Hello everyone. I'm new here and found this website while searching for some answers about the pain in my scalp. I've recently started chemotherapy that I was told would cause me to lose my hair so I bought a couple of wigs to prepare for it and I think I'm emotionally prepared for it as well. What I was not prepared for was the excrutiating pain that is associated with the hair loss. My entire scalp burns, throbs and hurts. Since I'm losing my hair so rapidly, I was thinking about having my head shaved and my question is this: will shaving my head alleviate this terrible pain? If the answer is "no" then, please tell me, is there anything that can be done to relieve the pain? Any comments will be welcome.
Pain in the scalp
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Hello everyone. I'm new here and found this website while searching for some answers about the pain in my scalp. I've recently started chemotherapy that I was told would cause me to lose my hair so I bought a couple of wigs to prepare for it and I think I'm emotionally prepared for it as well. What I was not prepared for was the excrutiating pain that is associated with the hair loss. My entire scalp burns, throbs and hurts. Since I'm losing my hair so rapidly, I was thinking about having my head shaved and my question is this: will shaving my head alleviate this terrible pain? If the answer is "no" then, please tell me, is there anything that can be done to relieve the pain? Any comments will be welcome.Geoffrey Redmond, MD
The Hormone Help Center of New York http://www.hormonehelpny.com/
Author, It's Your Hormones
It is not appropriate to make medical diagnoses or treatment recommendations over the internet. Replies to questions intended as general information and not as medical advice for any individual. An appropriate health care provider should be consulted for specific advice.