I have been using Propecia for 4 months now and have some concerns. The hair in my temples has become what seems like very fragile. I wouldn't say too much of my hair falls out on its own. But when I run my hands through my hair I can literally pull hairs out at my temple with no effort whatsoever (which I cannot do with the same ease anywhere else). These hairs will have a white bulb on the end of them. Does it sound like these weaker hairs could be going through a shed or does it more sound like these hairs are going for good. Thanks a lot for your time!
4 Months into Propecia-Questions
4 months is early days - Give it time to see the real benefits. minimum 8-12 months.
Also dude - stop pulling your hair out. Simply leave it alone ...Visit my website: SPEXHAIR
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I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.