Gho HSi patient had close up pictures

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  • Flowers
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2011
    • 254

    Originally posted by VictimOfDHT
    Thanks again, guys. I really needed someone to give me some kind of hope that I still have another option and I really hope Gho is that option. But the fact that I keep losing my transplanted hair is scaring me. I mean what if I get another HT then lose all or most of the hair again ? If the donor site does regenerate (hair) then at least I won't have to worry about depleting my donor hair -for a while- but I still would be depleting my savings. I barely make enough and it would kill me to lose more money for nothing. I only wish there were a way to know if any new transplanted hair would be lost or not. I just cant afford to lose even 50 hairs for nothing.

    Needhairasap, that's discouraging if they didn't reply to your email . How are people supposed to contact them ? People aren't gonna call in from all over the world to ask questions.
    Anyway, I don't see why they wouldn't do the temple and hairline area.

    Richard, I don't have MS but two years ago some stupid so-called "specialist" told me I had it, however MRI scans came back negative. But I just wanted to say that I was prepared to accept having MS but no way in hell I would accept going bald. As terrible as MS is, I still think baldness would mess up my life more.
    Hey maybe a shot in the dark but do you ever see those NW7 guys who's nape hair has receded up the back of their neck/head? Maybe you're one of those guys and had hairs that were gonna fall out anyway transplanted. I mean yeah that would totally suck but at least if that's the case you know there arent any other serious medical concerns. Just a thought


    • VictimOfDHT
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2011
      • 748

      " i have a gut feeling that tells me that with HST it sholdnt be a problem to let your hairs survive for until you die." I hope that's the case, Richard. But honestly, I don't see how Gho's transplants would be any different than the other transplants I've had -except for the regeneration of hairs in the donor site- especially knowing that my last 2 HTs were done by one of the best doctors in the field here in western Canada but I'm just gonna hang on to that hope anyway. It's the only thing left for me. If those hairs last a few years or at least a couple of years until some other treatment is available, it would be worth the money.

      Flowers, that kind of baldness (N7) doesn't run in my family. The other thing, those transplanted hairs don't fall out gradually like native ones would. Like I said in previous posts, those hairs grow just fine for a random number of years then most of them start falling out all of a sudden and usually within a short period of time (2-3 months) and they dont look like they're thinning at the tip. They look 100% thick and healthy.


      • CVAZBAR
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 444

        Originally posted by VictimOfDHT
        " i have a gut feeling that tells me that with HST it sholdnt be a problem to let your hairs survive for until you die." I hope that's the case, Richard. But honestly, I don't see how Gho's transplants would be any different than the other transplants I've had -except for the regeneration of hairs in the donor site- especially knowing that my last 2 HTs were done by one of the best doctors in the field here in western Canada but I'm just gonna hang on to that hope anyway. It's the only thing left for me. If those hairs last a few years or at least a couple of years until some other treatment is available, it would be worth the money.

        Flowers, that kind of baldness (N7) doesn't run in my family. The other thing, those transplanted hairs don't fall out gradually like native ones would. Like I said in previous posts, those hairs grow just fine for a random number of years then most of them start falling out all of a sudden and usually within a short period of time (2-3 months) and they dont look like they're thinning at the tip. They look 100% thick and healthy.
        So your hair is cool for a couple of years and then it's starts shedding? Maybe they grow back? Are you still on finasteride? If your hair sticks for several years, than it's probably something you can fix.


        • VictimOfDHT
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2011
          • 748

          Originally posted by CVAZBAR
          So your hair is cool for a couple of years and then it's starts shedding? Maybe they grow back? Are you still on finasteride? If your hair sticks for several years, than it's probably something you can fix.
          I had my fourth HT ( around 1700 grafts) in 2004 and all was well until around May 2009 and that's when I had a sudden rapid shed that left my hairline thinner especially the right temple. Went back to the same doctor who decided that 800 grafts would be more than enough to fix the hairline again. Got the HT around Xmas 2009 but last Feb (just over a year after that last HT) things started going downhill again only this time it's much much worse. Massive shed and now I'm a whole lot thinner. Read something here about "seasonal shedding" and it kinda gave me hope maybe that's what it was and decided to wait it out. Well, it's been 8 months now and NO hair growing back and actually have lost even more hair. So, no doubt in my mind this isn't seasonal shedding. This is a permanent loss or I would've got the hair from the previous HTs back. This is like a mystery. Even those who end up losing their transplanted hair tend to lose it gradually over time. My loss happens so quickly (usually within 2 months) and like I said it happens at random (in as short as 1 year after the HT or as long as 5).

          Yes I'm still using Fin and Minox.

          Richard, actually all my HTs were FUTs not FUEs. That's why I was considering FUE this time for obvious reasons but I keep hearing the survival rate of the follicles is not good.


          • CVAZBAR
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 444

            Originally posted by VictimOfDHT
            I had my fourth HT ( around 1700 grafts) in 2004 and all was well until around May 2009 and that's when I had a sudden rapid shed that left my hairline thinner especially the right temple. Went back to the same doctor who decided that 800 grafts would be more than enough to fix the hairline again. Got the HT around Xmas 2009 but last Feb (just over a year after that last HT) things started going downhill again only this time it's much much worse. Massive shed and now I'm a whole lot thinner. Read something here about "seasonal shedding" and it kinda gave me hope maybe that's what it was and decided to wait it out. Well, it's been 8 months now and NO hair growing back and actually have lost even more hair. So, no doubt in my mind this isn't seasonal shedding. This is a permanent loss or I would've got the hair from the previous HTs back. This is like a mystery. Even those who end up losing their transplanted hair tend to lose it gradually over time. My loss happens so quickly (usually within 2 months) and like I said it happens
            at random (in as short as 1 year after the HT or as long as 5).

            Yes I'm still using Fin and Minox.

            Richard, actually all my HTs were FUTs not FUEs. That's why I was considering FUE this time for obvious reasons but I keep hearing the survival rate of the follicles is not good.
            So you don't think it has nothing to do with your DHT blocker? How have you responded to Fin? Did you use fin before any HT? Did it halt your native hair?


            • NeedHairASAP
              Senior Member
              • Jul 2011
              • 1410

              I'm having trouble getting questions answered by hasci. I think it may be the language barrier but it comes across as evasive.

              in other news... Gho treats another famous patient and updated his website with the pictures....

              Gert-Jan Theunisse

              maybe they wont answer my questions because I'm not famous?


              • VictimOfDHT
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2011
                • 748

                Cvazbar, I've been on Fin (first Propecia then switched to Proscar) since it '99. I was also on Dut for about 15 months but didn't see any difference so switched back to Fin since about 4 months ago. I can't say for sure if it's working or not because I'm using Minox too. Maybe it's slowed down the loss because my hair has been getting thinner and thinner over the years. So, obviously it's hasn't completely stopped the progress of hair loss. I feel Minox is doing a better job though. Every time I stop Minox I notice more shedding and once I get back on it the shed stops. All I know is that transplanted hair should not be affected by DHT but it looks like other factors can cause it to fall out in a small minority of people. The doctor says it's rejected by the body. The thing is if it's rejected then why the hell isn't it rejected right away ? Why does it last for years sometimes ?? This is really pissing me off.


                • CVAZBAR
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 444

                  Originally posted by VictimOfDHT
                  Cvazbar, I've been on Fin (first Propecia then switched to Proscar) since it '99. I was also on Dut for about 15 months but didn't see any difference so switched back to Fin since about 4 months ago. I can't say for sure if it's working or not because I'm using Minox too. Maybe it's slowed down the loss because my hair has been getting thinner and thinner over the years. So, obviously it's hasn't completely stopped the progress of hair loss. I feel Minox is doing a better job though. Every time I stop Minox I notice more shedding and once I get back on it the shed stops. All I know is that transplanted hair should not be affected by DHT but it looks like other factors can cause it to fall out in a small minority of people. The doctor says it's rejected by the body. The thing is if it's rejected then why the hell isn't it rejected right away ? Why does it last for years sometimes ?? This is really pissing me off.
                  I was thinking that maybe Fin was not helping you, therefore making your hair shed normally. The idiot doctor is probably just saying that because he doesn't have the answer. It is strange that you get to keep hair for several years. Well with future treatments you would be able to repeat procedures as much as you need. You would need some dough though. You should try Gho.


                  • BoSox
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 708

                    If I were to contact Gho, would I even get a response? I have a few questions about his procedure, and I want to speak with one of his staff or anybody who could awnser them.

                    Also, whats his main website? I can't seem to find anything on google.


                    • VictimOfDHT
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2011
                      • 748

                      Cvazbar, the doctor was definitely stumped by my problem. He's one of the best doctors like I said and it is a fact that a small minority of people lose their transplanted hair OVER TIME but it was obvious that the way I keep losing my hair was unusual - meaning it just happens quickly when it happens.

                      Yeah, Gho seems to be the only hope for me -assuming that he does in fact able to do some kind of HM.

                      Bosox, it's hasci.


                      • BoSox
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 708

                        I really wish they'd show the final results on those videos.. They went from bald to balding.. that's not exactly a fix to me :/


                        • VictimOfDHT
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2011
                          • 748

                          Hey, balding is BETTER than bald. People usually don't call someone who's balding "bald". He might be balding but NOT bald yet, unless he's down to 25% of his hair.


                          • NeedHairASAP
                            Senior Member
                            • Jul 2011
                            • 1410

                            back on topic....

                            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                            not an nw1... maybe hes a bad nw3 now.. well see what the next couple visits to gho bring

                            also another famous, very bald, athlete just visited gho


                            • RichardDawkins
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 895

                              Well if you consider the regulare NW scale then yes its NW3 BUT every balding person is individual and given the head its a NW 1,5 or worst NW2 in his individual case and head form.

                              Also dont forget if he got the main thing fixed with HST he can use his remaining 4000 Grafts or so via FUE to lower his hair line or whatever he wants.

                              Facts are, he was smart, he used the minimal invasive and donor recharging technique first so that even after multiple runs he has all options available, a normal balding person has from the start before doing traditional transplants.

                              I dont go after he traditional NW scale in terms of restoration because every head looks different.

                              And this guy seems to had this as his normal hair line in the first place


                              • VictimOfDHT
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2011
                                • 748

                                So this guy was bald in the front and the hair we see now is all transplanted ? Well, if it is then it looks good.

                                Yeah, I think Gho is in my future. I just wish the procedure was a little cheaper.

                                Just saw Wayne Rooney on tv and man his hair already looks good. He looks 10 years younger now. I know he had his HT in the UK but just saying. **** baldness. If I could I'd get an HT every year. Being bald is SHIT.

