I've just found this site and would appreciate some advice. Over the last few 4 years I've lost most of my pubic hair & feel like a freak. I've asked my gp, an endrocrinologist, and a dermatologist about it & was told they had no idea why. The only guess I was even offered was from the endrocrinologist who said "friction?"
The loss started in a patch about the size of a quarter but is not nearly complete. I am a 54 year old woman on viville dot for menopause and synthroid for hypothyroid. I imagine these things are related but do not know what I would need to do to regain hair. Very hard to find information about this. Thank you. D
The loss started in a patch about the size of a quarter but is not nearly complete. I am a 54 year old woman on viville dot for menopause and synthroid for hypothyroid. I imagine these things are related but do not know what I would need to do to regain hair. Very hard to find information about this. Thank you. D