Dermarolling Community Trial

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  • Tracy C
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2011
    • 3125

    Originally posted by clandestine
    Does anyone know if this works for scarring on the head, like ragsta has?

    Will this regrow hair in scarred areas? I have something similar. If anyone could comment with any insights that'd be great.
    The only way to find out is to try it. Keep in mind that these guys do not yet know if dermarolling is going to help them. I hope it does. I hope it helps improve my hair too. The only way I am going to find out is to try - and if it does, you bet my sister and cousins are going hear about it. We will take all the help we can get. Haha


    • hellouser
      Senior Member
      • May 2012
      • 4423

      Originally posted by Tracy C
      The only way to find out is to try it. Keep in mind that these guys do not yet know if dermarolling is going to help them. I hope it does. I hope it helps improve my hair too. The only way I am going to find out is to try - and if it does, you bet my sister and cousins are going hear about it. We will take all the help we can get. Haha

      What would you give to restore all or near all the hair you lost?


      • DesperateOne
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2013
        • 289

        Originally posted by hellouser

        What would you give to restore all or near all the hair you lost?
        So Hellouser, since you're like the guy with the most time spend on forums, what seems to be the future so far? I went to kane shop and they're not even selling the CB there, or is it a secret link?

        I am tired of waiting, my hair is shedding like crazy these last two months, I don't know if it is minox or what. Does minox usually thin out hair as well? Or does it just fall and go into the resting phase while it recovers.


        • hellouser
          Senior Member
          • May 2012
          • 4423

          Originally posted by DesperateOne
          So Hellouser, since you're like the guy with the most time spend on forums, what seems to be the future so far? I went to kane shop and they're not even selling the CB there, or is it a secret link?

          I am tired of waiting, my hair is shedding like crazy these last two months, I don't know if it is minox or what. Does minox usually thin out hair as well? Or does it just fall and go into the resting phase while it recovers.
          This is CB:

          Future so far to me is this:

          1) People don't give a shit about finding a cure
          2) Bald Truth Talk members prefer to fight over small potatoes like Gho rather than tackling greater solutions
          3) Follica is in Phase II trials. Hopefully they can release something in 2-3 years without FDA screwing them over or funding being an issue.
          4) Histogen needs Phase IIb trials finished before they can move onto a release in asia, that won't happen until 2015 at the earliest.
          5) Replicel is planning an asian release in 2015. Its possible but like all other things as history repeats itself, probably won't happen and also in part from the fact that nobody REALLY cares to see that happen.
          6) Dr. Lauster needs to seriously be whipped into shape and told to hurry up as he's got a working cure. I sure as hell hope he's gone through Phase I clinical trials AT LEAST in the three years that have passed since he announced he created artificial hair.
          7) Pilofocus, unless it has regeneration its nothing to be really excited about unless donor hair can be harvest from legs, chest, etc without Dr. Umar's fvcking retarded price of 8 dollars per graft (THE FVCK?!)
          8) Dr. Nigam... well, this guy has had a full year to show us an NW6 go down to NW2 with his hair doubling technique but has shown JACK SHIT since. Until he shows CREDIBLE EVIDENCE with someone verifying his methods actually working, he's out of the picture.
          9) Aderans... a company that is the epitome of incompetence. 10+ years to get to Phase 2 trials only to have funding pulled from them without an immediate backup plan to continue the research? Morons, the whole lot of them.

          And lastly....

          Community driven experiments. I really believe everything in our power should be done to try and emulate Follica's procedure so we can cure OURSELVES. Because despite hair loss sufferers being so fvcking delusional, NOBODY is going to help us except those with enough initiative to do something about it themselves. Which really illustrates how god damn lazy people are to even SUPPORT a crowdfunding initiative. Have fun balding.


          • DesperateOne
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2013
            • 289

            Originally posted by rm056789
            Rationale is based on excerpt from from highly publicized and heavily discussed study: 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 modulates the hair-inductive capacity of dermal papilla cells: therapeutic potential for hair regeneration.

            "upregulation of Wnt10b, ALPL, and TGF-β2 was mediated through the genomic VDR pathway. In a rat model of de novo hair regeneration by murine DPC transplantation, pretreatment with VD(3) significantly enhanced hair folliculogenesis. Specifically, a greater number of outgrowing hair shafts and higher maturation of regenerated follicles were observed"

            -Therefore as derma rolling is supposed to stimulate hair follicle neogenesis through WNT/FGF9 pathways and according to above, VD3 enhances follulogenesus (maturation) perhaps more rapid and profound results could be observed by treating scalp with VD3 prior to rolling.

            Any thoughts?
            So what does this thing mean? Where do we purchase thet VD3, I am not sure what to make of this.


            • DesperateOne
              Senior Member
              • Jul 2013
              • 289

              Originally posted by Tracy C
              The only way to find out is to try it. Keep in mind that these guys do not yet know if dermarolling is going to help them. I hope it does. I hope it helps improve my hair too. The only way I am going to find out is to try - and if it does, you bet my sister and cousins are going hear about it. We will take all the help we can get. Haha
              Tracy, please give us the cure already, I am tired of all this. I know you have a hidden gem on your house that you're keeping for yourself.


              • DesperateOne
                Senior Member
                • Jul 2013
                • 289

                Originally posted by hellouser
                This is CB:

                Future so far to me is this:

                1) People don't give a shit about finding a cure
                2) Bald Truth Talk members prefer to fight over small potatoes like Gho rather than tackling greater solutions
                3) Follica is in Phase II trials. Hopefully they can release something in 2-3 years without FDA screwing them over or funding being an issue.
                4) Histogen needs Phase IIb trials finished before they can move onto a release in asia, that won't happen until 2015 at the earliest.
                5) Replicel is planning an asian release in 2015. Its possible but like all other things as history repeats itself, probably won't happen and also in part from the fact that nobody REALLY cares to see that happen.
                6) Dr. Lauster needs to seriously be whipped into shape and told to hurry up as he's got a working cure. I sure as hell hope he's gone through Phase I clinical trials AT LEAST in the three years that have passed since he announced he created artificial hair.
                7) Pilofocus, unless it has regeneration its nothing to be really excited about unless donor hair can be harvest from legs, chest, etc without Dr. Umar's fvcking retarded price of 8 dollars per graft (THE FVCK?!)
                8) Dr. Nigam... well, this guy has had a full year to show us an NW6 go down to NW2 with his hair doubling technique but has shown JACK SHIT since. Until he shows CREDIBLE EVIDENCE with someone verifying his methods actually working, he's out of the picture.
                9) Aderans... a company that is the epitome of incompetence. 10+ years to get to Phase 2 trials only to have funding pulled from them without an immediate backup plan to continue the research? Morons, the whole lot of them.

                And lastly....

                Community driven experiments. I really believe everything in our power should be done to try and emulate Follica's procedure so we can cure OURSELVES. Because despite hair loss sufferers being so fvcking delusional, NOBODY is going to help us except those with enough initiative to do something about it themselves. Which really illustrates how god damn lazy people are to even SUPPORT a crowdfunding initiative. Have fun balding.
                Oh well, that sounds like no fun. Why did we get stuck with all the morons in the science field, we needed some of those prodigy mathematicians to join and we would of had the cure long ago.

                So basically nothing is coming down the pipes for the next 3 years at least. All we have is this God damn experiments that send us all on wild goose chases . Well, it's either this or just throw the freaking towel. But you're right, our only hope is to try and get Follica's method.


                • Tracy C
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 3125

                  Originally posted by hellouser

                  What would you give to restore all or near all the hair you lost?
                  LOL I was unemployed for 18 months after the company I worked for closed it's doors. I just got back on my feet and have nothing left to give.

                  Originally posted by DesperateOne
                  Tracy, please give us the cure already, I am tired of all this. I know you have a hidden gem on your house that you're keeping for yourself.
                  Hahahaha If I had the cure I would share it.


                  • hellouser
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2012
                    • 4423

                    Originally posted by Tracy C
                    LOL I was unemployed for 18 months after the company I worked for closed it's doors. I just got back on my feet and have nothing left to give.

                    Well that... sucks. But I can relate; I lost my job THREE times due to the recession. Thankfully I bounced back each time.. as for myself, I'd give *everything* in my bank account for someone to cure me. Problem is, since hair loss is typically progressive, I'd need at least two visits; one to patch me up now and another to patch me up later on after I've lost more hair.

                    I'm so disgusted with the state that the research and timelines are at right now. It pisses me off even more when I think about GREYING HAIR being cured before hair loss.

                    If axel gets back to me and decides to go full steam ahead with the crowdfunding initiative (I need some help with it) I'm launching a full scale campaign just like 'who killed the electric' but for hair loss like 'who stalled the hair loss cure'. Names will be named.


                    • Tracy C
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2011
                      • 3125

                      Originally posted by hellouser
                      Problem is, since hair loss is typically progressive, I'd need at least two visits; one to patch me up now and another to patch me up later on after I've lost more hair.
                      It took two hair transplant surgeries and many years on medications to make me look like a normal girl again. One HT to fill in the bald spots that simply refused to regrow hair and a second HT to build up density... Yes I look normal now. I don't have bald spots anymore. I just look like a lady with thin hair. A little bit of Dermmatch makes it look thicker than it really is - but Dermmatch, though it does do an amazing job of concealing thinning, does nothing for volume. So I wear a small topper hair extension when I want to look extra nice.

                      Do I want a cure? You bet. Do I think it will take as long as most of these guys think? No I don't. I think it will be sooner than everyone thinks - but that still won't be soon enough for most of these guys - cause it isn't yesterday's news.


                      • LevonHelms
                        • Jul 2013
                        • 62

                        Guys, I think we're onto something with the dermarolling. If the trial doesn't produce excellent results, I'm almost certain some derivative or combination involving wounding will. I'm seeing some vellus hairs creep out and a few terminals around my hairline (fingers crossed).

                        Originally posted by DesperateOne
                        So what does this thing mean? Where do we purchase thet VD3, I am not sure what to make of this.
                        There's an excellent explanation of VD3 and supplementing here;


                        • hellouser
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2012
                          • 4423

                          Originally posted by Tracy C
                          It took two hair transplant surgeries and many years on medications to make me look like a normal girl again. One HT to fill in the bald spots that simply refused to regrow hair and a second HT to build up density... Yes I look normal now. I don't have bald spots anymore. I just look like a lady with thin hair. A little bit of Dermmatch makes it look thicker than it really is - but Dermmatch, though it does do an amazing job of concealing thinning, does nothing for volume. So I wear a small topper hair extension when I want to look extra nice.

                          Do I want a cure? You bet. Do I think it will take as long as most of these guys think? No I don't. I think it will be sooner than everyone thinks - but that still won't be soon enough for most of these guys - cause it isn't yesterday's news.
                          Not sure if you've seen my pics but I'm about an NW3. For over the last month or two I've been shedding like CRAZY. Hands are littered with strands of hair after I shower. My hair is falling out consistently at work, so much so that by the end of the day I could make a small pile of hair. I'm almost DEAD CERTAIN its due to me hopping off RU back in May. Thank christ I have my CB to regain all I've lost and hopefully then some along with the potential added benefits of dermarolling.

                          I'd go for an HT myself... I have the cash, its not an issue.. its more so the progression of my hair loss that might be along with the fact that donor regeneration isn't much of a reality unless I go with Dr. Gho... but I don't want to pay $15,000 for only 1,600-1,800 grafts.

                          I also believe that a solid treatment is on the horizon. If Follica can plow through their Phase II and III trials, it definitely is possible for a north american release within 3 years. What's nice about them is that its got Dr. Cotsarelis leading the team, so its almost unlikely Cotsarelis will allow the project to fold after spending 20 years in dermatology and 6+ years on Follica.

                          But... I think if enough information is shed on us, we can figure out the procedure on our own much sooner. I really believe that, theres nothing 'special' about their method, we don't need lab equipment or stem cell culturing. I think this dermarolling trial will give us a good foundation to work on and then see how and where can move on from there.


                          • HARIRI
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2012
                            • 469

                            Originally posted by hellouser
                            Not sure if you've seen my pics but I'm about an NW3. For over the last month or two I've been shedding like CRAZY. Hands are littered with strands of hair after I shower. My hair is falling out consistently at work, so much so that by the end of the day I could make a small pile of hair. I'm almost DEAD CERTAIN its due to me hopping off RU back in May. Thank christ I have my CB to regain all I've lost and hopefully then some along with the potential added benefits of dermarolling.

                            I'd go for an HT myself... I have the cash, its not an issue.. its more so the progression of my hair loss that might be along with the fact that donor regeneration isn't much of a reality unless I go with Dr. Gho... but I don't want to pay $15,000 for only 1,600-1,800 grafts.

                            I also believe that a solid treatment is on the horizon. If Follica can plow through their Phase II and III trials, it definitely is possible for a north american release within 3 years. What's nice about them is that its got Dr. Cotsarelis leading the team, so its almost unlikely Cotsarelis will allow the project to fold after spending 20 years in dermatology and 6+ years on Follica.

                            But... I think if enough information is shed on us, we can figure out the procedure on our own much sooner. I really believe that, theres nothing 'special' about their method, we don't need lab equipment or stem cell culturing. I think this dermarolling trial will give us a good foundation to work on and then see how and where can move on from there.
                            May I know the reason why you hopped off RU since it gave you good results. Why would you go for CB which is new and not yet proven? I think you should have stuck with the RU thing. You had great results with it on your thread (Hellouser's RU). I would really want to know the reason why you quit it? Any sides???


                            • doke
                              Senior Member
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 1475

                              what about latisse supposed to be better than minoxidil but expensive if you use 1ml a day,then theres miconazole nitrate which you could use with minoxidil worth a try,as its cheap as chips check out videos on you tube on how to use micon i myself have mixed it with emu oil you can use the cream and then apply the greasy minox or foam.


                              • doke
                                Senior Member
                                • Jun 2009
                                • 1475

                                i forgot to add i also use some spiro cream applied to scalp as well and buzzed my hair again so i can see any improvement im having 0 hair loss down drain as i use a hair catcher and wash hair every day also on avodart 0.5mg a day.

