pubic loss

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  • 02-24-2009 05:33 AM
    pubic loss
    I've just found this site and would appreciate some advice. Over the last few 4 years I've lost most of my pubic hair & feel like a freak. I've asked my gp, an endrocrinologist, and a dermatologist about it & was told they had no idea why. The only guess I was even offered was from the endrocrinologist who said "friction?"

    The loss started in a patch about the size of a quarter but is not nearly complete. I am a 54 year old woman on viville dot for menopause and synthroid for hypothyroid. I imagine these things are related but do not know what I would need to do to regain hair. Very hard to find information about this. Thank you. D
  • 02-25-2009 05:35 PM
    Zinnia - I am no expert, but I was told that loss of pubic/underarm hair was due to very low(or no) testosterone. I saw an endocrinologist who has referred me to a doctor who does "natural" hormones. She told me that my issues were due to hormones(when I had a hormone test, all of my hormones were undetectable). Every other test(and trust me, I have had tests for about everything) has come back normal!! I have no underarm hair . . . but never thought much about it until it started affecting my scalp hair. My gyn prescribed estradiol and prometrium(natural progesterone) a month or two before I saw the endo. I was going crazy with all the wierd sensations in my scalp . . . all of a sudden, I have noticed that I have not had them for the last several days . . . I also started taking a supplement for women's hair loss - Womens Revive - a week ago - so I am not sure whether it is the HRT or the supplement that is helping, but I am so thankful that I am not presently having those awful scalp sensations for the last several days. Also, the last few times I washed me hair, virtually NO hair has come out. Of course, I am happy as can be!!
  • 02-26-2009 05:20 AM
    Thank you, Wanda,
    This is very useful. I'll start by finding Womens Revive to see if that makes a difference. I'm so surprised the doctors I've seen have offered no advice. zinnia


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