Ive noticed that in my hair line that some strands of hair are shorter than the rest of the hairs on my hair line. I just started to use DHT blocking shampoo so this kinda of worries me cuz ive been using it for about three/four weeks now. What does this shorter hairs indicate/ mean.
hair length
There are several possible reasons for the short hairs. You will need to keep track of whether they continue to grow over the next few months. I doubt the the shampoo is causing this. How old are you? Do you have a strong family history of male pattern baldness?Comment
These hair could be new regrowth coming thru a cycle. Just monitor and dont panic.Visit my website: SPEXHAIR
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I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.Comment