sometimes maybe two weeks after initially posting the image links, I was still updating the photos, with a few added angles and corrections)

    I'll be following this thread in case you have a request for additional photos, for any location.


    • Arashi
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2012
      • 3888

      Originally posted by AlmostUndone
      Yup, glad to hear from you mate. The enclosed areas inside the blue borders supposedly represent unchanged areas.

      Hope you're not looking at the older versions of the images. (Sometimes maybe two weeks after initially posting the image links, I was still updating the photos, with a few added angles and corrections)

      I'll be following this thread in case you have a request for additional photos, for any location.
      Hey !

      No just to be sure I downloaded the pics from the previous page yesterday night and started with them, I figured you might had updated them
      Busy day today with all kinds of stuff, not sure if I have time to continue but I will be over the coming days. Will keep you informed !


      • AlmostUndone
        Senior Member
        • May 2015
        • 127

        Originally posted by Arashi
        No just to be sure I downloaded the pics from the previous page yesterday night and started with them, I figured you might had updated them
        I haven't updated them in weeks, so you're good


        • Arashi
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2012
          • 3888

          I was mapping/linking the area where no grafts where transplanted and also did a part of the area where grafts did get transplanted. I noticed that in that last area quite a few hairs that were on your before situation are now gone in the after situation. First thing that crossed my mind was that HASCI must have killed them (definite shockloss) but then I figured that this is the area (your temples) where you're balding, so most likely it's due to that natural balding process. Unfortunately this complicates the research a bit, because I figured to just treat the area as one part, count all hairs in before and in after and compare. But this won't work now, in fact I'm sure your net result isn't 800 grafts more in your donor area, but less, but that's just normal then.

          So, I think it's best to continue to try to map/link the area, that's what I'm going to try to do. It's difficult because of this but I think it's doable.


          • Arashi
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2012
            • 3888

            You know, what takes the fun out of doing all this is that we know the answer already. Really it's so damn obvious if you look at your recipient. I mean we know you had 800 grafts tranplanted, we know you've lost around 1200 hairs in your donor. So for regrowth to have happened, we'll need to see more than 1.5 hair/graft on average in your recipient. One quick look is all it takes to easily see it's going to be less than that, not more.

            So that takes the excitement away like I did feel when counting your donor. But oh well I guess we need to do this to really close this thing.

            Third day of mapping for me today, going to try to continue every day for a few hours the upcoming days, looks like it might take about 1 week per temple ... I've found that the way to do it is to focus on the thick hairs in your recipient's before photo's, these are most likely to show up in the after photo's too (thin hairs mostly either died or got replaced with a fresh donor one)


            • Arashi
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2012
              • 3888

              So this is where I'm at right now:

              The farther away from the temple, the easier the analysis is, because the before situation is pretty much equal to the after situation. I'm confident my lines in this area are correct. The going gets a lot tougher closer to the temple, I'm also not even sure if the lines that I drew closest to the temple are 100% correct. The problem of course here is that the situation differs enormously here between before and after: this is the area where most grafts got transplanted and also the area where most grafts in the before situation died due to your balding process in the last year.

              So I think it's going to be really hard to map this area like I've been doing. I think we need to attack it from another angle.Most hairs in the before photo in that area are quite thin already, these usually have died in the after situation, or are even (way) thinner. In the after situation we see a lot of thick hairs, these are transplanted hairs. So we could just count all those thick hairs in that area, add them to the other marked hairs outside that area (I've marked them with X but I'll need to go over them again I'm sure I've missed a LOT since I've been focusing on drawing the lines, not marking the X's) and see if we come close to that 800 transplanted grafts.

              Anyway what do you think ?


              • Arashi
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2012
                • 3888

                BTW, I feel confident most lines are correct, only a few might need (slight) corrections. I think I'll go check everything first again and mark the missing grafts, because I'm sure a lot are missing. I want to make sure my current progress is correct before moving on


                • Arashi
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2012
                  • 3888

                  I'm uploading 2 improved versions as we speak, I should probably go over it all first before even uploading them, I'm sure I'll make more corrections today.


                  • Arashi
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2012
                    • 3888

                    And uploading new versions. Man it's so easy to make a mistake when a hair in the before photo died and a new graft got transplanted close by. But it's relatively easy to spot errors because the geometrical forms between the lines in the before and after photo will be different, so I think this methodology works quite nice. All-in-all I think I can get the current mapping near perfect but the temple itself will remain difficult.

                    Anyway I'll keep checking my current progress first and when I feel confident my current work is near perfect I'll post it here.


                    • Arashi
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2012
                      • 3888

                      Uploading new versions again, made some improvements but the area closest to the temple is still a bit uncertain.

                      One thing I hoped wasn't necessary is to look at the 'wounds' pictures, since just linking before to after by just looking at those 2 is a lot faster. But I think that I'll do that too, to get a better idea of where the new grafts SHOULD be. Anyway, still tons of work to do ...

                      BTW to me it seems that you drew those blue area's based on the wounds pictures, correct ? Maybe you have some work there, would be really helpful if you had for example wounds pictures with the same blue area's drawn.


                      • AlmostUndone
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2015
                        • 127

                        I think you've got alot of great work done Arashi.

                        I had done some initial work but I've no time to do more:
                        Left: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/..._scaffold1.jpg
                        Right: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/..._scaffold1.jpg

                        Here's some 'wounds' pics I picked for the left side. Probably not very helpful, but you decide:

                        Originally posted by Arashi
                        BTW to me it seems that you drew those blue area's based on the wounds pictures, correct ? Maybe you have some work there, would be really helpful if you had for example wounds pictures with the same blue area's drawn.
                        No, you are wrong. The blue areas have nothing to do with the wound pics. I drew the blue lines for areas, where I saw no new hairs between before/after.


                        • Arashi
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2012
                          • 3888

                          Thanks mate, I've compared your initial work to my progress, it adds up and validates it

                          I've been working more on the left part of the pictures, linking and mapping and I've started to mark transplanted hair with red tiny circles (I should probably change colour since the red doesn't jump out enough).

                          Man it's a hell of a job But I'm hoping that end of this week I'm done with the left recipient.

                          Anyway I've uploaded the updated versions again, see post 231

                          (I've uploaded them but the site is still displaying the previous version, I guess due to caching or something).

                          Anyway enough for today, can't see any more hairs !


                          • Arashi
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2012
                            • 3888

                            I had a few hours today to work on it again, I'm uploading my progress again (might take a while to display).

                            * mapped upper right corner of the pictures
                            * mapped a big part of the upper left corner of the pictures
                            * removed yellow numbering (numbering grafts that appear in both after and before is useless)
                            * started adding numbering for transplanted grafts (white font)
                            * changed colour of circles for transplanted grafts from red to white (better noticeable)
                            * added a 'c' into all area's that I've double checked (I'm only inserting that 'c' into the before pictures) both for it being correct as for having marked died/transplanted grafts.
                            * marked more transplanted grafts
                            * minor corrections

                            Again can't see any more hairs for today, tomorrow a new day ..


                            • Arashi
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2012
                              • 3888

                              Yesterday and today I've been mapping/linking more area, encircled more transplanted grafts (I just uploaded the new version to the link in post 231) and I've started mapping/linking a different after photo: http://www.hasci-exposed.com/B88_after.bmp
                              This extra photo was VERY helpful to better determine the amount of transplanted hair and also correcting some errors (I still have to correct some, there are some errors that I saw already, didnt have time yet to correct).
                              So, quite some progress again, but also still a long road ahead ...


                              • Arashi
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2012
                                • 3888


                                Any idea what's up with the angle of the hairs in recipient_after_left photo b7 ? It's the only photo that shows the lower part of your left recipient but the angles of the hairs are really different than the angles in B4. This makes linking it way harder. Don't you have a photo of this area where the angles are like in B4 ?

                                Thanks !

