Dr. Ken Anderson - 2,294 grafts - FUT with PRP and ACell - ONLY 6 months post op

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  • Ken Anderson, MD, FISHRS, ABHRS
    IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
    • Sep 2015
    • 75

    Dr. Ken Anderson - 2,294 grafts - FUT with PRP and ACell - ONLY 6 months post op

    Larry Holden
    Norwood 6
    Linear strip hair transplant – 6 month results
    Age: 50

    Clinical History:
    Larry is a 50 year old man who was fed up with looking bald, and of his granddaughters asking him, “Grandpa, where’s your hair?” He is a business owner in Miami, FL, and states that he spent “about 2 years” on the internet researching various surgeons, their facilities, patient photos, and patient reviews posted about them. He first did a virtual consultation with us from Miami early in 2015. He stated at the time that he had been losing his hair for many years, but that he was worried about the “pluggy” or “doll’s hair” appearance of hair restoration surgery in the past. He was concerned about a “fake” appearance of his new hair. He said that he liked the boutique-style feel and philosophy of our Center, and after our consultation online he made the decision to take a brief trip to Atlanta to get new hair.

    Clinical Decision Making:
    Larry has had hair loss since he was in his 20s. He was not interested in trimming down the donor area as required for an FUE procedure, and further mentioned he did not plan to wear his hair in military-style very short haircuts in the future, and thus opted for a linear strip hair transplant procedure. He is over 40 years old, and so we discussed the use of platelet-rich plasma with ACell® (PRP with ACell®) along with his surgery to both augment the healing of the donor wound, but also to aid in the healing in of the new follicles. We discussed his new hairline and its placement, and the fact that the new hairline needs to be “timeless” in nature; the new hairline is permanent, and must look appropriate when he is 50 years old, and when he is 100, and all the years in between. We reviewed the location of the planned hairline, as well as what would take place on his surgery day. He was given all of the pre-operative instructions and all of his questions were answered in full.

    Surgical Intervention:
    In June of 2015 Larry had one single linear strip procedure, performed by Dr. Ken Anderson, at the Anderson Center for Hair in Atlanta, Georgia. He received a total of 2,294 follicles, which were transplanted to his bridge, frontal forelock, with a full reconstruction of his hairline and bilateral temporal recessions. A trichophytic wound closure was performed, as this is the method I use to close all linear strip cases at our Center. This type of wound closure makes for a very minimal scar, and in fact causes hair to grow right through the scar for maximum camouflage. He had friends who have had hair transplants over the years, and he was expecting the worst. After the procedure he commented that he could not believe what a “non-event” the procedure was, and that he enjoyed the catered lunch. In addition to the linear strip hair restoration procedure, just like every surgical patient at the Anderson Center for Hair, he also had a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with ACell® treatment, as well as micro-needling in the recipient area using some of his platelet-poor plasma (PPP) at the time of procedure. The remainder of her PPP was used on the implanted grafts following the procedure. I feel the benefits of a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with ACell® treatment in conjunction with a hair restoration procedure are so positive for the wound healing that I don’t operate without using PRP with ACell® unless a patient specifically declines; there is no extra charge for a PRP with ACell® treatment with any hair restoration surgery at my center.

    Please note that THIS IS NOT THE FINAL RESULT. These pictures were taken just 6 months following his procedure. We’re only part way into the full growth of the grafts, which will take fully 12-15 months to re-enter the anagen growth cycle and produce new hairs, at which time we’ll see the final results. Larry is very happy with his new hair and his new look, and says that his friends and family said that he looks so much younger and healthier with hair. He says that he no longer feels bald, and that his granddaughters do not remark about his lack of hair anymore. He does not notice the scar on his scalp, and he said his hair stylist could not believe how natural the result was. The scar is only about 80% healed at 6 months, and so we’re about 80% along the way to its final appearance, but as the picture shows, hair is growing through his scar at just 6 months, and more hair is expected to grow through the scar in the next 6 to 9 months. We are also expecting more growth and enhanced density in the next 6-9 months in the treated areas on top and front of his scalp. I will see him back at 12 months when the hair has grown in, or at any time prior to then if she would like me to have a look at the progress.
    Ken Anderson, MD, FISHRS, ABHRS
    Founder, Director, and Chief of Surgery, Anderson Center for Hair
    Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
    Board Certified, American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery
    Board Certified, American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
    Board Certified, American Board of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    Member, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons
    Fellow, International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
    Founder and President, American Academy of Hair Restoration Surgery

    +1 (404) 256-4247

    View my IAHRS Profile
