Would anyone know of a place in Orlando, Florida that would have something like this? I believe that I'm starting to thin in my whorl/crown area and if I could, like to get it checked out. Thanks!!
Hair Miniaturization Test
Your best bet might be to make an appointment with a hair loss/hair restoration physician who can assess your hair loss and determine whether you are experiencing MPB. If so, they will be able to recommend and/or prescribe various therapies, such as finasteride (which generally works well for hair loss in the crown, particularly in young men who are just starting to lose their hair). Here's a list of IAHRS hair restoration experts in Florida: http://www.iahrs.org/hair-transplant/florida/. -
Thanks CIT Girl...not to ask you a question but is Rogaine something that helps the crown/whorl area and also, again not to ask you another question, but about a couple of months ago, I got my haircut & the barber cut a whole lot of that area & including into that whorl area & I can tell you, from that day, it just looks a bit thinner in that area...have you heard of getting a haircut in that area cause hair to not grow correctly or maybe making the hair distressed? Thanks again.Comment
Rogaine is not always as effective as Propecia but it is definitely thought to work best in the crown region- definitely something worth trying if you'd prefer to use a topical product as a first resort.
Don't worry, a hair cut would not have permanently thinned or altered the growth of your hair- though it could certainly make it appear a bit thinner if there's less length concealing the scalp.
Please feel free to ask any questions you have- I'm happy to help!Comment
Thanks again for your responses, I greatly appreciate it. My wife says I'm not losing it & my hair is fine but she said if anything that I have caused some of my loss & will cause loss because I'm at a point at times that I am OCD & brush it continually which is really honestly insane. Again, hate asking questions, but if that is the case, is there a chance that hair could come back? Also with the coldness here in Florida (it's been cold for Florida-wise), the atmosphere of coming in from the cold & into the heat of the house and then if I brush it, could something like that cause hair to fall out & again, if not MPB related, will this grow back to normal? I know these are probably pretty stupid questions but again, thanks.Comment