Mousseigne, french doctor, on the road of donor regeneration

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  • gc83uk
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2011
    • 1340

    Originally posted by greatjob!
    Enter the Gho fanboys...


    • Arashi
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2012
      • 3888

      Originally posted by Mathieu
      When I read forums, and BTT is unfortunately no exception, I often imagine that some users' head is a hollow cavity hosting a screaming, randomly jumping around chimp which is high on coke. I admit that this hysteria is both entertaining and distressing to watch. I also very much doubt it can be stopped with rational & honest arguments.... so I guess I'll just have to cope with it!

      Anyway, I notice that the last pages are filled with agressive rants & speculations, fueled mostly by simplistic & demagogic reasonings. Some guys obviously have no grasp of economics, just as much as they ignore this particular HT market's reality.

      Give me a few hours and I'll answer in detail to your main concerns. Hopefully it will clear out any misunderstanding for those who, inside their head, have an operative brain instead of a raging coke-addicted chimp.

      Mathieu, I really liked your posts in the other thread, such a relief to see someone who actually wants to wait for results instead of posting photoshopped and stolen pictures. But if I may give you one piece of advice: don't attack any forum members, it makes you look unprofessional. Yes there are some a$$holes in here but just ignore them and come back here once you have new info to share. Oh and Winston is doing a decent job recently as well so if you feel insulted by someone, just report it to Winston.

      Good luck and all the best to you !


      • Sogeking
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2011
        • 497

        LEt's see.


        • caddarik79
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2013
          • 496

          Originally posted by Arashi
          Mathieu, I really liked your posts in the other thread, such a relief to see someone who actually wants to wait for results instead of posting photoshopped and stolen pictures. But if I may give you one piece of advice: don't attack any forum members, it makes you look unprofessional. Yes there are some a$$holes in here but just ignore them and come back here once you have new info to share. Oh and Winston is doing a decent job recently as well so if you feel insulted by someone, just report it to Winston.

          Good luck and all the best to you !

          Arashi, I don't get that you all behave like this...
          Yes, it is a good news to see that another doctor is starting in the same field as Gho, I'm the first to applause and be happy.
          Now, you should not betray your "buddies" or "mates" fromthe forum and agree with Mathieu when he calls them "assholes" just because we focus on the one important question : the price, for God sake.

          It's like there are here, only a bunch of selfish rich losing hair dudes who don't care if it's unaffordable since it is affordable for them.

          It was not completely stupid to focus and ask question about the actual price policy of Mousseigne, even if he is talented.

          So when you guyzzz are just behaving like he was sent by God and no matter the price, we will pay for quality, you are not helping the hair loss community, you are just being selfish.

          I can also afford it, but I don't want to, I already consider Gho as expensive, I don't want you or Mathieu to ignore that very matter, it is unfair to ask people to pay the price of an appartment to restore their full head of hair.

          Sure, the technical discussions, the documentation, the cases of Mousseigne, all this material will be interesting, but when you hear so many people in the forum already considering Gho like toooooooo expensive, and depressed by this, you should not selfishly say to Mathieu that you would pay 17K for one session, it's not fair.

          Hopefully, Mathieu will bring the answers on that very question...

          Et Mathieu, je me demande si t'es pas le même gars qui a commencé sa carrière de "forum fisher" sur Doctissimo au début des années 2000...non?


          • cocacola
            Senior Member
            • Feb 2013
            • 225

            I dont understand why so much fuss here lol. Lets just wait and see whats the deal instead of speculating.


            • caddarik79
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2013
              • 496

              And yes his little attack and comparison with "coke addicted chimp" looked very unprofessional and was not even funny (I prefer IM little badass reactions)
              I am not the doctor representative, I don't have to look professional and still, I think I did not insult anyone, I just decided to focus on the price, because this is a very big point (if you read other threads, about Gho for example, you will see that price is an issue for the big majority)... but Mathieu here looked like an asshole, very too easily upset by skeptical or insisting forum members, categorising them very quickly and insulting, that looked lame... far from Gho team professionnalism + why is it so upseting to have people being completely disgusted by huge FUE prices?

              Now for sure I can shut up (and I will, lol)and let him develop what he has to show us, but I will definitely be there when the prices question will come on the table....

              so you guyz, stop being so a** licking and calling other forum members assholes, just because you are tooo excited by a newcomer...It's OK, it's a very good news, now don't let him divide us to reign...


              • caddarik79
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2013
                • 496

                Originally posted by cocacola
                I dont understand why so much fuss here lol. Lets just wait and see whats the deal instead of speculating.
                I partly agree with you, sincerely...the fuss came from Mousseigne site and his crazy FUE prices... I think that's a legit reaction.
                Now sure you are right, let's see what's next...and I promise I will shut up until price question is coming.

                My point was that we should remember that we are the market, so let's not encourage crazyyy prices by being soooo happy about regeneration.
                Gho is the reference at this time, also in terms of price (monopole position)...I want it to go a bit down, am not naive, not for free, but a bit more affordable for average NW4 Mr Smith ;-)


                • didi
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 1372

                  Originally posted by caddarik79
                  I partly agree with you, sincerely...the fuss came from Mousseigne site and his crazy FUE prices... I think that's a legit reaction.
                  Now sure you are right, let's see what's next...and I promise I will shut up until price question is coming.

                  My point was that we should remember that we are the market, so let's not encourage crazyyy prices by being soooo happy about regeneration.
                  Gho is the reference at this time, also in terms of price (monopole position)...I want it to go a bit down, am not naive, not for free, but a bit more affordable for average NW4 Mr Smith ;-)

                  As long as he is willing to share his technique Im happy, somebody from Turkey will pick it up and offer it for 3 Euros per graft.

                  Lets see if it works first


                  • caddarik79
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2013
                    • 496

                    he is for sure talented as a hair surgeon, this I won't deny... for the rest, let's see where this all go.

                    It's just guyz... we are in 2013, paying 30k for just keeping a poor not dense and still thinning head of hair (because the process of losing existing hair will not stop since you started to transplant new hair).

                    I'm in the situation (and even considering a second HST but very much thinking about the best strategy time/progress/money/new treatment on the horizon), I'm glad Gho and maybe Mousseigne exist, it's better then to be 45 in the 80's or 90's... but being an HST customer (and I can afford), I still find it so unfair that you need so much budget to fight hair loss, and not to have a Tom Cruise dense result but rather a Nicolas Cage situation.
                    I mean if you do 3* 1500 grafts on a NW5-6, he will not look dense, he will just cover somehow... and yet he will have already spent 30k for that.

                    Things need to evolve in our favor a bit...

                    But sure, now that everything was put on table, it's time to listen and to look peacefully at what Mathieu has to bring.

                    It's cool we might belong to the cure period..I just hope we won't be broke for the sake of having a normal head of hair, that's all.


                    • Jasari
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2011
                      • 252

                      To be frank I hope that a product like Histogen can make treatments such as this obsolete, because essentially it's like taking a knife to a gun fight.

                      At the end of the day over the course of ones hair loss journey most people will need around 10k grafts which is around $100k & 7 odd years of treatment.

                      I think Caddarik has a fair point when he mentions prices. The FUE cost at this clinic is huge and you wonder why anyone would pay more money for results they can get elsewhere for a fraction of the price.

                      In this regard if a clinic is serious about a new treatment they must keep this in mind.


                      • Vox
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2013
                        • 298

                        Originally posted by caddarik79
                        But sure, now that everything was put on table, it's time to listen and to look peacefully at what Mathieu has to bring.
                        Regarding the pricing scheme, I am very pessimistic about what we will see. Pricing about pretty much everything in France is crap, why this should be any different? Because desperate bald souls wish so?

                        The good news would be if this technique is proved to work well on both ends (donor/recipient) and if the doctor is really willing to share the know-how. Then, others will pick it up and there will be some chance for reasonable prices.


                        • Arashi
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2012
                          • 3888

                          Originally posted by Vox
                          Regarding the pricing scheme, I am very pessimistic about what we will see. Pricing about pretty much everything in France is crap, why this should be any different? Because desperate bald souls wish so?
                          Pretty much my point. I'm 100% sure he won't set prices according to what some people on these forums want. There's so much wealth in a city like Paris alone, that I'm sure he'll be more expensive than Gho, even if he'd have an inferior technique. But in the bigger picture, it will still be a great development. We need more trustworthy doctors to jump onto this bandwagon.


                          • Arashi
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2012
                            • 3888

                            Mathieu, I'm really missing some info regarding this doctor on your website. Where and what did he study ? Did he graduate cum laude ? Did he write any papers ? Things like that I usually want to know before I even consider visiting a doctor. Furthermore, honestly, I think your website is quite bad. No highres examples of patient cases at all, the website is quite ugly as it is and it just lacks all the needed info that would make me even consider visiting your clinic.

                            If you can show us solid proof of your technique, I'd probably care less, but I'd still highly recommend to redo your website.


                            • The Alchemist
                              Senior Member
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 265

                              Originally posted by caddarik79
                              but Mathieu here looked like an asshole, very too easily upset by skeptical or insisting forum members, categorising them very quickly and insulting, that looked lame... far from Gho team professionnalism + why is it so upseting to have people being completely disgusted by huge FUE prices?
                              Agreed that Mathieu didn't come off too well by referring to critical posters as coke addicted chimps. It was very childish. They're the tactics of someone who has no rebuttal to legitimate criticisms.

                              But, then again, Gho hasn't been too professional either.

                              If doctors want to come and post (ie. advertise) in an open discussion forum then they better damn well have the maturity and confidence to hear dissenting opinions and criticism. In an open forum, you have to know that you're going to get the good and the bad. It's just the way it goes. Knowledge levels, motives and sincerity of comments are different for everyone and the comments will reflect that. If you don't like it, set up your own blog and feel free to control the content as much as your heart desires.
                              Last edited by Winston; 05-03-2013, 08:33 PM. Reason: False commentary removed.


                              • Dees Dab
                                • Apr 2013
                                • 43

                                Originally posted by Mathieu
                                When I read forums, and BTT is unfortunately no exception, I often imagine that some users' head is a hollow cavity hosting a screaming, randomly jumping around chimp which is high on coke. I admit that this hysteria is both entertaining and distressing to watch. I also very much doubt it can be stopped with rational & honest arguments.... so I guess I'll just have to cope with it!

                                Anyway, I notice that the last pages are filled with agressive rants & speculations, fueled mostly by simplistic & demagogic reasonings. Some guys obviously have no grasp of economics, just as much as they ignore this particular HT market's reality.

                                Give me a few hours and I'll answer in detail to your main concerns. Hopefully it will clear out any misunderstanding for those who, inside their head, have an operative brain instead of a raging coke-addicted chimp.

                                No need for your technique as me and my coked-up chimp have developed a better alternative which we will divulge soon. Ours is much more expensive, 150-200k no scars/dots cure and worth every penny. Currently working on gettng a pic or two up on our new website once we build it properly.

                                Our pricing is based on this particular HT market's reality and also our love for lots of mansions, yachts, lear jets, and fine automobiles.

