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  • Dben153662
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2012
    • 26

    Originally posted by jholcollege11
    Good pic, it looks good.
    After wearing a hair piece for over 20 is a big change. But psychologically to tell you the truth i still dont feel comfortable going out without my cap. Hey its over 20 years of trauma! but i do go outside and get my mail without a cap though. Its a start


    • jholcollege11

      Yea I think we get so attatched to our security things like hair pieces, or caps that when we get something like SMP done our mind is still telling us we need to hide our head even though you now look like you have hair but choose to shave your head. That's all im trying to achieve with smp. I know once I have it done I will still carry my hat everywhere like I do now, until I get used to it. Glad it worked out for you at AC.


      • Dben153662
        Junior Member
        • Mar 2012
        • 26

        Ok here is my back part where you can see the old scars from the big hair plugs from the 80's awful
        Attached Files


        • Dben153662
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2012
          • 26

          also if you look closely there are also little rounds scars from the darn FUE's they are more nboticeable on the sides where they removed the most


          • Jack21
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2010
            • 167

            sorry for very delayed response

            Hey jhol,

            The reason I never responded is that I had no idea anyone had responded to my post from December. I really don't want to get into an argument or anything like that with you since I have been EXACTLY where you are now and I understand very well the emotions that are involved with this process. Its a huge decision, and taking one's time and exploring all of one's options is the right way to go about things.

            Let me assure you that I am not now nor have I ever been employed by AC. When I was exploring my options about 18 months ago I visited the websites of all the places that perform what is termed "micropigmentation" or the 350 variants thereof. HIS had some great looking pictures, but the resolution was not great nor was the lighting. AC had pictures that could be blown up to twice life size and enabled one to scrutinize every last hair follicle on a client's head. That was encouraging.

            I decided that the only way to determine which place was right for me (if any of them) would be to see actual results in person inches from the head of clients. As I was most impressed by AC I flew down to S. Fla last spring to have a look in person (I have family down there so I made a vacation of it). I had the opportunity to see two men who had undergone the AC procedure. The first was the technician who had had his done about one year before and the second was a gentleman who was still on the table, having the finishing touches added.

            There is no substitute for seeing the results with your own eyes up close. I remember thinking to myself "If I can end up looking half as good as either of these guys I'd be the happiest man on earth"

            I was convinced that this was the right path for me and scheduled an appointment for the early summer. I was nervous as all hell, don't get me wrong, but I was excited.

            The people at AC on the phone are all business, and I can see how one might interpret their very matter of fact attitude as not being "warm and fuzzy". In person they are some of the nicest, most down to earth, and pleasant people I've ever met while still being consummate professionals.

            Look if you want to see what mine looks like from every angle imaginable you are welcome to come down to Texas to have a look. I mean, honestly, price cannot be a determining factor in this.

            When my procedure was done my crown was filled in completely and the "follicles" taken well down into my growing hair. Further hair loss is anticipated for in the AC procedure.

            After I had it done I was astonished. I couldn't believe how real it looked, but I thought that I might be deceiving myself. I waited until I went to visit my mother and sister for the final verdict. My sister is the most brutally honest person on earth and was actually very much opposed to my getting the procedure done. When my sister saw it she said that there was absolutely no way anyone could ever tell that what I had on my head wasn't stubble. My mother said something about Mark deserving a Nobel Prize for what he did.

            I was still in the habit of wearing a hat when I could, but my sister kept knocking the cap off my head and saying "you don't need that stupid hat anymore". We were in the airport and she kept yanking it off my head until I just kept it off.

            Fast forward to January and my brother was about to get married. I was the best man, and to be perfectly honest despite my mom, my dad, and most importantly my sister telling me that it looked completely real I was still a tiny bit nervous standing up there in front of all those people - and in natural light (it was on the beach in Mexico). Over the course of the days leading up to the wedding we were all hanging out by the pool, and I had my shades on and did my utmost to gauge people's reactions to my hairline. I can honestly swear that not one person looked at my hairline or any other part of my head askance.

            After the wedding when the booze was flowing a couple of girls came up to me and said "Why do you keep your hair so short?" or "Why don't you let that hair grow out?" Honestly that is the "worst" feedback that I have gotten from this whole thing.

            I understand that this is a nerve wracking time. It is a huge decision and you want to gather all the information you can. There is no substitute for seeing results first hand. I guess this forum has a personal message thing. Please feel free to message me and I'll give you my facebook acct and send you pictures of my head from pretty much every possible angle and I can answer any other questions you may have.

            I think the greatest testament to how happy I am with the AC procedure is the fact that I have been on this forum twice in the past 6 months. When I was doing my research I was on here every single day. Now its just not an issue in my life. I may not be as "pretty" as I was when I had hair 2 inches long, but I do look exactly like I did for all those years that I kept my head shaved in the army.



            Originally posted by jholcollege11
            Jack- I guess your non-response reveals you are either one of the 3- AC employees or you are now very angry about poor results. Either way, something stinks in Florida. The only good reviews I've read on them, are the posts they post themselves pretending to be happy clients. On one forum a poster was actually traced back to their lobby, and when confronted by the administrator, they claimed that their customer was so thrilled with his results that he couldn't wait to post his glowing recomendation from their own AC computer. WOW! Seriously? Do they think everyone is stupid? My thing is, both HIS and Good Look Ink are very adament about the potential client meeting former clients who have had the work done. That is confidence in a finished product. Good look ink owner told me that I needed to see the results in person--now I understand that this could also be a sales tactic knowing that if a desperate balding man comes all the way up there it will be that much harder to walk out the door without having anything done. I had it narrowed to the three of these companies, but AC is not an option anymore. They say they cannot produce clients for us to see b/c "they are so happy with their results that they are busing enjoying their new look." Also not one pic on their website shows an angle from behind the head revealing the crown area. I read one post stating that their own tech who has had the procedure has a big bald horshoe on back of his head. This same person also said that he flew all the way down to FLA and Mark, the owner, was very rude to him b/c he was early. Now I am not sure if this was just someone from a competitor company just bashing them, but I do know that when I called them I got NO help and the employee's attitude really turned me off. Not to mention that the man that answered the phone is the guy that Gale (President) said would be doing my procedure. I need a legit professional business. I am just a guy that wants this procedure to add density and restore hairline, and it is so hard to find anything out without "Attack of the Shills." I live in New Orleans and I will fly to Minnesota in May to visit GLI, b/c they seem to be the real deal. Anyway, I think it is really a shame that so many companies out there take advantage of people for thousands of dollars and sleep fine at night.


            • Jack21
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2010
              • 167

              actual pictures

              Here are a number of photos (including one of the crown area) for you to peruse
              Attached Files


              • jholcollege11

                i stand corrected

                My bad bro, it looks really good. They did gud job at ac


                • jholcollege11

                  Thanx for pics, i hope mine comes out that good


                  • mep0812
                    Junior Member
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 13

           you have any pictures of the back of your head showing the checkerboard plugs after the procedure? The back of my head looks very similar to yours..The thought of giving up the piece and buzzing down the sides and back is a very tough decision..My job requires that I am in front of people every day and i just worry how the back and sides will look due to the scars. Thanks for posting..


                    • Dben153662
                      Junior Member
                      • Mar 2012
                      • 26

                      Originally posted by mep0812
             you have any pictures of the back of your head showing the checkerboard plugs after the procedure? The back of my head looks very similar to yours..The thought of giving up the piece and buzzing down the sides and back is a very tough decision..My job requires that I am in front of people every day and i just worry how the back and sides will look due to the scars. Thanks for posting..
                      I will. Imagine i work for the government and i even had to get a special authorization to wear a cap at work. When did you get yours done ?


                      • Dben153662
                        Junior Member
                        • Mar 2012
                        • 26

                        Originally posted by mep0812
               you have any pictures of the back of your head showing the checkerboard plugs after the procedure? The back of my head looks very similar to yours..The thought of giving up the piece and buzzing down the sides and back is a very tough decision..My job requires that I am in front of people every day and i just worry how the back and sides will look due to the scars. Thanks for posting..
                        Here is one for you
                        Attached Files


                        • Dben153662
                          Junior Member
                          • Mar 2012
                          • 26

                          Originally posted by Jack21
                          Here are a number of photos (including one of the crown area) for you to peruse
                          Looks good Jack


                          • Jack21
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 167

                            nicely hidden

                            Whatever spots or dots you had before are pretty much invisible. I mean, if I didn't know what I was supposed to be looking for I would not have noticed that anything was off at all.

                            Originally posted by Dben153662
                            Here is one for you


                            • stylus187
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 94

                              Originally posted by morrison
                              In his next post stylus187 said he had a conversation with the guy and he said that it was Artistry Concepts who had carried out the treatment.

                              Dben153662, we all look forward to seeing to seeing your pictures, don't forget to take one of the front, sides and back as well. As I'd like to see if there is any kind of horseshoe after the procedure.

                              Also in the meantime why don't you post some before pictures so we can all see the degree of hair loss you had prior to your procedure.

                              Don't worry about 'other' providers taking your pictures and trying to pass them off as their own work. I've never seen any other provider try to pass off any work of AC's as their work.
                              Gloves off!!! Im a nice guy!!! I could give a flying cuss word, on what anyone does to their head! It could be Bob Villa, or the hippie dude who loves to paint little flowers, here and there! I could give a shit less! Im only saying that it looks unnatural!!! Im sory if I offend your choice of restoration! To be honest, AC, is the only company Ive heard of doing this, why??? Are you crazy to have a tattoo on your head!!! Bro, no way it looks natural. Ink fades over time. I don't care what type of ink, its gonna end up blurring, or bleeding out over time!! I have a nw 2 at most, to be honest these sites are not for me!!! Too many people just bashing, and complaining! I post a simple story, and all hell breaks loose. Listen, if your cool, meaning anyone on this board, no personal attacks... Go tat your head if it makes you feel confident!! On theses sites, especially this one, no matter what advise, or story you share, you will be attacked!! I don't belong here!!!!! Best wishes, to everyone!!! I'm done!!!! "learn the hard way" let some new technique be another guinea pig! "buyer beware" you can recover from fue scars, even trich scars... what do you do when your entire head is ****ed up looking from a dude tattooing your scalp??? open your eyes!!! as always, best wishes!!!!


                              • Dben153662
                                Junior Member
                                • Mar 2012
                                • 26

                                Originally posted by stylus187
                                Gloves off!!! Im a nice guy!!! I could give a flying cuss word, on what anyone does to their head! It could be Bob Villa, or the hippie dude who loves to paint little flowers, here and there! I could give a shit less! Im only saying that it looks unnatural!!! Im sory if I offend your choice of restoration! To be honest, AC, is the only company Ive heard of doing this, why??? Are you crazy to have a tattoo on your head!!! Bro, no way it looks natural. Ink fades over time. I don't care what type of ink, its gonna end up blurring, or bleeding out over time!! I have a nw 2 at most, to be honest these sites are not for me!!! Too many people just bashing, and complaining! I post a simple story, and all hell breaks loose. Listen, if your cool, meaning anyone on this board, no personal attacks... Go tat your head if it makes you feel confident!! On theses sites, especially this one, no matter what advise, or story you share, you will be attacked!! I don't belong here!!!!! Best wishes, to everyone!!! I'm done!!!! "learn the hard way" let some new technique be another guinea pig! "buyer beware" you can recover from fue scars, even trich scars... what do you do when your entire head is ****ed up looking from a dude tattooing your scalp??? open your eyes!!! as always, best wishes!!!!
                                Easy, have you heard from Tattoo Laser removal? you are such a negative person. You give bad karma

