I'm heartbroken. My daughter just turned 12 and has been experiencing severe hair thinning for about a year and a half. Her part is widening from her forehead all the way to the back/top of her head, and it's getting worse. Her hair is very limp and oily and she has many waxy flakes on her scalp; shampooing does nothing for the flakes and keeps the oil away for just a day. She saw a dermatologist in May of 2008, and the bloodwork showed her free testosterone level at 1.0, in July of 2008 it went to 2.7. Her ferratin was at 37, her Thyrotropin at 1.82 and free T4's at 14. The dermatologist told me that the testosterone levels were low, but that the bloodwork in general was fine. The thinning intensified and I'm now at a naturopathic doctor, who is checking her DHT levels and has put my daughter on Iron supplements. Also, my daughter experienced puberty early; by 10 she'd started developing breasts and she had her first period at 11 1/2, but it stopped and resumed five months later. With regards to family history, my mom is experiencing post-menopausal hairloss at 62 (does that count?). My daughter's other grand-parents and aunts and uncles have normal hair, although there is hair loss in my daughter's "great" aunts and uncles. I'm praying that this condition is related to puberty and won't worsen. I'm desperate for direction with this issue, as I'm afraid she won't re-grow what she's already lost. Thank you.
12 year old daughter with hair loss/thinning
Pray to God in the Name of Jesus Christ
I prayed to God in the Name of Jesus Christ to heal your 12 year old daughter. I know the pain of thinning hair, and with all the faith in my heart I asked God in Jesus's Name to spare your daughter.
Here is something to help clean your daughter's scalp and stimulate hair growth:
"anti-Baldness Scalp Plaque" Treatment Recipe #45014
by Mimi Bobeck
30 min | 10 min prep
• 1 cup vodka
• 2 Alka-Seltzer tablets
• 10 aspirin
1. Mix above items together.
2. Stir well.
3. Apply gently to scalp using a toothbrush (not the one you use to brush your teeth- buy a cheap one just to use for this treatment) be sure to apply to all areas where hair loss is greatest.
4. Leave on scalp for 20 minutes.
5. Wash out with a mild shampoo.
6. Do not apply rogaine or any other scalp treatment after.
7. Refrain from using hair coloring products for 24 hours after.
8. If possible, refrain from using harsh chemicals on hair and scalp period.
9. (See natural hair coloring suggestions at the bottom for alternatives) Do this treatment once a week in addition to drinking "anti-baldness drink" (Recipe #45011) every day.
10. Not mandatory, but other helpful things to ingest while doing the "anti-baldness" treatment: Black cohosh, wild yam, red clover, evening primose oil (for women only) saw palmetto (for men only) 1000mg calcium (for everyone) chaseberry, dong quai, 500-750mg magnesium, B-vitamins, 400-1200 mg vitamin E, lecithin, and brewers yeast.
11. This is totally optional.
12. It will produce better results, but it's not necessary.
13. Only if you want to.
14. Natural hair coloring options:.
15. For black hair: Use natural indiago/henna.
16. For brown hair: Use rosemary & elderberry/henna.
17. For auburn hair: Use henna.
18. For blonde hair: Use golden seal & golden thread, marigold, lemon and camomile. Good luck!
19. During the 12 weeks, you should not drink more than 1 glass of wine a day (if you do drink) because alcohol blocks the absorption of biotin.
20. Firmly massage the top of your scalp for 5 minutes a day to get the nutrients circulating in the blood to the top of your head.
Here is also an Anti-Baldness Drink that would help too!:
I'm heartbroken. My daughter just turned 12 and has been experiencing severe hair thinning for about a year and a half. Her part is widening from her forehead all the way to the back/top of her head, and it's getting worse. Her hair is very limp and oily and she has many waxy flakes on her scalp; shampooing does nothing for the flakes and keeps the oil away for just a day. She saw a dermatologist in May of 2008, and the bloodwork showed her free testosterone level at 1.0, in July of 2008 it went to 2.7. Her ferratin was at 37, her Thyrotropin at 1.82 and free T4's at 14. The dermatologist told me that the testosterone levels were low, but that the bloodwork in general was fine. The thinning intensified and I'm now at a naturopathic doctor, who is checking her DHT levels and has put my daughter on Iron supplements. Also, my daughter experienced puberty early; by 10 she'd started developing breasts and she had her first period at 11 1/2, but it stopped and resumed five months later. With regards to family history, my mom is experiencing post-menopausal hairloss at 62 (does that count?). My daughter's other grand-parents and aunts and uncles have normal hair, although there is hair loss in my daughter's "great" aunts and uncles. I'm praying that this condition is related to puberty and won't worsen. I'm desperate for direction with this issue, as I'm afraid she won't re-grow what she's already lost. Thank you.
Treatment principles for a hormonally mature 12 year old are similar to those for older teens and young adult women, though it is especially important that a young girl's development be assessed before such treatment is considered.
Post-menopausal hair loss is usually due to different factors.
Many women I have seen for alopecia have seen naturopaths or other alternative practitioners and, sadly, I have to say I have never seen anyone helped in this fashion. I have seen many harmed, by inappropriate treatment, time lost, and extravagant costs of supplements. The DHT issue is a mirage. Levels in the blood come from the liver, not the hair follicle, and so give no useful information about the cause of the alopecia. Nor do any supplements or any topical applied to the scalp effectively lower DHT in the follicles.
All I can suggest is that you find a sympathetic doctor willing to consider treating your daughter in accord with the principles detailed in my book and website. I hope you are able to find help for your daughter.Geoffrey Redmond, MD
The Hormone Help Center of New York http://www.hormonehelpny.com/
Author, It's Your Hormones
It is not appropriate to make medical diagnoses or treatment recommendations over the internet. Replies to questions intended as general information and not as medical advice for any individual. An appropriate health care provider should be consulted for specific advice.Comment
My daughter seems to be losing her hair too. She will be turning 12 in June, and like your daughter, started developing early (10), with her period starting this past December. She's always had thick, long, blond hair....but now it's so thin on top. I think it would be much more noticable if her hair was darker, but the light blonde color tends to hide how bad it really is to others, I think. Of course, because I've been struggling with my own hair loss for the past 3 years, I notice it daily. She has extremely oily hair too (she can't dare go a day without washing), and has to use Head and Shoulders to deal with the flakes (her doctor told us it was eczema). She's on a prescription cream for what was AWFUL acne, but thank GOD that cleared up! I hate to think that this is something that will last.....I mean, she's only 11 for God's sake. Trying to put her hair in to a pony tail, like every other girl her age, leaves me spraying down the millions of short hairs that are sticking up everywhere. It leaves me wondering whether this is just a puberty thing? Is it just because her hormones went a little wacky with the start of her period in December (she did get it twice in one month)? Is it growing back in now? Ugh!!!!!!! I just wanted you to know that I'm struggling with this as well, and I'd like to know what your doctor has to say. We're scheduled for her annual check up at her pediatrician next month, but when I mentioned it a couple of months ago (when we were in for the acne), she kind of shrugged it off. We'll see how things go. Hang in there....I know exactly how you feel.Comment
I would first see a dermatologist and have a full physical blood workup. I'd see an endocrinologist as well for a more extensive blood workup. If all that checks out normal. I'd contact Dr. Greco http://doctorgreco.blogspot.com/ for PRP treatment.
She can't take propecia. Shes kinda to young for rogaine as well.Comment