• 11-28-2008 07:13 PM
    I Don’t think I would care if I Already had a wife?
    Hi I’m new here. I wanted to get other people’s opinions on something I’ve been thinking about. Since I’ve lost my hair I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about why hair matters so much, why do I even really care anyways? I’m gonna level with you, I wasn't that good looking to begin with:)

    But it always seems like I was accepted by women and never had trouble having girlfriends. As I have been living with hair loss for close to 10 years I have become acutely aware that many women find hair loss to be a repellent. Now that may just be me because like I said, I wasn’t too good looking to begin with, but I don’t think so.

    In all honesty, I don't think I would care at all about my hair loss if I already had a wife who would love me no matter what.

    So I’m curious, is a big pat of your hair loss distress stemming from the thought that women will no longer find you attractive? Would you still care if you were married to Carmen Electra? :D
  • 11-28-2008 07:25 PM
    I would love for you to check out the following link...Spencer started a great thread that may be of interest:

  • 11-28-2008 07:51 PM
    thank you, i'll check it out
  • 11-28-2008 09:25 PM
    When I was married, my wife accepted my baldness. And for a while, I thought I did too. But deep down...in the place that always felt how my early balding wasn't fair...way down there, well...I just wasn't content with it. I never did it to get women, or show off. I did it for me...and even if I would have been married to a hottie like Carmen, I still would have had my ht.
  • 11-28-2008 09:40 PM

    Originally Posted by Bobman View Post
    When I was married, my wife accepted my baldness. And for a while, I thought I did too. But deep down...in the place that always felt how my early balding wasn't fair...way down there, well...I just wasn't content with it. I never did it to get women, or show off. I did it for me...and even if I would have been married to a hottie like Carmen, I still would have had my ht.

    I love your honesty, and that you did it for you first. :D
  • 11-29-2008 11:18 AM
    Hair First -- Women Later
    woman or not, I want my hair back. For me it's more than about dating it's about what I look at each morning in the mirror.


    Originally Posted by blowmeup View Post
    Hi I’m new here. I wanted to get other people’s opinions on something I’ve been thinking about. Since I’ve lost my hair I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about why hair matters so much, why do I even really care anyways? I’m gonna level with you, I wasn't that good looking to begin with:)

    But it always seems like I was accepted by women and never had trouble having girlfriends. As I have been living with hair loss for close to 10 years I have become acutely aware that many women find hair loss to be a repellent. Now that may just be me because like I said, I wasn’t too good looking to begin with, but I don’t think so.

    In all honesty, I don't think I would care at all about my hair loss if I already had a wife who would love me no matter what.

    So I’m curious, is a big pat of your hair loss distress stemming from the thought that women will no longer find you attractive? Would you still care if you were married to Carmen Electra? :D

  • 11-29-2008 12:31 PM

    Originally Posted by toyman View Post
    woman or not, I want my hair back. For me it's more than about dating it's about what I look at each morning in the mirror.

    I agree. It is true that it makes a difference to most women, but I want to like what I see in the mirror. I don't like the idea if being a bald person. I don't think it makes me shallow or vein. I just want to look the way I want to look is if at all possible. This is why I take Propecia and am considering my other options.
  • 12-01-2008 01:34 AM
    I have thought about this at great length and it's a great question.

    I would say first of all that every individual is different. I'm sure there are some basic reasons but beyond that it varies. For me, I have extensive scarring on my head from an accident when I was 18 years old. It was fine until my hair started thinning and the scars are becoming more and more visible.

    I often wonder if balding would bother me to the extent that it does w/o the scarring and I dont think it would. I would probably just shave it and be content with that, not happy. The combination of the scarring and the balding has really compelled me to do something about it. I don't want to sound like a conceited a-hole but I did consider myself a good looking person. I modeled when I was in my early 20's and simultaniously as my hair started to thin I stopped modelling.

    I went from being a 10/10 to, in my eyes now, a 5/10 and for me that is what hurts. I don't know that if never considered myself good looking it would bother me as much but I know that today is REALLY bothers me. I know it's just hair, and scars tell a story, etc etc. I also have had gf's tell me that they dont care about hair or the scars. I believe them but it's still hard for ME. I feel that if the technology is there to reduce my scarring through surgery and give me a better head of hair, why not.

    I'm now taking propecia and plan on a HT in the next few months. Wish me luck.
  • 12-01-2008 08:58 PM
    Good luck Lefty! Hey man, if you are set on an HT and select a surgeon from the IAHRS, you'll have a kickass HT. Spencer has successfully coagulated the world's best HT surgeons.

    Take it from me! I went to Bosley ar first, when I was uneducated and dumb in the hair loss area -- and it sucked. Then I went to Doctor McAndrews of the IAHRS -- and he has changed my outlook and my life. It's so nice to see guys like you on here that are making the right decision the FIRST time, and not having to suffer from making mistakes with their well-being (expensive bogus solutions, unethical doctor,s etc) before finding the world's best solutions to hair loss. Suffering from hair loss is enough --- we don't need these industry ripoff artists making it any worse. Thank god there's Spencer scoping out the land mines for us.

    And last thing ... dude, it's ok to say you're good looking. So what? In my opinion, stuff like that only comes off in a bad way when it has turned into arrogance. But it doesn't seem you're like that at all. Have a kickass HT and get some chicks. :-) And get me one too. :-)
  • 12-01-2008 09:05 PM
    PayDay, I'm with you all the way man. Worrying about our hair doesn't make us shallow or vein or anything of that nature. It makes us human.

    And one comment I thought of as it relates to men's hair and its attractiveness to women. This may be a stretch, but so be it, especially coming from my ZERO experience with women. But when it comes to pure physical appearance, women seem to be at least partially attracted to uniqueness and rarity. If 2/3 (thats almost 7 out of 10!) men suffer from hair loss, then by definition, men who don't suffer from hair loss are unique and rare, and, from a physical perspective, attractive. They stand out from the crowd, and draw the attention of women.


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