Complete RU58841 Usage Guide

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  • ALM
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2011
    • 10

    I find it strange how anyone on this forum would consider someone who's losing their hair and wanting a cure to be considered narcissistic. If you don't have a problem with being bald then maybe you should consider spending your time elsewhere. The fact remains that everyone here has the same desire - to keep their hair. Regarding DNA, tell me why some people get cancer and other's don't? It's in the DNA genetic makeup of each individual. Sure, if one chooses to smoke it's highly likely at some point in their lifetime they'll end up with lung cancer. However, that person has a choice and other's just draw the short stick. I'm not comparing being bald to having cancer. At least being bald won't kill you. But I can attest to the fact that balding at a young age can be emotionally devastating. You watch your youth fall before your eyes and guess what, you're still young. It's not a desire to remain forever young, but it is a desire to remain a healthy attractive individual a long as you can.


    • Soonbald
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2015
      • 179

      Originally posted by ALM
      The reason nobody is posting is because it doesn't work. I've been using this formula precisely according to direction for over a year now and I'm losing more hair today than I was before I started it. DHT inhibitors are only a small portion of curing MPB. I honestly believe the true cure is hiding somewhere else in our DNA code because I can guarantee you Propecia, Dutasteride, Minoxidil, and RU aren't the answer. I've been on Propecia and Minox since they first came out and have been mixing Dutasteride in for the past 8 years. Have they helped? Probably so. The problem is after longterm use they become less and less effective. The body has an amazing ability to adapt. That's why I believe unless we alter the DNA code of a cell it will always seek the path in which it was destined to follow. Science has to push in another direction because DHT inhibitors in my opinion are a dead-end!

      I want to ask you.. how often did you apply RU? what did you mix it with alcohol/pg? did you mix it yourself? and how many "ML" did you apply on your scalp each time? how many "MG" of also where did you apply it on the scalp and did you rubb it in HARD or tried dermarolling too? tell me in details how you applied it PLEASE...I used RU and dermarolling for 2 months hair was thinner no thickening no reduction in hairloss at all. I used like 5-7ml at ONCE. which is like 200-250-300mg of RU. I had no sides either strangely. strange how FIN and DUT and minox and RU hasnt stopped your hairloss bro.


      • Guildenstern
        Junior Member
        • Sep 2015
        • 15

        Question has probably been asked many times before, but...

        Will applying dry shampoo before using RU work to clear off all the sebum that
        hinders proper absorption into the scalp?

        I actually don't wash my hair that often and i'm afraid that not doing so might
        somehow impair the efficacy of my solution.

        Glad to get any tips regarding that matter.


        • Soonbald
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2015
          • 179

          guys...the thing that worries me the most about RU58841 is the Heavy metals that it contains. sure its small amounts but Heavy metals gets stored in the body the body cant get ridd of it, maybe from some treatment I dunno. but RU58841 isnt totally "PURE" and when you apply RU you get small Heavy metals each time and that adds up into ALOT after a few years. I just used around 300-400mg of RU and rubbed it in very hard on my scalp. I Think I do get slightly lower libido on RU. when I was off RU for a few Days my libido was higher all of a sudden I never thought that RU lowered my libido but it seems that it does. and my penis kinda lose abit sensitivity.


          • Patrickfegan
            Junior Member
            • Sep 2016
            • 10


            I just seen this thread, never heard of RU before. I live in Ireland, how hard would it be to acquire these ingredients? Also is RU better than Spiro? After its discontinuation I need something to combine with Revivogen and Propecia. What about making your own Spiro?


            • Patrickfegan
              Junior Member
              • Sep 2016
              • 10

              Would anyone have a guide on creating Spiro? I know it another treatment, sorry, new here. Im interested in RU now, its a pity about S5 cream. The conbination of it, Propecia and Revivogen really worked for me. I also use Nizaral, Alpecin, Nourkin tabs, and lazer comb. I loved the Spiro cream as after applied I would take excess cream out with towel and then sprinkle some fibres on, it attached even better after the spiro and give strength and volume to hair. #I used the cream and messiness usually associated with S5 cream to my advantage. Now it been discontinued grrrr


              • Swooping
                Senior Member
                • May 2014
                • 801

                Originally posted by Patrickfegan
                Would anyone have a guide on creating Spiro? I know it another treatment, sorry, new here. Im interested in RU now, its a pity about S5 cream. The conbination of it, Propecia and Revivogen really worked for me. I also use Nizaral, Alpecin, Nourkin tabs, and lazer comb. I loved the Spiro cream as after applied I would take excess cream out with towel and then sprinkle some fibres on, it attached even better after the spiro and give strength and volume to hair. #I used the cream and messiness usually associated with S5 cream to my advantage. Now it been discontinued grrrr
                AFAIK S5 cream is coming back soon with a month or so.


                • Soonbald
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2015
                  • 179

                  I hear more and more about heart damage and RU. here is a post on yotuube I just read from a guy im deffo dropping still makes my hairline itch when I apply it. and dont or barely itches when im off it.

                  A friend of mine took this back in 2013 purchased from the same website you got yours from, over 6 months after being exposed to the chemical he developed heart problems - shortness of breath and tightness in his chest - he couldn't work properly due to constant dizzyness and shortness of breath - he was diagnosed with a rare form of heart failure and is on around 8 different medications daily now. I'd delete this video, have your entire house chemically cleaned and pray you havent caused yourself long term heart damage. Just to let you know, the company that was developing this chemical as a drug dropped it suddenly during their trials, nobody knows why.


                  • Patrickfegan
                    Junior Member
                    • Sep 2016
                    • 10

                    Holy Shit, no hair worth that. I thankfully haven't purchased it yet. I was informed about the S5 cream, its great news as Spiro, or at least the S5 cream worked for me. Thank God as I am not sacrificing my heart for my hair.


                    • UK_
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 2744

                      Isnt Spiro used by transgenders? That stuff has feminizing properties.


                      • ALM
                        Junior Member
                        • Apr 2011
                        • 10

                        I used the same formula originally posted by Hellouser and have applied it once a day approximately 5 days a week for at least a year and a half - everclear 95% grain alcohol mixed with pharmaceutical grade PG and 300mg of RU. Fortunately for me I really haven't experienced any adverse side effects but I've also been losing mad amounts of hair for the past 6 months. I may be wrong here but my theory is our bodies are adaptable. In essence, they build up an immunity over time. Take alcohol for example. Say you go 6 months to a year without a beer or glass of wine - you drink one glass and you're feeling the buzz factor. But if you drink daily it takes more and more to create the same feeling. I'm no scientist but I am a strategist and logical thinker. Our bodies are highly sophisticated organisms. Don't get me wrong, we've got some smart research doctors out there chipping away at our complex DNA code but we all know those brilliant minds are just at the tip of the iceberg. With that said, I'm still hopeful. But if you're hoping RU is the answer, it hasn't been for me.


                        • Patrickfegan
                          Junior Member
                          • Sep 2016
                          • 10

                          Hi beginning to get that burning sensation on my scalp again since S5 cream run out. I combine it with Revivogen and Propecia..... not to mention the other complementary treatments. (Expensive fighting hair loss) I am desperate to get Spiro back. I tried Follione and even though the makers are trying to create a DHT blocker with natural ingredients (that the FDA cannot regulate) it definitely is not Follione. For anyone thinking about trying it, don't waste your money, stick to Revivogen or another proven DHT blocker until Spiro comes back.


                          • UK_
                            Senior Member
                            • Feb 2011
                            • 2744

                            Why dont you stop chemically castrating yourself and live with your hair loss? Hereditary hair loss is not a health condition, you dont need drugs designed for prostate cancer patients to treat it, it's incredibly dangerous and beyond the realms of stupidity IMO.

                            As for RU58841 being safe, that's a laugh, cancers usually take years to develop 5+ years etc so to take that risk is also beyond stupid, chronic lymphomas for instance can appear after patients have been completely asymptomatic for over a decade yet always carried the disease until they discover they're stage 4 and on their death beds within 12 - 18 months.

                            The fact that this is a topical treatment, also puts everyone in your household at risk for exposure, why do you think there are NO topical anti-androgens approved by the FDA? Too expensive to market? Not effective enough? LOL whoever came up with that theory was monkey-stupid. Imagine a topical finasteride used for 6 months or less within a household of 5 people, talk to a chemical expert he/she will tell you any topical brought into the home is exposed to everyone in some way or another eventually, just the a common cold.


                            • burtandernie
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2012
                              • 1568

                              No one in the household is exposed to RU because you put it on your head. I dont know what logic your using to figure that. Tiny particles of RU on say carpet are not enough to absorb through someones skin and make any real difference in blood levels to do anything. Assuming the person using RU wiped it all over the place.


                              • UK_
                                Senior Member
                                • Feb 2011
                                • 2744

                                Yes you put it on your head, rub it on your fingers then wash your hands and it's all gone lol.

                                You have no idea of how dangerous topicals are, they're far more dangerous than pill drugs for this exact reason, you'll touch taps, door handles, bannisters, eat/prepare food and meet/greet people with that chemical still on your hands, just because it's naked to the human eye doesn't mean it's not there, why do you think when someone brings home a cold virus, there's an obvious chance of infecting everyone else in the household? A cold lasts 3 - 5 days and it can infect an entire household in less than that time, you're applying this chemical for months on end and you think there's no risk of cross-contamination? Viruses are also safer in this regard as they inactive after 12 or so hours, chemicals can remain 'on surface' and "active" for years, even decades.

                                You also have no idea regarding the background of this chemical, some chemicals can be carcinogenic at a millionth of a gram, some are even deadly at that level.

                                Welcome to the wonderful world of chemicals, I take it, given your lack of knowledge and respect for their powers, you are not a chemist, contact a bio-chemist via email at a university, they will give you the low-down.

