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  • Johny41
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2014
    • 145

    THE BALD EXPERIMENT! Do girls care?

    Hey guys,
    What do you think about this experiment?

  • Illusion
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2014
    • 500

    This is exactly why we spend so much time, energy and money on combatting hair loss. Nobody likes a bald head, it just does not look good in 99% of the cases. It's literally the only deal breaker with some of these girls! It's surely not the principle of lying, superficial b!tches don't give anything about that.

    Things like these have to stop, I really really hope new treatments will come through in the near future.


    • Trenblastoise
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2014
      • 142

      Yes, girls care. Generally they care a lot.

      But, you be able to survive without hair if you were looking godlike before.

      Other than that: At the end of the video he states he will interview girls on it. This is a major mistake, asking women if being bald is a big deal, as a bald guy in person will leave you with lots of dishonest answers to not hurt your feelings. It's like it triggers a defense mechanism in women. I have a short friend that have asked women if they care about height, suddenly the majority says "No!" - but when you look on their dates and actions it tells a different story.

      If they make the guy feel good they might still be able to drain him of resources, like the one girl that rejected him in the video still wanting the flowers.


      • Buster
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2012
        • 210

        I really don't think most girls care either way, well at least girls who are into their 20s, but it's not about whether you have hair or not, it's how you look without it.


        • FlightTL
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2011
          • 842

          Originally posted by Buster
          I really don't think most girls care either way, well at least girls who are into their 20s, but it's not about whether you have hair or not, it's how you look without it.
          Especially if you have muscles, and just cut it off, women LOVE that!


          • Notcoolanymore
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2013
            • 2260

            Originally posted by FlightTL
            Especially if you have muscles, and just cut it off, women LOVE that!
            You're an expert on women now??? When did this happen? How do you go from not getting laid in over a decade to knowing anything about what women want? You are so full of it.


            • fred970
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2009
              • 924

              Women don't care about traits that can be faked, like muscles. They care about traits like your face, your height and your frame.

              They want genuine healthy genes, they don't want to be tricked into thinking you have healthy genes. Women have evolved to be able to tell the difference.

              +1 Notcool. It wouldn't surprise me that the vast majority of people giving opinions and advice about women are in fact virgins.


              • baldozer
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2012
                • 752

                Originally posted by fred970
                Women don't care about traits that can be faked, like muscles. They care about traits like your face, your height and your frame.

                They want genuine healthy genes, they don't want to be tricked into thinking you have healthy genes. Women have evolved to be able to tell the difference.

                +1 Notcool. It wouldn't surprise me that the vast majority of people giving opinions and advice about women are in fact virgins.
                And what about traits like Intelligence and Ambition? Actually, intelligence should be the #1 desirable trait for women. One benefit of being bald is that bald men are perceived as more intelligent.


                • Trenblastoise
                  Senior Member
                  • Jul 2014
                  • 142

                  Originally posted by baldozer
                  And what about traits like Intelligence and Ambition? Actually, intelligence should be the #1 desirable trait for women. One benefit of being bald is that bald men are perceived as more intelligent.
                  No, looking healthy should be the #1 desirable trait. Doesn't matter if you are high on intelligence if you are deformed you wont pull ladies like a Cristiano Ronaldo


                  • GoingGoing
                    Junior Member
                    • May 2014
                    • 17

                    Originally posted by fred970
                    Women don't care about traits that can be faked, like muscles.
                    This is really not true at all. I'm not sure why you would think that. It says something about a man when he's willing to put in the work to take care of his body, and it improves your overall standing with them. That's not to say all women love juiceheads, since I know some are turned off by them, but if you're sporting a physique that you've clearly spent time on, I assure you, it does not go unnoticed.


                    • FlightTL
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2011
                      • 842

                      Originally posted by GoingGoing
                      This is really not true at all. I'm not sure why you would think that. It says something about a man when he's willing to put in the work to take care of his body, and it improves your overall standing with them. That's not to say all women love juiceheads, since I know some are turned off by them, but if you're sporting a physique that you've clearly spent time on, I assure you, it does not go unnoticed.
                      I agree. Women LOVE muscles on men. Love it! Look at Rock and Vin Diesel.


                      • jamesst11
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2014
                        • 1092

                        It's weird, every one is so convinced that women really do care a lot about this. It's understandable if, with hair you're a 10 and without it, you're a 5 or 6. Every one of my good looking female friends is dating or married to someone that is balding or already bald. There just really are SO many more factors involved in what attracts women to me. I think us men in general tend to be way more focused on looks when it comes to finding a partner. It's evolutionary that our sex drive influences us more. Are primitive minds want to procreate and, in doing so, we seek women with the best genes possible. Women primarily want men that stay fit, have their lives together, are confident, loyal and charming.


                        • GoingGoing
                          Junior Member
                          • May 2014
                          • 17

                          Originally posted by jamesst11
                          It's weird, every one is so convinced that women really do care a lot about this. It's understandable if, with hair you're a 10 and without it, you're a 5 or 6. Every one of my good looking female friends is dating or married to someone that is balding or already bald. There just really are SO many more factors involved in what attracts women to me. I think us men in general tend to be way more focused on looks when it comes to finding a partner. It's evolutionary that our sex drive influences us more. Are primitive minds want to procreate and, in doing so, we seek women with the best genes possible. Women primarily want men that stay fit, have their lives together, are confident, loyal and charming.
                          Right, it's just not that drastic of a decline, i.e. a 10 does not become a 5. Granted, while there are guys that do look better bald, for the most part most, a man will look better with hair/a solid hairline. There's not denying that...BUT, it's not what many on this forum would leave you to believe. It's not a death sentence. If all else fails, or is not a realistic option for you, just improve other parts of yourself to make up for it, including working on your physique. That's really the most accessible means of compensating for the loss.


                          • fred970
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 924

                            Originally posted by jamesst11
                            There just really are SO many more factors involved in what attracts women to me.
                            Wrong. If we're talking about sexual attraction: only your face, and then in second position your body, not your muscles, but your frame and height will matter to women.

                            The rest is just a bonus and will matter in things like social admiration from her or simply romantic attraction. Acknowledge the difference between sexual and romantic attraction.

                            No amount of money, status, having your life together, intelligence, ambition and being confident is going to make a woman wet. If you believe otherwise, you're deluded.

                            Women crave an attractive man just as much as men crave a hot girl. If not more. It's how it goes in nature, the male who appears to have the best genes gets the female.

                            Why would it be any different for humans? All this confidence and status talk is something that was made up by society to make ugly guys think they would still have a shot.

                            The truth is, they don't. Not at getting raw sexual attraction from women anyway. Women might settle for them when they have been pumped and dumped by hot NW1's.

                            But she will not be sexually attracted to an ugly guy and will grow to resent him for not being a tall hot NW1. That's why so many relationships and marriages are unhappy.

                            Because women are told by society to settle for the less attractive guys by society so that she looks like a good girl. This is a mistake and only breeds hate and misery for both parties.


                            • Johny41
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2014
                              • 145

                              There was only one girl that refused to continue the date. The rest 3 girls were ok with his bald head. I think that not only a good appearance plays a great role, but also your attitude to the situation and your self confidence. No girls that want to date a shy man and a man with low self esteem. They like self confident guys and guys with sense of humor. So, what I want to say is that we should work on both appearance and positive thinking.

