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  • boatbuff
    depends on the face if your face is round and fat no you will look bad bald but if your fit and slim you can look good but most women like hair to show off to there friends your good jeans shallow as it may be

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  • Hairmore
    I would imagine him even being more handsome with less hair. Seems like he has a good shape for a bald head.

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  • Vox
    Originally posted by ashleysummer
    To tell the truth, I consider bald men to be very hot
    Look at this balding man! He is super attractive!
    Well, he still has plenty of hair on the top of his head. Try to imagine him as a NW7 guy. It makes a huge difference.

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  • ashleysummer
    To tell the truth, I consider bald men to be very hot
    Look at this balding man! He is super attractive!

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  • Jedgreen
    Originally posted by fred970
    People think only good looking persons deserve any love.
    That's where it's obvious you don't know what love is.

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  • fred970
    Originally posted by Jedgreen
    I think the main question is: are you a lovable person?
    I mean, for real. Are you lovable?
    People think only good looking persons deserve any love.

    And a bald 24 year old NW6 average-looking guy doesn't fall in that category.

    Everything he does will be interpreted negatively.

    If he tries to be lovable and to make himself loved, people will see him as a needy try-hard.

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  • Jedgreen
    I think the main question is: are you a lovable person?
    I mean, for real. Are you lovable?

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  • fred970
    Originally posted by RanDave
    Well said, Baldozer.
    As I always say, self perception is the main key here.
    Nonsense. How others perceive you is key.

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  • RanDave
    Guys with Rock's shape of head are lucky. Though not all of us have this shape, there are other different stylistic tricks that can help achieve a good look.

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  • RanDave
    Originally posted by baldozer
    Well, if you look in the mirror and feel satisfied, it means you look good.
    Well said, Baldozer.
    As I always say, self perception is the main key here.

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  • FlightTL
    Originally posted by baldozer
    I do have forward eye bridge and thick eyebrows, so that helps I think. However, I don't have a strong jaw or chin. In that case, just grow a beard.
    The Rock head shape is perfect

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  • baldozer
    Originally posted by sagat
    The cold hard truth. Yes they do care. Particularly in your 20's and early 30's. Here I am standing in at social event and looking 10+ years older than everyone else. Every week I get a comment about my lack of hair which is a huge slap in the face. What am I suppose to do? Give them shit back or joke about it? I can't do anything about it unlike weight and acne. My MPB was aggressive pretty much gone at 22.

    Without hair every other facial structure has to be near perfect. It can be pulled off only if you have a masculine face (jaw line, forward eye bridge, thick eyebrows). HGH and testosterone will masculize the face. These doctors won't prescribe HGH and or testosterone too at least improve ourselves but prescribe fin.

    rant over
    I do have forward eye bridge and thick eyebrows, so that helps I think. However, I don't have a strong jaw or chin. In that case, just grow a beard.

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  • sagat
    The cold hard truth. Yes they do care. Particularly in your 20's and early 30's. Here I am standing in at social event and looking 10+ years older than everyone else. Every week I get a comment about my lack of hair which is a huge slap in the face. What am I suppose to do? Give them shit back or joke about it? I can't do anything about it unlike weight and acne. My MPB was aggressive pretty much gone at 22.

    Without hair every other facial structure has to be near perfect. It can be pulled off only if you have a masculine face (jaw line, forward eye bridge, thick eyebrows). HGH and testosterone will masculize the face. These doctors won't prescribe HGH and or testosterone too at least improve ourselves but prescribe fin.

    rant over

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  • FlightTL
    Originally posted by baldozer
    It depends on how much baldness affects your looks. I'm a NW7 but still quite handsome, or so does my wife think. And I don't even shave my head. I have short hair on sides and a short beard. Looks great IMO.
    Yes, and look at Kelly Slater....He is voted the most handsome man in sports....Baldozer is correct, and I'm glad he pulls off the look well.

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  • baldozer
    Originally posted by Notcoolanymore
    My mom thinks I'm handsome, and that's all that matters.
    Well, if you look in the mirror and feel satisfied, it means you look good.

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