If anyone knows the answer the this question or can point to the right thread that be great. If a physician could add their thoughts that would be even better.
I'm in my late 20's and norwood 3. I will probably progress to a norwood 4 by the time i'm in my late 30's. If i were to have a frontal procedure to return me to move me closer to a norwood 1/2, I'm curious as to how my hairloss would progress after that. I have had poor experiences with different hair loss supplements so have decided to stay away from those from now on. Would the transplanted hair remain and original pattern of hair loss continue (leaving the patch of transplanted frontal hair)? Would my hair loss start back over at the front again and proceed with a natural receding pattern?
I'm in my late 20's and norwood 3. I will probably progress to a norwood 4 by the time i'm in my late 30's. If i were to have a frontal procedure to return me to move me closer to a norwood 1/2, I'm curious as to how my hairloss would progress after that. I have had poor experiences with different hair loss supplements so have decided to stay away from those from now on. Would the transplanted hair remain and original pattern of hair loss continue (leaving the patch of transplanted frontal hair)? Would my hair loss start back over at the front again and proceed with a natural receding pattern?