Complete RU58841 Usage Guide

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  • ALM
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2011
    • 10

    I used the same formula originally posted by Hellouser and have applied it once a day approximately 5 days a week for at least a year and a half - everclear 95% grain alcohol mixed with pharmaceutical grade PG and 300mg of RU. Fortunately for me I really haven't experienced any adverse side effects but I've also been losing mad amounts of hair for the past 6 months. I may be wrong here but my theory is our bodies are adaptable. In essence, they build up an immunity over time. Take alcohol for example. Say you go 6 months to a year without a beer or glass of wine - you drink one glass and you're feeling the buzz factor. But if you drink daily it takes more and more to create the same feeling. I'm no scientist but I am a strategist and logical thinker. Our bodies are highly sophisticated organisms. Don't get me wrong, we've got some smart research doctors out there chipping away at our complex DNA code but we all know those brilliant minds are just at the tip of the iceberg. With that said, I'm still hopeful. But if you're hoping RU is the answer, it hasn't been for me.


    • Patrickfegan
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2016
      • 10

      Hi beginning to get that burning sensation on my scalp again since S5 cream run out. I combine it with Revivogen and Propecia..... not to mention the other complementary treatments. (Expensive fighting hair loss) I am desperate to get Spiro back. I tried Follione and even though the makers are trying to create a DHT blocker with natural ingredients (that the FDA cannot regulate) it definitely is not Follione. For anyone thinking about trying it, don't waste your money, stick to Revivogen or another proven DHT blocker until Spiro comes back.


      • UK_
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2011
        • 2744

        Why dont you stop chemically castrating yourself and live with your hair loss? Hereditary hair loss is not a health condition, you dont need drugs designed for prostate cancer patients to treat it, it's incredibly dangerous and beyond the realms of stupidity IMO.

        As for RU58841 being safe, that's a laugh, cancers usually take years to develop 5+ years etc so to take that risk is also beyond stupid, chronic lymphomas for instance can appear after patients have been completely asymptomatic for over a decade yet always carried the disease until they discover they're stage 4 and on their death beds within 12 - 18 months.

        The fact that this is a topical treatment, also puts everyone in your household at risk for exposure, why do you think there are NO topical anti-androgens approved by the FDA? Too expensive to market? Not effective enough? LOL whoever came up with that theory was monkey-stupid. Imagine a topical finasteride used for 6 months or less within a household of 5 people, talk to a chemical expert he/she will tell you any topical brought into the home is exposed to everyone in some way or another eventually, just the a common cold.


        • burtandernie
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2012
          • 1568

          No one in the household is exposed to RU because you put it on your head. I dont know what logic your using to figure that. Tiny particles of RU on say carpet are not enough to absorb through someones skin and make any real difference in blood levels to do anything. Assuming the person using RU wiped it all over the place.


          • UK_
            Senior Member
            • Feb 2011
            • 2744

            Yes you put it on your head, rub it on your fingers then wash your hands and it's all gone lol.

            You have no idea of how dangerous topicals are, they're far more dangerous than pill drugs for this exact reason, you'll touch taps, door handles, bannisters, eat/prepare food and meet/greet people with that chemical still on your hands, just because it's naked to the human eye doesn't mean it's not there, why do you think when someone brings home a cold virus, there's an obvious chance of infecting everyone else in the household? A cold lasts 3 - 5 days and it can infect an entire household in less than that time, you're applying this chemical for months on end and you think there's no risk of cross-contamination? Viruses are also safer in this regard as they inactive after 12 or so hours, chemicals can remain 'on surface' and "active" for years, even decades.

            You also have no idea regarding the background of this chemical, some chemicals can be carcinogenic at a millionth of a gram, some are even deadly at that level.

            Welcome to the wonderful world of chemicals, I take it, given your lack of knowledge and respect for their powers, you are not a chemist, contact a bio-chemist via email at a university, they will give you the low-down.


            • oldschoolplaya
              Junior Member
              • Sep 2015
              • 18

              Revivogen proven?

              Originally posted by Patrickfegan
              Hi beginning to get that burning sensation on my scalp again since S5 cream run out. I combine it with Revivogen and Propecia..... not to mention the other complementary treatments. (Expensive fighting hair loss) I am desperate to get Spiro back. I tried Follione and even though the makers are trying to create a DHT blocker with natural ingredients (that the FDA cannot regulate) it definitely is not Follione. For anyone thinking about trying it, don't waste your money, stick to Revivogen or another proven DHT blocker until Spiro comes back.
              Revivogen proven DHT blocker? What ingredient in Revivogen makes it proven? That's gotta be the funniest think I've heard in a long while. Don't let the snake oil salesmen steal your money. There is no proven topical DHT blocker until Breezula is released, which is undergoing phase 2 trials.


              • oldschoolplaya
                Junior Member
                • Sep 2015
                • 18

                Originally posted by UK_
                As for RU58841 being safe, that's a laugh, cancers usually take years to develop 5+ years etc so to take that risk is also beyond stupid, chronic lymphomas for instance can appear after patients have been completely asymptomatic for over a decade yet always carried the disease until they discover they're stage 4 and on their death beds within 12 - 18 months.

                The fact that this is a topical treatment, also puts everyone in your household at risk for exposure, why do you think there are NO topical anti-androgens approved by the FDA? Too expensive to market? Not effective enough? LOL whoever came up with that theory was monkey-stupid. Imagine a topical finasteride used for 6 months or less within a household of 5 people, talk to a chemical expert he/she will tell you any topical brought into the home is exposed to everyone in some way or another eventually, just the a common cold.
                The fact that RU is topical makes it safer than any other "internal" DHT blocker like finasteride or dutasteride. Hmm would rubbing alcohol be safer on your skin or digesting it? DUH! Lighten up a bit.


                • cuprous
                  Junior Member
                  • Apr 2015
                  • 17

                  Originally posted by UK_
                  Yes you put it on your head, rub it on your fingers then wash your hands and it's all gone lol.

                  You have no idea of how dangerous topicals are, they're far more dangerous than pill drugs for this exact reason, you'll touch taps, door handles, bannisters, eat/prepare food and meet/greet people with that chemical still on your hands, just because it's naked to the human eye doesn't mean it's not there, why do you think when someone brings home a cold virus, there's an obvious chance of infecting everyone else in the household? A cold lasts 3 - 5 days and it can infect an entire household in less than that time, you're applying this chemical for months on end and you think there's no risk of cross-contamination? Viruses are also safer in this regard as they inactive after 12 or so hours, chemicals can remain 'on surface' and "active" for years, even decades.

                  You also have no idea regarding the background of this chemical, some chemicals can be carcinogenic at a millionth of a gram, some are even deadly at that level.

                  Welcome to the wonderful world of chemicals, I take it, given your lack of knowledge and respect for their powers, you are not a chemist, contact a bio-chemist via email at a university, they will give you the low-down.
                  Bud, this isn't polonium we're talking about here. RU is unstable at room temperature, probably more so on top of a 98 degree head. Your statement "chemicals can remain 'on surface' and "active" for years, even decades." is just ridiculous. I would agree if you have a pregnant woman, baby or child in the house you should be careful about storage and use of RU but your claims are totally unsubstantiated.

                  There are hundreds if not thousands of chemicals that end up in your household products without any risk assessment.

                  I agree we have limited data on RU thanks to it being shelved but the *ONLY* data point (that I know of) saying its risky was on the topical application to a pregnant rabbit. Well, ok. That would be like smearing Avodart on a pregnant woman. Obviously a bad idea!

                  And your comparison to viruses (which you erroneously state are all inactive after 12 hours) is dubious at best.


                  • UK_
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 2744

                    Originally posted by oldschoolplaya
                    The fact that RU is topical makes it safer than any other "internal" DHT blocker like finasteride or dutasteride. Hmm would rubbing alcohol be safer on your skin or digesting it? DUH! Lighten up a bit.
                    You couldn't be more wrong, Finasteride and Dutasteride would NEVER be approved to be sold in a topical solution for exactly the reasons I've explained, the risk for cross-contamination is too high, if you broke up a Finasteride pill and handled the dust you'd have a near similar effect on DHT levels as you would if you swallowed the pill.

                    Rubbing alcohol is essentially harmless, you'd need to rub a large quantity to experience any toxic effect - nobody is going to bathe in hand gel - all of the chemicals in your household are non-toxic, or else they wouldn't make it to market - however you've decided to purchase a research chemical as a topical which hasnt been approved by the FDA or marketed by a pharmaceutical company. Forgive me if you feel I'm being paranoid, however, RU58841 shares a similar chemical structure to drugs [approved] for prostate cancer patients, the list of side effects for those drugs is horrendous, including risk of long term heart failure (circa <2%) just because the supplier of your chemical has refused to research it on guinea pigs first and tell you about the side effects doesn't mean there arent any, every drug on this planet has a side effect. The long term side effects are the ones to worry about; 10 - 15 years down the road.


                    • UK_
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 2744

                      Originally posted by cuprous
                      Bud, this isn't polonium we're talking about here. RU is unstable at room temperature, probably more so on top of a 98 degree head. Your statement "chemicals can remain 'on surface' and "active" for years, even decades." is just ridiculous. I would agree if you have a pregnant woman, baby or child in the house you should be careful about storage and use of RU but your claims are totally unsubstantiated.

                      There are hundreds if not thousands of chemicals that end up in your household products without any risk assessment.

                      I agree we have limited data on RU thanks to it being shelved but the *ONLY* data point (that I know of) saying its risky was on the topical application to a pregnant rabbit. Well, ok. That would be like smearing Avodart on a pregnant woman. Obviously a bad idea!

                      And your comparison to viruses (which you erroneously state are all inactive after 12 hours) is dubious at best.
                      Not all viruses, however it's a given that the majority of viruses have a shorter on surface half life than chemicals - half lives for chemicals are determined in a lab setting, nobody knows what the half life for RU58841 is, could be a few weeks, could be a few years. We dont know what the half life in the human body is either, we don't know if RU58841 distrupts B-Lymphocytes causing a slow growing lymphatic cancer which rears its head after a decade - it's well known that endocrine distruptors are associated with cancers of the lymphatic system:

                      Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that, at certain doses, can interfere with endocrine (or hormone) systems. These disruptions can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other developmental disorders.[1] Any system in the body controlled by hormones can be derailed by hormone disruptors. Specifically, endocrine disruptors may be associated with the development of learning disabilities, severe attention deficit disorder, cognitive and brain development problems; deformations of the body (including limbs); breast cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid and other cancers; sexual development problems such as feminizing of males or masculinizing effects on females, etc.

                      Staff (2013-06-05). "Endocrine Disruptors". NIEHS


                      • Swooping
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2014
                        • 801

                        Originally posted by UK_
                        You couldn't be more wrong, Finasteride and Dutasteride would NEVER be approved to be sold in a topical solution for exactly the reasons I've explained, the risk for cross-contamination is too high, if you broke up a Finasteride pill and handled the dust you'd have a near similar effect on DHT levels as you would if you swallowed the pill.
                        Damn I really need to have the stuff you are smoking lol...


                        • bluewater
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 72

                          I Just Stumbled Upon This 3 Years Late. But I Have A Question

                          There is a "Compounding Pharmacy" close to me. They make prescriptions , rather than talking pre-made pills from a manufacturer and reselling them. My Vet prescribes a solution for a cat that needs to be made up and these places do that. Is this a formula they can make and legally sell to me? I am a bit intimidate by the whole process spelled out here. Thank you.


                          • Notgivingup2
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2016
                            • 123

                            Originally posted by bluewater
                            There is a "Compounding Pharmacy" close to me. They make prescriptions , rather than talking pre-made pills from a manufacturer and reselling them. My Vet prescribes a solution for a cat that needs to be made up and these places do that. Is this a formula they can make and legally sell to me? I am a bit intimidate by the whole process spelled out here. Thank you.
                            If you purchase the RU in powder form then yes, they could probably make it for you. I'm not sure they would though as it's probably illegal for them to do so for you.


                            • doke
                              Senior Member
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 1475

                              Advice regards putting ru58841 in kirkland or any 5% minoxidil is to maybe mix if putting into 60mls of minox 3 grams of ru in a small amount of pure alchohol and shaking the bottle until the ru is clear then add to your minox.
                              I say this as i wasted a whole bottle of 60mls of minox and ru as you have to leave in fridge i had ice particals in my mix and also due to water in minox the ru never mixed.
                              I Have made batchs in pure 50mls alchohol which are ok but can dry out the scalp thats why kb solution is better.
                              My next mix will be in either 30mls minox or 60mls but as said mix ru first.


                              • bluewater
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 72

                                Doke: How is this stuff working for you? Seriously. I have heard everything . It works it doesn't, it's dangerous.. I can't determine if its worth getting involved in. Minox has not worked and I am now trying that dema roller . The question is. Does it grow hair for you in the places you need it to be?

