Dr. Redmond, I have overall thinning of my hair and at 27, it's rather devastating. It's seriously impacted my self esteem in ways I don't think I can fully convey in words. So, I started looking online about hair loss and found it rather depressing that the only options out there are so limited. However, I stumbled upon some info about the use of stem cells (adult stem cells, not embryonic stem cells) to grow new hair. Three companies are developing products/treatments that I know of, and they are Histogen, Aderans, and Follica. Have you heard anything about them and if so, what is your thought on their use in treating hair loss by regrowing new hair? Also, I forget the doctors name, but I read about a female doctor in Egypt (Cairo I believe) who was working to help children with alopecia (not sure if it was alopecia areata or not, but they had significant hair loss, far more than I do), and she said that she took the children's own stem cells from their follicles (I think if I'm remembering correcly) and injected them back in and they had significant regrowth. I wish I had a link to the article or had the facts straight, but I believe that the children experienced something like 40% regrowth, which to me is significant if it's true, because 40% regrowth in a person such as myself with thinning hair who isn't actually bald, well it could make all the difference in the world. Essentially, I just want to get your take on the possibility that these stem cell methods might some day hold the key to hair regrowth in those of us unfortunate enough to experience hair loss. Of some importance, Aderans is already in their phase 2 of research/testing. Oh, I almost forgot, what do you think about the recent studies where mice were found to have a gene that effected hair loss and growth? Do you think this will provide the basis for a possible cure/treatment in the future? Thanks again.
Dr. Redmond, what are your thoughts on Aderans, Follica, and Histogen?