There are 2 we recommend to our patients.
Sheila May (310) 459-8062. She does great work and has done some high profile patients. The downside is she's really hard to get an appointment with. She travels several months out of the year and you may have to wait, but she is worth it.
Elizabeth Hanratty (310) 247-1797 is also very good. We know a number of patients who have had work done and are very happy.
I would try to get a consult with both, just to compare. Good luck and if there is anything else we can do, don't hesitate to ask!
Sheila May (310) 459-8062. She does great work and has done some high profile patients. The downside is she's really hard to get an appointment with. She travels several months out of the year and you may have to wait, but she is worth it.
Elizabeth Hanratty (310) 247-1797 is also very good. We know a number of patients who have had work done and are very happy.
I would try to get a consult with both, just to compare. Good luck and if there is anything else we can do, don't hesitate to ask!