Was just browsing baldingblog.com and found out that Dr. Rassman's clinic is offering their version of "head tattooing" or as they call it "scalp micro-pigmentation" LOL!
Anyway check out Dr. Rassman's response to some of the comments on the particular article, interesting.
And check out the price...six thousand to do a Norwood 7!
I'm not sure how that price compares to others shops out there but I think that's F'N ridiculous. $6,000 for some F'N dots tattoed on your head! C'MON!
Anyway check out Dr. Rassman's response to some of the comments on the particular article, interesting.
And check out the price...six thousand to do a Norwood 7!
I'm not sure how that price compares to others shops out there but I think that's F'N ridiculous. $6,000 for some F'N dots tattoed on your head! C'MON!