16 years and scared :(

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  • 09-26-2017 04:35 AM
    No, you are not balding. To those saying he's thinning, can you find me an example of anyone thinning without significant temporal recession?

    Anyway, the goons on this site don't know, but I don't either, so go see a dermatologist.
  • 09-26-2017 06:49 AM
    Unless it is congenital, that crown is NOT normal. And of course you can have a thinning crown with no temporal recession, depending on the cause of the hair loss. He should see a Dermo to determine what is up.
  • 09-26-2017 07:18 AM
    I've an appointment with derm tomorrow or the day after. There is a bit of recession on the temples . I've posted pics of that in op. But idk ,it might not be that significant. I've seen pictures of the norwood scale and yeah , the temples are nowhere close to the point in the scale where the crown thinning occurs . And I've heard that the scale isn't accurate in all cases . In any case I'm gonna visit a derm and see what he says . I'll post his diagnosis in this thread so you guys can use the knowledge to help out another brother in need :) .thanks guys :D
  • 09-28-2017 07:33 AM
    So I visited the derm , he said it's male pattern recession (wtf :c ). To my surprise he said the crown is not.al and will grow back �� ( another wtf) . He prescribed minox 5% and biotin supplements . He told to stop minoxidol after 3-4 months . And that ****ed up all my knowledge . He is one of the top derms in the city with tons of good reviews . The stopping minox part just ****ing hit out of the blue . If anyone can help me out here it would be nice. And if I can instant message with someone experienced . I'd be really glad :D
  • 09-28-2017 08:48 AM
    Crown is normal *
  • 09-28-2017 10:32 AM
    The crown does look perfectly normal to me. I don't see what the other commenters in this thread see, but it's hard to tell from pictures. I would trust your dermatologist.

    I do not know why he proscribed minoxidil for a short period either. Did he not explain any further?
  • 09-28-2017 09:41 PM
    He just told to stop using minox after 3-4 months when hair grows . Nothing further . I'm very surprised at this :/. Also how tf do I apply this minoxidol . I have thick wavy hair . So scalp isnt visible at infront of a mirror . And where do I apply it . Hairline, crown, the area in between ?
  • 09-28-2017 09:41 PM
    Also, can please someone IM . I've many questions to ask in a comprehensive manner


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