I've searched all over and No matter how I word it I just get junk real estate ads But the reason For my post Is to find information
And possibly embarrassing back story An old couple in town in their 90s Had a house trashed They offered to sell it to us For a good deal If we wanted to fix it up And make it suitable For the bank To loan on. Now the house is complete Notified them we had financing in order And surprise surprise They said the house is worth more now. More than what They promised to sell it to us 4. Is it possible to fight that?
And possibly embarrassing back story An old couple in town in their 90s Had a house trashed They offered to sell it to us For a good deal If we wanted to fix it up And make it suitable For the bank To loan on. Now the house is complete Notified them we had financing in order And surprise surprise They said the house is worth more now. More than what They promised to sell it to us 4. Is it possible to fight that?