Addressing root cause of male pattern baldness: a well known approach?

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  • Aston
    • Apr 2012
    • 82

    It isn't the only needed element in the therapy. Plus i have the meds already. I am going to take a comprehensive hormone test first, to see how my ranges are. Of course, i am followed by an endocrinologist as well.


    • 2020
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2012
      • 1527

      so what exactly are you saying? Will you start taking those thyroid supplements I posted about? You think that's going to help? What else are you going to do?


      • Aston
        • Apr 2012
        • 82

        I am still researching in order to confirm there are no obvious contradictions to this theory.

        If i don't find any glaring contradiction, I will first get a comprehensive hormone exam. If i see relatively low thyroid hormones, high E2, low prog and cortisol, and low T i will try supplementing with T for a few weeks. Sometimes this is enough to give the metabolism a boost. (I am already consuming a high cholesterol diet intentionally, which facilitates the synthesis of specific hormones)

        If that doesn't work as intended:

        (taken from the first post, which you refuse to read)

        Phase 1: Restore preg, prog and cortisol, via supplementary transdermal pregnenolone (or prog), to as good as can be achieved without thyroid hormones.

        Phase 2: Restore thyroid hormones, pref via supplementary slow-release-compounded T3 (not yet T4) and adjust both preg and T3 thyroid hormones together to achieve optimum balance as well as optimum levels of all cortisol-production-line hormones as well as optimum levels of thyroid hormones.

        Phase 3: Swap out as much T3 with T4 as possible (definitely possible) and swap out as much pregnenolone with dietary cholesterol as possile (less effective with increasing age)."


        • beatinghairloss
          Senior Member
          • May 2012
          • 213

          Originally posted by 2020
          it's amazing how for the vast majority of people, their genetics get "activated" right around the same time as the person whose genes you inherited....
          This is simply not true. If we asked everybody to chime in I bet most young men right now on this website have lost hair earlier then their parents.


          • beatinghairloss
            Senior Member
            • May 2012
            • 213

            Originally posted by Aston
            There's a list of steps at the end of my opening post. The original site i took it from has a series of detailed therapeutic notes following the overview that i pasted in my first post.
            Ashton you are a level headed person I can tell. Don't listen to anybody here just do whatever research you can to get to the bottom of this.

            FYI... After 7 days of not ejaculating you will accomplish everything you are trying to do in regards to stabilizing hormones. This is why castrated men do not lose anymore hair. As to regrow hair I can not promise nor assume any treatment has the power to bring back any substantial amount of hair.


            • clandestine
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2011
              • 2005

              Originally posted by beatinghairloss
              FYI... After 7 days of not ejaculating you will accomplish everything you are trying to do in regards to stabilizing hormones. This is why castrated men do not lose anymore hair. As to regrow hair I can not promise nor assume any treatment has the power to bring back any substantial amount of hair.
              No way. You're the BackwardsBalding guy? **** off; what a twist!

              I do encourage Aston to keep researching and keep us updated, though.


              • Jcm800
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2011
                • 2627

                He is backwardsbalding, sussed that reams of bullshit ago lol.


                • beatinghairloss
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2012
                  • 213

                  Originally posted by clandestine
                  No way. You're the BackwardsBalding guy? **** off; what a twist!

                  I do encourage Aston to keep researching and keep us updated, though.
                  LOL shhhhhhh... I don't want to get banned again I had to try and stay under the radar....No the bald truth is very fair.....anyways hormones stabilize after 7 days athletes and body builders been using abstinence for years its like the untold secret to working out better.


                  • 25 going on 65
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 1476

                    Originally posted by beatinghairloss
                    After 7 days of not ejaculating you will accomplish everything you are trying to do in regards to stabilizing hormones. This is why castrated men do not lose anymore hair.
                    It's been tried so many times. Doesn't work.


                    • clandestine
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2011
                      • 2005

                      Originally posted by beatinghairloss
                      LOL shhhhhhh... I don't want to get banned again I had to try and stay under the radar....No the bald truth is very fair.....anyways hormones stabilize after 7 days athletes and body builders been using abstinence for years its like the untold secret to working out better.
                      I would be all for you getting banned again. Your ѕhit is ridiculous; the amount of misinformation you try to spread is astounding,


                      • beatinghairloss
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2012
                        • 213

                        Originally posted by clandestine
                        I would be all for you getting banned again. Your ѕhit is ridiculous; the amount of misinformation you try to spread is astounding,
                        Your way off topic.

                        FYI I have never spread misinformation and one day not too long from now I will come on here with the most comprehensive study ever conducted and at the very least I will expect an apology.


                        • beatinghairloss
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2012
                          • 213

                          Originally posted by clandestine
                          I would be all for you getting banned again. Your ѕhit is ridiculous; the amount of misinformation you try to spread is astounding,

                          so you dont think these mucles cause hair loss?

                          Or this study is bogus?
                          Objective : To document the relative importance of endogenous sex steroids in modulating the frequency of orgasms, the dominant aspect of sexual behaviour in healthy eugonadal men. Design : Measurement of adrenal and testicular sex steroids in a sample of army recruits and study of their relation to frequency of orgasms ascertained by questionnaire after potential confounding variables were controlled for. Setting : Military campus and military hospital laboratories in Athens, Greece. Subjects : 92 consecutively enrolled healthy male recruits aged 18-22 years. Main outcome measures : Weekly number of orgasms. Serum concentrations of testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate, dihydrotestosterone, oestradiol, oestrone, δ-4-androstenedione, and sex hormone binding globulin. Results : Serum dihydrotestosterone concentration was the only independent hormonal predictor of the frequency of orgasms; an increase in concentration of 1.36 nmol/l (about 2 SD) corresponded to an average increase of one orgasm a week. Conclusions : Differences in concentrations of circulating dihydrotestosterone within the normal range may represent a major predictor of sexual activity in healthy young men. #### Key messages

                          An no aparent link to blood flow?
                          Our study was designed to measure the transcutaneous PO2 of the scalp to determine if there was a relative microvascular insufficiency and associated tissue hypoxia in areas of hair loss in male pattern baldness. A controlled prospective study was performed at Butterworth Hospital, Grand Rapids, Mic …


                          • clandestine
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2011
                            • 2005

                            Originally posted by beatinghairloss
                            Your way off topic.

                            FYI I have never spread misinformation and one day not too long from now I will come on here with the most comprehensive study ever conducted and at the very least I will expect an apology.
                            I'm speaking in regards to your claims on ejaculation, which have already been thoroughly debunked.

                            To reiterate, and in case you forgot;

                            Originally posted by VulcanLogic
                            OK I have read quite a bit of your material and certainly enough to get the gist of your proposition. You are quite correct on one point androgenic alopecia should not be considered a 'desease' nor should it be considered a disease.

                            As to the rest of your material I would say this is a perfect example of dicto simpliciter (look it up) and a healthy infusion of misinformation.

                            Your initial preamble (ramblings) are full of inaccuracies, here are a few examples to correct you.

                            * Not all androgenic alopecia (AA) starts at the temples or crown.

                            * Not all AA progresses to a full crown (bald head) loss.

                            * Contrary to 'your' belief science actually knows only a small fraction of the complex mechanism that results in AA.

                            * We don't know for certain that DHT is the main cause of hair loss, we do know that it appears that DHT is part of the mechanism involved. However even if DHT is integral it could for example be more to do with receptor site rather than DHT.

                            * We don't know if DHT is excessive in both the scalp and the blood stream in the majority of cases of AA and in fact there is no hard evidence to draw a cause and effect relationship as DHT levels can be identical in those with and those without AA, in fact it could be that the enzyme 5α-reductase is the culprit rather than DHT.

                            * Other mammals do have plenty of incidences of AA, notably the male Tsavo lions, dogs, macaques, and even our closest primate species the chimpanzee.

                            * Both the big cats, domesticated cats and host of other species will suffer from alopecia and a host of other health issues related to a nutrient deficient diet.

                            * We do not know that AA is caused by a hormonal 'in balance' (imbalance) in fact there is very little to support that those with men with AA have significantly different hormonal levels to those without AA.

                            * Some women do suffer with AA this appears to occur as oestrogen levels decline with age which has lead to the hypothesis that oestrogen has a protective role and as it declines women hair follicles are exposed to DHT leading to AA in a similar way to men. Though I stress this is unproven.

                            * Logically women and men are not exposed to the same gene pool, as a result of the 'XY' chromosomes vs 'XX', hence the reason we have sex linked diseases.

                            * There is absolutely no evidence that the prostate is the 'single cause for hair loss' nor have I seen any credible evidence to make such an assumption, the prostate is however regulated by DHT which is synthesized in the prostate, testes, hair follicles, and adrenal glands by the enzyme 5α-reductase.

                            * There is no credible evidence to suggest that ejaculation has anything other than a transitory effect on DHT, in fact if we take your own results on face value your DHT level actually fell below the pre ejaculation level a short time after. And once again I stress that there is no credible evidence that those with AA have significantly different serum DHT levels to those without it.

                            * There is evidence of a potential increase in both benign prostatic hyperplasia and cancer of the prostate in those with low levels of sexual activity (ejaculation), you may like to think of this as clearing the pipes if you like.

                            Overwhelmingly the evidence is that AA is a genetically determined outcome, we can see evidence of this all around us in our groups of family and friends. The mere fact that such a high percentage of men will experience AA is sufficient to conclude that it is a natural process that most will experience to a greater or lesser degree.

                            Whilst we all may like to delay the loss of a youthful appearance lets not lose perspective and engage in silly and potentially unhealthy self abuse.


                            • beatinghairloss
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2012
                              • 213

                              Originally posted by clandestine
                              I'm speaking in regards to your claims on ejaculation, which have already been thoroughly debunked.

                              To reiterate, and in case you forgot;

                              I will be the first to admit the initial ramblings are full of grammatical errors and quickly typed theories full of gaps. However, some of the core ideas have not changed all of which where provided with actual studies to back them. You say Hair loss is not caused by hormones that’s complete BS. Hormones are the very thing regulating hair growth and any educated person can at least admit to a link. Castrated men stop losing hair explain that? You say ejaculation has no effect on hair loss, I say I agree that it alone can not cause hair loss but it would be absurd to say that if the hair loss is permitted that increasing levels of DHT via ejaculation would not be one more contributing factor adding to the problem, not to mention all the nutrients lost vital to over all health. This compared to what an average modernized country intakes its no wonder they have higher rates of MPB. Your animal example is redundant, have you ever seen a cat with a receding hair line of course nutrition deficiencies cause hair loss in other animals as it does in humans that’s not the same as Male Pattern Baldness. You say the prostate has no link to hair loss that’s ****ing retarded check your facts. You say blood flow does not cause hair loss and I show you a study that clearly demonstrates different. The different head shapes and pressure applied on the scalp clearly show why not all balding starts at the temple or why it progresses in different patterns. For god sake look at the muscles in the head do you not see the areas “not genetically predisposed to balding” happen to be around the muscles in your head? I think the real question is whether you or any of the opposition has even once glanced over the studies or a picture of the muscles in the head. Really you see no trend?


                              • 2020
                                Senior Member
                                • Jan 2012
                                • 1527

                                ****'s sake I proved circulation theory wrong just a couple weeks ago.... you people are already back on it? masturbation and diet too?

