Dermarolling Community Trial

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  • rhys216
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2015
    • 1

    Originally posted by TheKingofFighters
    im using a dermapen bought from Ebay and it's very cheap. spills more blood then a roller.
    I bought one of those and binned it. Not worth using in my opinion.
    Bought a Derminator instead (fairly expensive) but works REALLY well though.
    Apparently the cartridges penetrate deeper than the equivalent needle length of rollers, so I have started out with a 1mm needle length to be safe.
    So far pain in tolerable, and I am not getting any blood. Little bit noisy on the scalp and face (I figure it can't hurt to look younger to) but still tolerable.
    Not using anything else on scalp (very beginning stages of hair thinning), except caffeine shampoo (alpecin).

    Currently I needle, then wash my hair with alpecin right after. I'm assuming it will also help the absorption of caffeine.

    Too early to tell if it will make a difference, however I do see some shorter hairs growing where I don't 'think' there was any before needling.


    • BBay
      • Jun 2013
      • 53

      Originally posted by HMDWN
      Hi people, long time lurker and have read many-many topic discussions.
      BTW I'm 58 and always had an insane thick head of hair...but with age things are changing quick!
      I'd like to bump this Dermarolling thread to ask two legitimate questions then, I'll be moving over to the RU5881 and Minoxidil threads for more questions.
      So, with someone as my self that still has a considerable amount of hair on top yet, when shampooing I can now feel the tell tail horseshoe MPB pattern with my fingers. Also when exiting the shower I can see my scalp peeking through more and more vs lets say last year.
      My dermaroller questions are...
      1) wouldn't rolling a 1-1.5 mm roller over your scalp maybe damage existing hair follicles by harpooning them?
      2) isn't there a possibility the roller needles cutting into and or shredding the existing hair?
      Thanks to be here and for any advice and comments.
      I found the roller gouged into my scalp and did not leave a balanced treatment area, I found it took awhile to heal up and I did have an infection from it. It did have some effect but I don't use it anymore. I have moved onto to the next level instrument and use a different mix to rub in., I'm one year older than you but I'm having really good results now. In short the roller is an ok introduction to start the results your after but long term too much pain.


      • Vic
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2014
        • 365

        Originally posted by HMDWN
        Vic again I thank you for your reply and of course you feedback is valid.
        As I continue to read and gain more knowledge I am at times one that thinks outside the box so I'll ask one more opinion from you. Maybe this could be a factor, maybe not but here's another way I'm know how it's said, when a person has hair transplants they will lose hair because it "shocks" the existing follicles.
        Well, I have to wonder, forcing a 1.50 mm roller-needle into the scalp to "wound it" couldn't that also produce some "shocking" to the scalp-hair and cause another reason to shed too?
        It almost seems, with any type of "save/regrow the hair treatment" whether it be deep-Dermarollering/needling, topicals a Minoxidil, RU58841 or ingesting pills as fin, dut etc or the extreme side of the treatment being hair transplants, there's no way to prevent the existing hairs from going through a hefty and depressing shedding phase.
        It would take a lot more then a 1.5mm needle to cause shock loss. A hair transplant wound takes on average 3-4 days to heal. Wounds from a 1.5mm derma roller heal in 1 hour. That means shock loss occurs(sometimes) from wounds about a 100 times greater then what a 1.5mm derma roller causes.


        • HMDWN
          • Nov 2015
          • 39

          Originally posted by BBay
          I found the roller gouged into my scalp and did not leave a balanced treatment area, I found it took awhile to heal up and I did have an infection from it. It did have some effect but I don't use it anymore. I have moved onto to the next level instrument and use a different mix to rub in., I'm one year older than you but I'm having really good results now. In short the roller is an ok introduction to start the results your after but long term too much pain.
          I've been researching dermarollers to find they're not all created equal!
          Not sure if this applies to your roller but I've seen some close-up videos of the cheaper modles where a so called "dermaroller" didn't have 'needles' but what looked more like little knife ends that would leave a "slice" in the skin vs a needle puncture!
          Anyhow, I'm ordering a 192 dermaroller & 6 months of Kirkland 5% minoxidil for $25...not pleased to read it's so darn oily and takes hours to dry but 6 months of Kirkland vs one month for Lipogaine brand @ $25 is a, no brainer.
          I would like to use RU, but the cost per month and questioning if it's a good batch deters me from that idea.
          Maybe see a dermatologist too, to get on Fin 1.25 a day....fingers crossed!


          • Trouse5858
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2014
            • 169

            This has most likely been answered more than once but I'd like to avoid sifting through 235 pages of this thread. Are you all applying minox on the scalp immediately following a derma-roll session or are you waiting a few hours/ a day? It makes sense that right after would be the best window for the minox to penetrate to the follicle but I've also read that minox isn't to be applied to "broken" skin. Also, anybody have any experience doing the same thing for facial hair? If I'm going to be bald, having at least decent facial hair would be a big boon for me. Thanks


            • youngin
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 338

              Originally posted by Trouse5858
              This has most likely been answered more than once but I'd like to avoid sifting through 235 pages of this thread. Are you all applying minox on the scalp immediately following a derma-roll session or are you waiting a few hours/ a day? It makes sense that right after would be the best window for the minox to penetrate to the follicle but I've also read that minox isn't to be applied to "broken" skin. Also, anybody have any experience doing the same thing for facial hair? If I'm going to be bald, having at least decent facial hair would be a big boon for me. Thanks
              Most people aren't but the best case responder is applying after. Probably not immediately. Personally I wait about 30 min and then apply it. There is no ill effects from doing it.


              • doinmyheadin
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 129

                Are there any pictures of successful regrowth with dermarolling with or without minoxidil?


                • Gossip
                  Junior Member
                  • Jun 2015
                  • 5

                  This looks like a successful procedure after 3 months; of 41 years old male from Greek hairloss forum with dermapen plus supplements. (a lot of things although)

                  Το συγκεκριμένο θέμα, προτίμησα να μην το βάλω στην ενότητα "επιτυχής θεραπεία" αλλά σε αυτή που πραγματικά είναι προς το παρόν, δηλαδή δοκιμαστική - πειραματική θεραπεία. Οτιδήποτε θελήσετε να δοκιμάσετε από τα παρακάτω, είναι καθαρά δική σας ευθύνη και δεν μπορώ να εγγυηθώ τίποτα και σε...


                  • Gossip
                    Junior Member
                    • Jun 2015
                    • 5

                    There is an update at first page. New photos two weeks ago


                    • cardib
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2016
                      • 128

                      hi gossip, are you currently derma rolling? any success?
                      Originally posted by Gossip


                      • Trouse5858
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2014
                        • 169

                        I'm two weeks into derma rolling with a .5 mm roller. Doing the temples in addition the crown/ vertex. Only slight redness afterwards and mild discomfort at most. Going to see if this allows for any increased absorption of minox, since I'm only going to be taking it once per day now. I'll update in a couple months regardless of success.


                        • bboyforever
                          Junior Member
                          • Oct 2015
                          • 8

                          This thread isn't about increased absorption of topicals. It's about wounding the scalp to activate growth factors. People were using 1.5mm or more. 0.5 mm was far too shallow to cause any effect. Read the thread (at very least the beginning few pages) before posting. Your experiment is of no value to us.


                          • epipapilla
                            • Mar 2015
                            • 75

                            Originally posted by bboyforever
                            This thread isn't about increased absorption of topicals. It's about wounding the scalp to activate growth factors. People were using 1.5mm or more. 0.5 mm was far too shallow to cause any effect. Read the thread (at very least the beginning few pages) before posting. Your experiment is of no value to us.
                            That is entirely true. From my own personal experience the best use of a dermaroller is for the wound healing aspect and not for increased absorption of any topical serum you are using in order to try to achieve hair regrowth.


                            • Vic
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2014
                              • 365

                              I rolled with some decent results. I am about to begin my 2nd round. This time I am using a topical that increases growth factor response and supplementing with Amino acids that encourage cell proliferation. Trying to mimic what makes mice grow so much more hair after wounding than humans and it all comes down to what's in the skin. I'll update once I begin. Good luck to us all.


                              • jamesst11
                                Senior Member
                                • Jun 2014
                                • 1110

                                Originally posted by epipapilla
                                That is entirely true. From my own personal experience the best use of a dermaroller is for the wound healing aspect and not for increased absorption of any topical serum you are using in order to try to achieve hair regrowth.
                                why can't it be used for both? I think the wound healing aspect is key, that's why a 1.5mm is critical... but, with applying RU and high concentration minox with AA and hydrocortisone, I think some people may get great benefits, no?

