• 09-11-2010 02:06 AM
    This makes me a really bad candidate for HT, right?
    I am 23 years old, and first started noticing my hair loss around 17 - 18. Naturally, loosing my hair at such a young age has had a huge impact on my confidence.

    I have looked in to hair transplants, but it seems that it is not a good idea for someone my age. But I have noticed there are a lot of doctor representatives and other knowledgable prople on this board, so just thought I'd tell my story and see what u guys think.

    I have been on propecia minoxidil for the better part of the last two years, but hair is not thickening. It has probably halted my hair loss, which is positive, but I'm not happy with how my hair looks today - and as I see it a HT is probably the only option if one wants some hair back.

    I am probably heading for a norwood 5a, and already have thinning in this whole pattern. Hair line is receeded to a norwood 3-3a.

    So what would be realistic results and is it a really bad idea to consider a HT?
  • 09-11-2010 03:46 PM
    The best thing to do is to post some images of your hair. Make sure that they are clear under good lighting. Post some of your hairline, top, and sides. Age is a big factor but if you are on medication and can benefit from a hair transplant it is possible that you can be a candidate. It all depends on the individual case.
  • 09-12-2010 09:57 PM
    Dr. Glenn Charles
    I would be glad to review your photos and discuss your options in hair restoration. Age is only one of the factors that should be used in determining how good of hair transplant candidate you are.
  • 09-13-2010 06:43 AM
    It's certainly not unheard of for physicians to perform hair restoration surgery on patients as young as you, but it is something that needs to be considered on a case-by-case basis. However, knowing that you will likely progress to a later stage on the Norwood scale, you certainly don't want to go an aggressive route, and it's most likely not a good idea to even get started on the vertex/crown area at this point. Yet, if you've had success in stabilizing your hair loss on meds for the past couple years, and if you have realistic expectations (including the possibility that additional work may be necessary in the future), I think there are physicians that would certainly consider doing a little hairline/frontal work for you.
  • 09-14-2010 10:24 AM
    Dr. Lindsey
    We work with young guys, but it is critical that you plan for the future. In particular, don't insist on a hairline that all your 23 year old friends have, as that will look GOOFY when you are 45 like me. And, if indeed you think you are going to NW5, you might be lucky and only need a little up front; or you may have both bad genes and bad luck and wind up like NW7.... Don't waste that donor hair. And, if you decide to proceed, go home and sleep on it before you commit.

    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA
  • 09-14-2010 11:26 AM
    Just don't do it! Please do not do it!
    I have erased my post. I do not wish to slander all physicians providing this elective procedure. Some are very ethical in their practices. Others, however, are not. My results have been disasterous.
  • 09-14-2010 05:51 PM
    Jack 21 your a good blog for posting your story when it seems like you have given up on ht.

    Gunter if you started losing at 18 I can't believe there are some docs who I once considered to be ok who are actually saying on this post they would possible operate on you.

    I'm in a industry where I see loads of young people get a ht and then they just disappear after 2-3 years. I myself started losing at the age of 22 and did something about it in 2007 at the age of 27.I have to date had 4 fuse in total to keep up with the loss and now I'm on meeds which I should have started ages ago.

    My hair looks damn good unless it's really windy or rainy, but the friends, family relationships and the last morning day and night of the last three years iv lost dnt make this worth it. Even though it looks good now I worry daily for the day the meeds stop working.

    Iv got hair but I'm lonely because I have such a big secret from everyone whom I love. The bottom line is your too damn young.

    If u r stupid enough to proceed after all these forum horror stories then you should only get it done if after ur research u feel there will be new procedures in the next 4-5 years to give u complete restoration cos ur donna alone will not do it and one day u will look like a freak

    I hate being on these forums but I'm here for people like u so if u have any questions I'm around. Use all the other forums as well to make up ur own mind

    P.s I had all fues and even though they say it's no scarring that's ball$hit, I can never shave my head again
  • 09-14-2010 06:54 PM
    I am really considering a HT. I have bad diffuse thinning. The doctor reccomended 600 grafts. After your blogs wow i'm really scared.....I don't know what to do cause I am really miserable as is
  • 09-14-2010 07:42 PM

    Originally Posted by dgman21 View Post
    I am really considering a HT. I have bad diffuse thinning. The doctor reccomended 600 grafts. After your blogs wow i'm really scared.....I don't know what to do cause I am really miserable as is

    The bottom line is this: a shaved or very closely buzzed head usually doesn't look that good (it can), but a scalp that is scarred and pock marked is horrendous. I was told by a coworker that she would no longer be able to work with me b/c she was so put off by my appearance. I almost lost it. You don't want that, man. Just crop it short. I would do anything to be able to do that again. Seriously I would give a finger to be able to just shave my head and not see the moonscape.
  • 09-16-2010 09:47 AM
    Thanks for all the replys. Like usual there are definetaley mixed opinions. I really respect the opinions from u guys who have had ur lived wrecked by a ht, but do u think with a better surgeon and planning it might have been successfull? One thing i dont understand is that i have seen good hts on some ppl who have been nw5-6. If I realise thats what im heading for and plan from that, then why would it be a mistake? I realise wasting all my donor on a thick nw1 ht is stupid, but what about a nw2ish? I am not comfortable with a shaved head and feel like im being robbed of my youth. Its on my mind all the time and really holds me back in life. I often have the feeling that I would be perfectly happy with my life if only I didnt have this hair problem. Im sure u guys know the feeling. Its beem on my mind more or less everyday since I was 18. I feel I shouldnt have to deal with this now in life. Its not right. I wouldnt care as much if it happened when i was 30 but not now! Sorry for the rant, just had to vent a bit :-P


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