I'm so devastated for my son

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  • jgold
    • Feb 2012
    • 58

    For the record, I totally recognize that it is very shallow for the hairloss to devastate me / anyone this much and all that truly matters is what is inside.


    • tgajr
      Junior Member
      • Dec 2012
      • 20

      Originally posted by jgold
      For the record, I totally recognize that it is very shallow for the hairloss to devastate me / anyone this much and all that truly matters is what is inside.
      Have you tried using minoxidil?


      • Kayman
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2012
        • 260

        Originally posted by lalala
        My point is you're a hypocrite. You're telling a guy who is depressed about his hair loss to not be depressed and maintain a positive outlook while, at the same time, you have gone so far as to set up an account and post on a hair loss forum yourself. I would be willing to bet that the reason you took that step is because you too were depressed about your hair loss. If you truly were positive about it you never would have wasted the time setting up an account here. You simply wouldn't care.
        How does that make anyone a hypocrite? If you have suffered or suffer MPB you have just as much right to discuss it on a hair loss forum as anyone else. I have MPB, I'm not depressed over it, I used to be a long time ago but I'm not depressed anymore I accept who I am it makes things much less stressful but I like to share my experiences and thoughts with those who have gone through or who are going through what I did. A little positivity never hurt anyone.


        • Kayman
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2012
          • 260

          Originally posted by Aames
          Unless positivity can help me maintain my hair, I'm not interested.
          You should be because once that hair is gone positivity will be all you have left.


          • jgold
            • Feb 2012
            • 58

            yes i tried it for 5 months. i used the foam and it was just so frustrating to apply every day and it always dried weird making my scalp show on top. i did not notice it help at all so i quit.


            • Rootman
              Junior Member
              • May 2012
              • 21

              Originally posted by jgold
              yes i tried it for 5 months. i used the foam and it was just so frustrating to apply every day and it always dried weird making my scalp show on top. i did not notice it help at all so i quit.
              Have you tried thickening your hair with dermatch? That stuff has worked miracles for me... but it only works if you have some hair (however thin) to paint...


              • jgold
                • Feb 2012
                • 58

                I'm not willing to paint my head. Thanks though.


                • ChrisM
                  Senior Member
                  • Jun 2012
                  • 299

                  Originally posted by jgold
                  yes i tried it for 5 months. i used the foam and it was just so frustrating to apply every day and it always dried weird making my scalp show on top. i did not notice it help at all so i quit.
                  Minoxidil does NOT show results until even close to 6-8 months at the soonest for some individuals and upwards until about a year at the most for others. You quit far too early to see any results whatsoever. If you felt that it was drying out your scalp you could have regulated this with a ketoconazole based shampoo.. since Nizoral is in shortened supply you might have tried Regenepure shampoo and its conditioner to moisturize your scalp.


                  • Rootman
                    Junior Member
                    • May 2012
                    • 21

                    Originally posted by jgold
                    I'm not willing to paint my head. Thanks though.
                    I can respect that - It only works for some people...


                    • baldozer
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2012
                      • 752

                      Excuse me, your son is not even Norwood 2 and you are worried. At age 20 I was almost completely bald. Like you, my mother was also very stressed out. Anyway, I think it was a blessing in disguise. It made me work harder in other areas of my life. Academically I did very well, I got a gold medal in my Bachelors, which I did in Electrical Engineering, which is among the toughest degree in the world.

                      And baldness didn't hurt my looks either. People, both men and women used to say how handsome I was, even though I was bald. I met my wife through a family friend. She knew I was bald before I met her. She once told me that when she heard that I was bald, she thought I would be some ugly fat kind of guy, but she was very surprised when she saw me, as she didn't expect I would be that good looking. If you are handsome, you will be handsome even bald. So maybe its a blessing in disguise for your son too, as he may focus more on his career now.

                      Look I became bald, but still I have a wife, a son and a daughter, what else do I need? Having said that I still hope my son himself doesn't become bald. My wife's father is 67 and has hair of a teenager, also her brothers have thick head of hair, so I hope my son has inherited from then rather than me !


                      • Exodus
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2012
                        • 318

                        Originally posted by baldozer
                        Excuse me, your son is not even Norwood 2 and you are worried. At age 20 I was almost completely bald. Like you, my mother was also very stressed out. Anyway, I think it was a blessing in disguise. It made me work harder in other areas of my life. Academically I did very well, I got a gold medal in my Bachelors, which I did in Electrical Engineering, which is among the toughest degree in the world.

                        And baldness didn't hurt my looks either. People, both men and women used to say how handsome I was, even though I was bald. I met my wife through a family friend. She knew I was bald before I met her. She once told me that when she heard that I was bald, she thought I would be some ugly fat kind of guy, but she was very surprised when she saw me, as she didn't expect I would be that good looking. If you are handsome, you will be handsome even bald. So maybe its a blessing in disguise for your son too, as he may focus more on his career now.

                        Look I became bald, but still I have a wife, a son and a daughter, what else do I need? Having said that I still hope my son himself doesn't become bald. My wife's father is 67 and has hair of a teenager, also her brothers have thick head of hair, so I hope my son has inherited from then rather than me !
                        Balding has forced me to get my arse into gear. Lose weight, get a better job, exercise more and generally be the person I've always wanted to be. Obviously hair would be great to retain, but in it's current form it looks like I have odd hay on my head!


                        • baldozer
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2012
                          • 752

                          Originally posted by Exodus
                          Balding has forced me to get my arse into gear. Lose weight, get a better job, exercise more and generally be the person I've always wanted to be. Obviously hair would be great to retain, but in it's current form it looks like I have odd hay on my head!
                          Amen to that brother!


                          • baldozer
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2012
                            • 752

                            Originally posted by muchtooyoung
                            I'm the Mother of a 20 year old boy who is going bald!! I noticed it a bit over the summer on the back crown area but didn't say anything. When he was home from college over Thanksgiving though, he said he's noticing thinning at the crown but wasn't hugely concerned as he thinks he'll be 40 before it gets really going. The unbelievable thing is that he's home now for Christmas and I think it's now thinning not just in the back, but now progressing to the middle of his top head - how can this have advanced so in just a month?! I'm just sick over this - he's just too young and he's such a good kid -I don't want to have him suffer with this at this age. I come from a long line of full-haired men but my husband's brother and his son went very bald early, and I have to think that this is where it came from. This is messed-up thinking but I'm almost angry with my husband for passing this on - my other son also has another type of problem that my husband's family has and I at least thought this boy would be safe from the flawed genetics, but very unfortunately not. I haven't said anything to my son as I don't want to worry him and I know it greatly would. I'm thinking I should bring him to a dermatologist for a confirmation and then maybe get him on rogaine. He makes his own decisions but I would say propecia is a last resort. I'm not wealthy but nothing is more important to me than the well-being of my kids, so I'm prepared to pay for a hair transplant down the road if he wants it. I realize this isn't a horrible illness, but the mental effects on such a young person can be just as devastating. Any suggestions or words of wisdom??
                            "but the mental effects on such a young person can be just as devastating". If that was true than people like Michael Jordan, Steve Balmer and thousands of successful bald men would have been failures in life, while guys like Ted Bundy and Richard Ramirez (famous serious killers) would have been sane because they sported full head of hair.

                            "and I at least thought this boy would be safe from the flawed genetics, but very unfortunately not".
                            So according to you Michael Jordan and the likes have flawed genetics, LOL! Why don't you post a picture of yours so that we can judge how much superior genes you have!


                            • muchtooyoung
                              Junior Member
                              • Nov 2012
                              • 6

                              Your Michael Jordan, etal reply on each of these points is ignorant and actually doesn't even make a lot of sense. Can you not relate to losing your hair at age 20 as gut-wrenching? Not a 40+ year old man, a 20 year old kid! And yes, I feel that it IS flawed genetics no matter whose side it comes from, or is it desirable in your opinion to go bald at 20?? Other than this, some very knowledgeable, supportive and helpful posts - thank you everyone.


                              • Kayman
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2012
                                • 260

                                Originally posted by muchtooyoung
                                Your Michael Jordan, etal reply on each of these points is ignorant and actually doesn't even make a lot of sense. Can you not relate to losing your hair at age 20 as gut-wrenching? Not a 40+ year old man, a 20 year old kid! And yes, I feel that it IS flawed genetics no matter whose side it comes from, or is it desirable in your opinion to go bald at 20?? Other than this, some very knowledgeable, supportive and helpful posts - thank you everyone.
                                Flawed genetics? I'd have to disagree, it's society's perception that makes people fear going bald, the general consensus that balding is a negative thing in terms of looks, but biologically it isn't a threat to your health or life, it has only become mentally damaging to some people and it is undesirable to go bald at age 20 due to the way some members of society look upon balding such as yourself by considering it to be flawed genetics, for instance if everyone in the world experienced baldness or culture saw it as a positive experience and it was desirable to go bald then nobody would call it flawed genetics. Something that is detrimental to your health due to your genes would be considered flawed genetics such as an illness you are born with. Male pattern baldness however is a natural and normal process that many millions of men in the world experience. The only reason that Baldness is a negative thing is because society has deemed it to be for no other reason than it isn't considered to be as aesthetically pleasing to some people. It's like the recent current trend of people pointing the finger at people with red hair, does that mean those with red hair are genetically flawed due to the modern day trend that ginger hair isn't as aesthetically pleasing as say brown? No, of course they aren't. It's the same with people who are losing hair, they aren't genetically better or worse than anyone else its just that parts of society have decided that their baldness doesn't look as good as hair. Now if there was a link made between male pattern baldness and illness then you could argue its flawed genetics.
                                It's not genetically abnormal to experience male pattern baldness. It's society's perception of it that's the problem.

