Sept 2012 patent: Natriuretic Peptides shows terminal hair growth in weeks

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  • clandestine
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2011
    • 2005

    Originally posted by krewel
    Guys, check this out. Some more info:
    Those pictures look like results to me.


    • UK Boy
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2011
      • 244

      Amazing...but don't know what to think...

      Scrolling through this patent the effects of this treatment sound amazing, also some of the photos also look very promising....I just don't really 'get' it. I mean reading though what it says in the patent (and seeing pictures) it sounds as if they have already tested this, and on people - Not just mice! They talk about benefits of the treatment having been 'confirmed' and 'observed' so it sounds as if this isn't all just about hypothesised outcomes but rather verified results of treatments.

      So what does this all mean? If human testing has been done does that mean that a proof of concept trial has been carried out?

      I just picked out one random extract that does refer to testing on humans:
      [0174] However, the present inventors actually carried out testing on patients with alopecia, in particular patients with androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata, and surprisingly it has been found that the treatment agent of the present invention containing CNP or BNP as an active ingredient clearly shows higher therapeutic effects than when ANP is an active ingredient, and among them the therapeutic effect was even higher when CNP was an active ingredient. On the other hand, the treatment agent of the present invention containing BNP as an active ingredient is characterized in that black terminal hair often grows.

      Can anyone shed light on this? Why haven't we heard about this? Something that can be used for basically all types of alopecia and turn white hair black again!? As others have said, it sounds too good to be true but why would they bother getting a patent on a snake oil treatment? if it's just snake oil I doubt anyone is gonna be interested in stealing it. Plus if this is all to try and sell the snake oil then why have we never heard of it? Surely if it was all a scam they would have used this patent in conjunction with a marketing scheme, but instead the patent was filled in Sept 2012 and we've only just found out about it.

      What happens from here? Are these Natriuretic Peptides something we can get hold of? Can anyone find out who these people are who have patented it? There's so many questions and yet there seems to be a relative lack of interest in this thread. This topic has popped on on other forums too and it's the same thing there - people just seem to be breezing over it and not commenting.

      I know it's pointless asking but I always feel the need to ask: "Could Spencer try and look into this and find out more through his contacts?" I always thought it was kinda his job to try and find out about stuff as 'Consumer Advocate for hairloss sufferers everywhere'.


      • UK Boy
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2011
        • 244

        Originally posted by bigentries
        That's the issue I'm trying to understand, in hairloss communities, we usually deal with trials, most of the time published in respected journals.

        My concern is that, this being just a patent, is not reliable, like laser combs.

        You talked about patenting first, but I've never seen this being the case, and I don't understand why this is different, you can't patent the peptides because they are well known.
        Aderans and Histogens are doing public trials, I haven't seen their products published in a patent

        Histogen did patent their "Novel Cell Growth Process". It was announced on their site in Sept last year. I know they didn't specifically patent HSC but it just shows that they do obviously patent their products.


        • ulysses_98
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2010
          • 10

          Originally posted by bigentries
          That's the issue I'm trying to understand, in hairloss communities, we usually deal with trials, most of the time published in respected journals.

          My concern is that, this being just a patent, is not reliable, like laser combs.

          You talked about patenting first, but I've never seen this being the case, and I don't understand why this is different, you can't patent the peptides because they are well known.
          Aderans and Histogens are doing public trials, I haven't seen their products published in a patent
          Okay, from peer reviewed publications are the only thing anyone should put confidence in if they are contemplating a treatment, so yes...I agree that is the highest standard of evidence.

          Second, by just being a patent, of course it's not reliable evidence of efficacy. There are some idiotic patents that have been granted. The point of a patent is to protect rights to license or use the proposed invention, if it works. The people at the patent office aren't necessarily the brightest...Einstein was an anomaly not the standard... some are really smart, but many are just typical civil servants. So what makes it through is a bit of a crap shoot. That said, showing reduction to practice goes a long way to actually getting the patent awarded if you have someone who knows there stuff working on your app.

          There is a difference between applying for the patent, being granted a provisional patent and actually being awarded the patent and some/all of associated claims. By the way "Claim" is a claim to usage for the described purpose...not "I claim this works". Patent applications stay private for a waiting period...I can't remember how long but its over a year. Here is the important an academic, you could publish a paper showing that a certain mechanism exists...the patent could then propose to use that mechanism to do 'X'...depending on a number of factors, the patent office might deem that as an "obvious use" and not award the patent, or award the patent, then down the road another company might use the technology, you try to sue them because you have "a patent" and their lawyers get the patent invalidated because of the public domain "prior art" in the published paper. Do academics sometimes stumble on things, publish them and then start a company down the road and get a patent...yes. Will the patent hold up...maybe?

          The company I'm associated with filed the original provisional patent on a novel molecular mechanism more than a few years ago. We have not published yet, for strategic reasons. Some of the commies on these boards would be offended at this notion, to which I say, "go #$%^ yourselves". I took a huge pay cut to work long hours on this, you're not paying my electric bills or providing for my retirement if things don't work want to change the world...then do something useful, don't tell the people who are doing useful things that their ideas belong to you because you want them. Okay, sorry for the tangent, but I honestly get infuriated by some of the entitlement mentality I see here.

          And by the way, as I haven't posted much and nobody really knows me...I was butchered 20 years ago by NuHart when I was still basically a kid, have had multiple "repairs", spent crazy amounts of money I couldn't really afford to try to look "normal" if not "good". Healthy skepticism would have kept me from naively trusting a doctor just because he had M.D. after his name and getting into the situation I found myself. It was prior to the Web and I didn't know about the horror stories, I was raised to believe Doctor's were special people that "really cared about patients", I was 22 and losing hair since 16 and had heard a girl I was totally infatuated with saying something about some other guys hair and it just pushed me into making a bad decision. So in terms of believing anything enough to risk my health again, I'm a skeptic. Skepticism doesn't mean deriding anything that doesn't yet have the evidence you require as being obviously false, it means keeping an open mind, pointing out where evidence is lacking, etc.

          Too many desperate folks on these boards either immediately buy wholehearted into anything reported or pathologically negative psychos immediately label it snake oil. If you get a guy that has been busted for fraud multiple times, opening a clinic in Mexico promising a special Mayan herb that will reverse baldness...that deserves slightly harsher critique than a patent application for a hair loss treatment.

          How about, "hmm, that's interesting, would be nice if it works out...let's wait for real proof before making a determination one way or the other". The rush to judgment is also hard to swallow when the person judging (not talking about anyone specifically in this thread, just some responders I've seen in others) obviously barely made it through high school science, let alone any sort of molecular bio training. Doesn't make them dumb, or bad people, but when they make assertions that require some degree of understanding that they obviously lack...that makes them f#$%ing arrogant and dumb.

          Sorry dude, this was meant to be a reply to your question and I went on a tirade. It's not directed at you.


          • UK Boy
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2011
            • 244

            Igisu Co., Ltd.

            That appears to be the company but I can't seem to find a website for them. They also have a patent for "COMPOSITION FOR EXTERNAL PREPARATION FOR SKIN" filed so dermatology seems to be their area of concentration. Can anyone find a website?


            • dav38100
              Junior Member
              • Dec 2012
              • 3

              It seems to be a japanese company so maybe thats why the website is had to find...

              More details on the " inventor "


              • greatjob!
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2011
                • 910

                Hoping this treatment works, but looking at the pictures it appears that the results for people with alopecia areata are pretty impressive, however, the patients with mpb don't seem to have particularly impressive results. Just my observation.

                Is this stuff available anywhere and if so is any one on the forums using it with good results?


                • 534623
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 1865

                  Originally posted by ulysses_98

                  Minoxidil can and does work pretty well for some people. Minoxidil is a potassium channel opener. Natriuretic peptides function as gated ion channel openers. It stands to superficial reasoning that they may then function in a similar, albeit enhanced manner to minoxidil.

                  Keep in mind...every process in the cell is typically a rather complex set of interactions. In many cases, an end result can be accomplished via multiple paths. This isn't a great analogy, but think of a river system shape. Pour a bucket of styrofoam beads into some random stream leading into a particular creek leading to a tributary leading to the main river and it will eventually make it's way to the ocean. You could potentially dam any of the branch points all the way up to the stream and prevent that from happening. Alternatively, if you wanted styrofoam beads in the ocean and something was blocking the stream you poured them could go to any number of other positions between the blockage and the ocean and dump more in. Again, that analogy is not great, and represents an n to 1 network (n being the streams and 1 being the ocean[or "downstream effect"]) where in reality, cell biology and inter-cell signalling is probably composed of many n to m networks, with multiple streams("n") converging at different points and leading to multiple effects("m").


                  I have not read the full patent, but I took a quick look and it seems like a lot of effort for "marketing support" of a snake oil.
                  I like this post - and all its analogies.


                  • clandestine
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2011
                    • 2005

                    So for the unenlightened, is this something that could come to market in the next few years?


                    • clandestine
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2011
                      • 2005




                      • clandestine
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2011
                        • 2005


                        Are we serious? So nothing of value is going to come from this discussion? This seems more than slightly ridiculous.

                        Something is *****ing growing terminal hair. In weeks. And we're not discussing it? Fantastic.


                        • lothar99
                          • Jul 2011
                          • 36

                          Haven't read much of this thread but Kane has the BNP up for pre-order. Someone may have said this already. Anyone trying this out?


                          • Rogerrabbit
                            Junior Member
                            • May 2011
                            • 12

                            Guys i finally read through their patent claim; I had a boner when I was done!
                            It is an object of the present invention to provide a new agent for the treatment of alopecia, the agent being not only effective and safe for, in particular, alopecia areata, androgenetic alopecia in a male, androgenetic alopecia in a female, female pattern alopecia, postpartum alopecia, seborrheic alopecia, alopecia pityroides, senile alopecia, cancer chemotherapy drug-induced alopecia, and alopecia due to radiation exposure, but also effective for a target having resistance to treatment with minoxidil or finasteride, there being no side effects such as an itching sensation, irritation, or feminization, and no contraindications, the agent suppressing dandruff or having a therapeutic effect for white hair, and the therapeutic effect for alopecia being maintained for a long period even when use of the agent is stopped. The solution means of the present invention is an agent for the treatment of alopecia containing as an active ingredient a C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), a B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), a derivative of these NPs, a chimeric peptide of these NPs, or a derivative of a chimeric peptide of these NPs.

                            How is Kane getting hold of this stuff? From the Japanese company?


                            • Vox
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2013
                              • 298

                              Originally posted by clandestine

                              Are we serious? So nothing of value is going to come from this discussion? This seems more than slightly ridiculous.

                              Something is *****ing growing terminal hair. In weeks. And we're not discussing it? Fantastic.
                              I am afraid that for some time the information will be limited due to the language. The only thing we can see right now is the patent in English accompanied by some impressive, I must admit, photos. Now if some forum member knowing Japanese could do us a favor and dig in the huge Japanese net looking for information ...


                              • FearTheLoss
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2012
                                • 1589

                                Originally posted by Knockin on NW4
                                Yes, im promoting a peaceful organized hairloss community. Everytime something is posted on forums like these, people just get angry, they bash, and troll. The threads fill up with pointless, repetitive arguments making everyone else read through hundreds of thread pages of crap.

                                You cant even have a civilized Q & A on here without getting way off topic or having to read through 100 paragraphs of a few emotionally distraught hairloss sufferers bickering. At PHG We review your post history and determine if you can help the community.

                                Im not claiming to be better than anyone on here, my hairloss is severe for my age. Many posters on here are alsp on PHG and can confirm how f'ed up my hair is. The reason i say PM lilpauly is because Mark is our hairloss forums ambassador!

                                Honestly thank god for this post. I wish all posters could be as logical, but optimistic as you. What do you have to do to get into this wonderland of a private forum where the grass is green and sky is always blue and where there are no IronMan's in sight? I'd give my left nut for a place like this..

