US government owned patent on hair follicle neogensis
Here is the latest patent by the same group filed in 2014.
Thank you Renee, really interesting !!
It tells they found the methods to make functional hair follicle!
" a need exists for methods and compositions capable of generating morphologically-correct, fully-developed, non-immunogenic human hair follicles. Such methods and compositions would be useful for treating conditions such as full- or partial-thickness skin loss, wounds, burns, scars, and hair loss. The present invention fills these needs by providing cellular compositions capable of hair growth, neogenesis, and regeneration"
"The present invention provides compositions in the form of skin substitutes and microspheres comprising neural crest-derived mesencymal cells, wherein the skin substitute is capable of inducing hair follicles that are morphologically-correct and are useful in any application requiring hair follicle formation/neogenesis, or in any condition where hair follicle formation/neogenesis is desired. "
"hair follicles that are morphologically-correct "
It's a really good thing that US army work on that HF neogenesis, they have unlimited money and we know many of inventions were used by army before and then came mainstream.
And as we can see in this link, army begin trial soon for 3D printed skin (skin with sweat glands, appropriate pigmentation, and hair follicles)
gives hope!Comment
If you look at one of the authors linkedin you can see all the research he has done on Follicle NeogenesisComment
If you look at one of the authors linkedin you can see all the research he has done on Follicle Neogenesis
Yes sounds that they are well advanced for me, us army work with the most Advanced materials and Im sure their researchers are the top quality also.They have all the money they need for working on this bioprinted skin graft that will help burned and injuried soldiers.
What is really interesting is that it seems they have found how to make the hair follicle grow normally after neogenesis unlike cotsarelis :
"HFs produced by these (previous) methods are not fully human constructs ), are not completely developed, contain hair shafts in the wrong anatomical location, do not exhibit long-term graft survival and normal HF cycling, and/or do not form HFs that contain sebaceous glands. In addition, HFs produced by such methods tend to grow in variable and uncontrollable directions, resulting in unnatural looking hair.
" Thus, a need exists for methods and compositions capable of generating morphologically-correct, fully-developed, non-immunogenic human hair follicles."
" The present invention fills these needs by providing cellular compositions capable of hair growth, neogenesis, and regeneration.
"The present invention provides compositions capable of inducing hair follicles that are morphologically-correct and are useful in any application requiring hair follicle formation/neogenesis, or in any condition where hair follicle formation/neogenesis is desired. "
In those patents, they mention that their invention will be useful for skin loss, burn, wound and HAIR LOSS
Majorities of big inventions comes from and for the army use, and then mainstream for normal people with another way to use it.
It's a really really good new for me that us army in is the game!!^^Comment
You're right it could be big and I hadn't heard this mentioned on any other forum. To actually patent something means it's something new obviously so who knows what they have done or what race they have won aha. Do you think there is a way to email one of the scientists? I doubt they would say much but who knows?Comment
Guys.... This is the biggest and most promising news I have ever seen in the last 10 years of my life combating against hair loss. All other solutions on the pipeline are now on the sideline.
I have my utmost trust on US Military Medicals as they have by far the best technology. aint think they would buy the patent if they were not up to something.
The only question is 1- They would keep it highly confidential since its military. But we need to know when they are planning to lunch so it would become mainstream for everyone of us.
This topic needs much more attentionComment
WTF? Temples are known to recede first. How would that work if for some, or most of us, there is no hair in the temples?Comment
Rajesh Thangapazham, Ph.D., a Research Assistant Professor in the F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine’s Department of Dermatology, USU, was recently selected as a recipient of a 2015 Dermatology Foundation Research Award. Thangapazham will receive the Foundation’s Women’s Health Career Development Award for his project, “Genes Regulating Hair Follicle Neogenesis, Growth, and Development.” Thangapazham and colleagues have shown de novo hair follicle neogenesis in skin substitutes made entirely with cultured human cells. In his proposed work, Thangapazham will investigate molecules hypothesized to enhance the induction of human hair follicles to restore skin function and appearance. This major advance in skin regeneration is predicted to improve skin stability, healing and ultimately lead to a viable clinical strategy for restoring hair.Comment
Interesting quotes from "the official us army magazine" regarding 3D print skin graft:
"In the fight to treat burns and lesions with 3D-printed skin, the US Army has revealed itself as a major contender; as a result of a recent international competition"
In addition to surgical burn treatment and rehabilitation, the center is participating in several clinical trials to advance skin treatments.
“We’re currently a part of two major regenerative multi-center trials,” King said. “And they are sponsored in part by the Department of Defense. (Another) group is also (involved), they’re called AFRIM, Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine — that’s a partnership between the Department of Defense and civilian entities.”
The two U.S. Food and Drug Administration trials the ISR is participating in are the ReCell and StrataGraft trials. The ReCell trial takes a piece of skin the size of a stamp and uses it to create a solution of individual cells to cover a wound. The StrataGraft trial grows bioengineered skin from stem cell technology, King explained, adding that these skin substitutes are the “holy grail” of burn surgery.
The StrataGraft project is the most exciting thing we’ve been a part of; it was a phase-two trial, sort of a pilot study to design the definitive phase three, and it is an off-the-shelf skin substitute that has lots of promise in helping revolutionize burn care,”
"The ISR is also working in parallel with civilian counterparts, developing a potential skin treatment product called a vascularized skin equivalent, which takes amniotic membrane and adds stem cells into a dermal layer to create a skin substitute, similar to StrataGraft, but able to cover a larger surface area, Chung said. "
All the skin graft world to treat burning is very important for us, as one of the major issue in this field is growing new functional hair follicle after HF neogenesis for the skin acts normally.
In the articles about skin graft (released about 1 year ago), it said that AFIRM is set to begin 3D bioprinted FDA clinical trials, so they probably already in now.
And when you see what they claimed in the patent , it's really exciting :
"The present invention relates to compositions in the form of skin substitutes and microspheres comprising neurai crest-derived mesencyma! cells, such as hair follicle dermal cells, e.g., dermal papilla ("DP") ceils, or dermal sheath cells, that are capable of inducing hair follicles ("HFs"). The present invention also relates to methods, uses, and compositions for inducing HF growth and neogenesis. In some embodiments, the present invention can be used for the treatment of full- or partial-thickness skin loss, wounds, burns, scars, and full- or partia!-hair loss.
July 2014, A publication of science and technology news from the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command :
The AFIRM is a multi-institutional, interdisciplinary network of universities, military laboratories and investigators under the framework of a cooperative agreement, Romanko said. The network is designed to promote integration of development, from basic science research through translational and clinical research, as the best means of bringing regenerative médicine therapies to practice.
“The scars that Soldiers develop as a result of burns constrict movement and disfgure them permanently. The initiative to restore high-quality skin that is elastic and complete with sweat glands, appropriate pigmentation and hair follicles is incredibly important,” he said.
"The bioprinter deposits each cell precisely where it needs to go, and the cells grow to become new skin. The precision available
through 3-D bioprinting allows for a custom solution for each patient. “Everyone has a different type of injury, and not everyone’s skin injury looks the same. Skin bioprinting would provide a scalable form of personalized medicine,” Romanko said.
"About 30 universities, hospitals and additional partners, led by the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, make up the consortium of AFIRM researchers. Romanko works with the TIRM PMO, which supports AFIRM and other regenerative medicine programs. AFIRM receives funding from the U.S. Army, the Offce of Naval Research, Air Force Surgeon General’s Offce, Veterans Health Administration, National Institutes of Health and the Offce of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs. AFIRM investigators also bring in funding from other federal, state and private sources." money money money
"Expanding the technology to a greater number of potential patients will also help to ensure its long-term viability, Romanko said. “This has very widespread use, not only to the military audience, but also to the civilian population. We need a larger commercialization audience in order to be a self-sustaining technology,” he saidComment
Do you think you will be able to find this trial on I'm not sure what to look for haha. It sounds so promising! If you can print skin with follicles in then surely there's a way just to implant follicles? I don't really need new skin haha.Comment