50 grafts patch test in Vitro Hair Doubling as requested by GC @Dr. Nigam's

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  • Arashi
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2012
    • 3888

    Originally posted by 534623
    hmmm, didn't you know that -in theory- you can make a complete hair follicle just from 1 single (hair follicle-)cell?? Just from one!

    So who cares about any "bisection level" IF you know how to create a brand new complete follicle just from 1 (hair follicle-) cell.

    THE reason why most researchers out there always get just "mixed results" from bisection studies is just due to lack of knowledge about what I have just explained... and yeah, so it's not surprising that, of course, they get always better results the more "cells" they extract and implant the greater the success. And the lesser the "mass of cells" the greater the failure - but all that is just one reason why most HT docs still prefer to extract and to transplant "the whole mass" of something - as with heart or kidney transplants ...lol
    But in your opinion, what exactly causes that 20% of donor in the Gho procedure doesn't regrow ? Did they extract too much of the graft ? You're basically saying that that shouldn't matter ? Or am I missing something here ?


    • gc83uk
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2011
      • 1340

      Originally posted by Arashi
      But in your opinion, what exactly causes that 20% of donor in the Gho procedure doesn't regrow ? Did they extract too much of the graft ? You're basically saying that that shouldn't matter ? Or am I missing something here ?
      I would hazard a guess it's because only 80% to 90% of hairs are in anagen phase.


      • drnigams
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2012
        • 551

        We do not split grafts.
        When a girl plucks her eyebrow (mostly a single follicle),
        A part of follicle comes out with breakage or bisection under her skin.
        Does not the follicle of the eyebrow grows back immediately and with same thickness even if you pluck after an interval (although these plucked hair are partial follicles with various length).
        This also proofs that if you pluck a hair follicle(provided it is not plucked from the root), it will regenerate back again and again.
        That's why i say we can pluck the follicle every 3 to 4 months and have great supply of hair to convert nw7 to nw1/2 in 2013 itself.
        Yes we can improve the quality of plucking by giving eyes to the technique by using special hair ULTRASOUND.
        And most importantly we will have to support the partial follicle with dp cells,stemcells and growth factors.
        All the above skill and ingredients will define the regenerative % at recipient,
        but no way any damage to donor which is safe and intact.
        Here the partial graft acts like a semi hair germ with which stemcells and dp cells can talk and repair regrow the follicle.
        Thus this becomes the interim solution for MPB total cure till hair germ is successfully developed in lab and is successfully implanted.
        Originally posted by Arashi
        Maybe I'm missing your point here, how is a girl plucking hairs related to splitting grafts ?


        • 534623
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2011
          • 1865

          Originally posted by Arashi
          But in your opinion, what exactly causes that 20% of donor in the Gho procedure doesn't regrow ?
          Oh, the answer to this question is rocket science for Dr. Nigam ...

          The 10-20% "failure rate" with Gho's HST technique reflects just the percentage of follicles in TELOGEN versus ANAGEN in every human scalp.

          So it has nothing to do with any "technical failure" per se.


          • gc83uk
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2011
            • 1340

            Originally posted by 534623
            Oh, the answer to this question is rocket science for Dr. Nigam ...

            The 10-20% "failure rate" with Gho's HST technique reflects just the percentage of follicles in TELOGEN versus ANAGEN in every human scalp.

            So it has nothing to do with any "technical failure" per se.
            Dr Nigam, how do you avoid this very problem to get 100% regrowth?

            Or do you also agree that because of Telogen, it can cause 10% or 20% of grafts not to regrow?


            • drnigams
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2012
              • 551

              IM is Totally wrong, if you compare with my donor regen which is much higher than 100%, the true invivo stemcell follilce multiplication.
              I should also have less regen if im is to be believed, as my patients will also have follicles in anagen and telogen,
              That's why i say, if you don't share and pronounce your invention as secret, you are definitely not confident of your own technique, and can be exposed...,but still will be.
              I would like to quote the word's of DR WESLEY..when you find something exciting ..you can't resist sharing.He also said the invention was nothing but common sense,and he wondered why nobody found till now ..this was regarding his trial on scarlesss procedure.
              Arashi it is because many a times they extract complete follicles for implantation at recipient as seen in petri dish as shown by ironman that anyone can easily see dermal papilla in the extracted grafts in ironmans petri dish(again im force's me speak)
              Originally posted by 534623
              Oh, the answer to this question is rocket sience for Dr. Nigam ...

              The 10-20% "failure rate" with Gho's HST technique reflects just the percentage of follicles in TELOGEN versus ANAGEN.


              • gc83uk
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2011
                • 1340

                Originally posted by drnigams
                IM is Totally wrong, if you compare with my donor regen which is much higher than 100%, the true invivo stemcell follilce multiplication.
                I should also have less regen if im is to be believed, as my patients will also have follicles in anagen and telogen,
                That's why i say, if you don't share and pronounce your invention as secret, you are definitely not confident of your own technique, and can be exposed...,but still will be.
                I would like to quote the word's of DR WESLEY..when you find something exciting ..you can't resist sharing.He also said the invention was nothing but common sense,and he wondered why nobody found till now ..this was regarding his trial on scarlesss procedure.
                Arashi it is because many a times they extract complete follicles for implantation at recipient as seen in petri dish as shown by ironman that anyone can easily see dermal papilla in the extracted grafts in ironmans petri dish(again im force's me speak)
                I'm sorry, but how can you have higher than 100% regen in the donor?

                Am I missing something?


                • 534623
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 1865

                  Originally posted by drnigams
                  IM is Totally wrong, if you compare with my donor regen which is much higher than 100%, the true invivo stemcell follilce multiplication.
                  erm, excuse me, but what exactly can be "higher than 100%"??
                  Let me guess:
                  You extract 10 grafts and 15 grafts will regrow in the donor area - am I right?
                  Or you extract 10 single follicles and 17 single follicles will regrow in the donor area - am I right?

                  I mean, THAT would be "much higher than 100%" regrowth. lol

                  So can you prove (scientifically or anecdotally or photoshopically) where YOU got "much higher than 100%" regrowth?


                  • 534623
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1865

                    Originally posted by gc83uk
                    I'm sorry, but how can you have higher than 100% regen in the donor?

                    Am I missing something?
                    Yes, you missed something:
                    Dr. Nigam had big problems at school with percentage calculations.


                    • Arashi
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2012
                      • 3888

                      So now we have 2 different explanations for the 20% failed donor regrowth, interesting From my point of view, the IM explanation does make a lot more sense though. Because if Nigams explanation was right, then that 20% number should highly vary, with the skill of the technician. It doesn't seem to happen and the number is quite steady at rougly 20%, which would make a LOT of sense if it was due to the phase cycling telogen/anagen, cause that speed is the same for everybody and hence you will always have the same percentage in telogen/anagen.


                      • drnigams
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2012
                        • 551

                        GC, Arashi,
                        Today the discussions are very constructive,and arashi good you raised the point of lower regen of donor at ironmans clinic,or i would have been accused of biased comment.
                        Lower regen at donor and recipient is also, because as believed by most of the surgeons ,( as seen in im's histopath slide of transverse bisected fu)
                        im extracts 1 or 2 complete follicles from a 3 follicle graft,that's why you can clearly see intact follicles at the petri dish and ironman himself posted that any dumb surgeon can see the dermal papilla(the root) in the follicles lying in the petri dish..
                        Of course partially transected few follicles may grow.
                        But let me tell you with full confidence that ..the so called ..PRESERVATION media is an ILLUSION and and does not have the power to multiply follicles.
                        IM just posted IN THEORY,1 follicle can generate many follicle and he is successfull in that, than why not 100% regen at donor and recipient.
                        Aderans , we and many others have millions of stemcells to inject,which includes virtually all possible stem cells present in a follicle, still we cannot claim new follicle regen will be their in all scalps with our powerful stemcell solution injections.

                        But yes in theory ironman can create multiple follicles with his stemcell invivo hair multiplication....!

                        Originally posted by drnigams
                        IM is Totally wrong, if you compare with my donor regen which is much higher than 100%, the true invivo stemcell follilce multiplication.
                        I should also have less regen if im is to be believed, as my patients will also have follicles in anagen and telogen,
                        That's why i say, if you don't share and pronounce your invention as secret, you are definitely not confident of your own technique, and can be exposed...,but still will be.
                        I would like to quote the word's of DR WESLEY..when you find something exciting ..you can't resist sharing.He also said the invention was nothing but common sense,and he wondered why nobody found till now ..this was regarding his trial on scarlesss procedure.
                        Arashi it is because many a times they extract complete follicles for implantation at recipient as seen in petri dish as shown by ironman that anyone can easily see dermal papilla in the extracted grafts in ironmans petri dish(again im force's me speak)


                        • Arashi
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2012
                          • 3888

                          Originally posted by drnigams
                          ironmans clinic
                          Hehe. Ironman seems to be quite knowledgable on the subject but if he's working for Gho then I'm going to eat my shoes


                          • drnigams
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2012
                            • 551

                            actually im claims invivo hair multiplication with stemcells.
                            He should ideally have more than 100% regen as he can multiply follicles with his preservation medium etc.
                            more than 100% regen means when dp mesenchymal cells,activated stemcells from various parts of follicle plus growth stimulating growth factors are injected into a bisected or wounded follicle there is enough stuff to create new follicles than originally present..
                            or else dr nigams,aderans and all others should not have any result from their stemcell solution when injected even on a normal non wounded scalp without any proto bisected hair structure.

                            Please have a closer look at the donor pics of patch test i posted today .
                            Ideally the test patch case should not have more than 46 follicles in total as there were only 23 follicles in the extracted 15 grafts.
                            But you can clearly count even at the 7th day we have 30 plus follicles at the donor regenerating and clearly visible,watch out for the recipient regen tmr,follow this case for 3 months.
                            Tmr itself if it shows more than 46 follicles in donor and recipient....you are already at more than 100% regrowth both at donor and recipient .
                            I can tell you even in nsn recipient you will see near 100% regen.

                            Originally posted by gc83uk
                            I'm sorry, but how can you have higher than 100% regen in the donor?

                            Am I missing something?


                            • gc83uk
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2011
                              • 1340

                              Originally posted by drnigams
                              GC, Arashi,
                              Today the discussions are very constructive,and arashi good you raised the point of lower regen of donor at ironmans clinic,or i would have been accused of biased comment.
                              Lower regen at donor and recipient is also, because as believed by most of the surgeons ,( as seen in im's histopath slide of transverse bisected fu)
                              im extracts 1 or 2 complete follicles from a 3 follicle graft,that's why you can clearly see intact follicles at the petri dish and ironman himself posted that any dumb surgeon can see the dermal papilla(the root) in the follicles lying in the petri dish..
                              Of course partially transected few follicles may grow.
                              But let me tell you with full confidence that ..the so called ..PRESERVATION media is an ILLUSION and and does not have the power to multiply follicles.
                              IM just posted IN THEORY,1 follicle can generate many follicle and he is successfull in that, than why not 100% regen at donor and recipient.
                              Aderans , we and many others have millions of stemcells to inject,which includes virtually all possible stem cells present in a follicle, still we cannot claim new follicle regen will be their in all scalps with our powerful stemcell solution injections.

                              But yes in theory ironman can create multiple follicles with his stemcell invivo hair multiplication....!
                              Do Hasci claim the preservation medium multiply follicles? This is news to me. Surely it's called Preservation medium because it does just that: preserve!

                              I still don't understand how you can have more than 100% regen in the donor. Please explain this to me Dr Nigam.

                              Let's use this example, you extract 100 single FU's from the donor, and all 100 of these single FU's grow back in the donor, then you have 100% - The maximum. How can you get more in the donor than 100%?


                              • Arashi
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2012
                                • 3888

                                Originally posted by gc83uk
                                I still don't understand how you can have more than 100% regen in the donor. Please explain this to me Dr Nigam.
                                I think what he says is that if you add the right mixture of stem cells to the graft, it will generate extra follicles.

