Hey guys, quick question

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  • heynow1234
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 221

    Hey guys, quick question

    Hey guys, hows it going? I havent been on here in a while, been on propecia for a year and a half, and have basically decided thats its working to slow my hairloss down a lot, but no regrowth or anything. Anyway im becoming pretty content with that. I love this site, but have found that the less i read about hair and stuff, the less i worry so much about it, so i havent checked the site in about 2 months. Anyway quick im gonna be gone for 5 days starting tomorrow, my propecia comes in the mail tomorrow afternoon, unfortunatly i fly out in the morning. So ill have 2 pills to last 5 days, ill be alright...right?

    Thanks guys
  • NateDog
    • Aug 2010
    • 96

    I have heard Propecia stays in your system for quite some time (more so then they like you to believe). So a few days off the meds will not harm you in the long run

    I also understand what you are saying the more you read about hair loss the more and more you obsess and begin to spiral down into a deep dark place of depression. If we all didnt come to these forums I dare say we might be more at ease. The key is acceptance and whether that means shaving it off or just gracefully thin and gradually just cut your hair shorter and shorter. Everyone has to find their own peace.

    Sorry gone off topic a bit but I am trying to find that peace myself. And realise hair does not define me it never has yet you think it does


    • Winston
      • Mar 2009
      • 929

      You’ll be just fine. It takes a couple of weeks for your DHT levels to shift back so theoretically you can take a week or more off with no problem. I think it helps others for guys like you to stick around the forum to tell the newbie's not to panic!


      • NateDog
        • Aug 2010
        • 96

        I do get what he means

        The more you read the more you realise your fate is sealed. There are things you can do and its comforting to know technology might one day solve this but I bet everyone on here at some point would love to be free of constantly reading forums and looking up before and after HT pictures. I am guilty of it. But at some point acceptance is the key and getting on with living by getting out and doing things not sitting at home like I am on the forums also worried about weather and wind and what my hair looks like under bright lights


        • heynow1234
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2009
          • 221

          Hey guys thanks for the responses. I think whats helped me is that ive finally realized after a year of worrying that propecia is most likely working like it does for most...slowing things down. I still have an ok head of hair, prob about a NW 3 but i can still style it alright. I just pretty much accepted it and try not to dwell on it, i used to look at my hair in the mirror 10 times a day, then i figured whats the point its not doing anything but making me pissed. Dont get me wrong, there are still a bunch of days that i look at my hair and get furious. Winston your def right i should stick around and I plan too, beacuse a bunch of ppl helped me when i was panicking the most. I just dont come to the site 9 times a day like i used to!


          • NateDog
            • Aug 2010
            • 96

            Do you guys ever think about shaving your heads

            I often think about it just to gain some of the confidence back


            • Winston
              • Mar 2009
              • 929

              I’m here a lot obviously, but it’s because I have also been helped so much that I want to share what I've learned with people. The forum has helped me cope more than I would have imagined a message forum could. I love this place!

              @Natedog, I think about shaving my head all the time. Maybe one day I will


              • NateDog
                • Aug 2010
                • 96

                I agree Winston that this forum is fantastic and I guess you have to try seperate the personalities on here with them venting and so forth (some go beyond venting I believe)

                I have been told I am a NW3 so thats why I am eager to buzz down while I have hair on top of my head. That way I can get used to really really short and then one day boom shave it off and not worrying so much. I dont even know why I worry so much my hair is pretty sh1t I dont style it at all its never been a statement for my look

                My family would freak out


                • t-bone
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 109

                  Originally posted by heynow1234
                  Hey guys, hows it going? I havent been on here in a while, been on propecia for a year and a half, and have basically decided thats its working to slow my hairloss down a lot, but no regrowth or anything. Anyway im becoming pretty content with that. I love this site, but have found that the less i read about hair and stuff, the less i worry so much about it, so i havent checked the site in about 2 months. Anyway quick im gonna be gone for 5 days starting tomorrow, my propecia comes in the mail tomorrow afternoon, unfortunatly i fly out in the morning. So ill have 2 pills to last 5 days, ill be alright...right?

                  Thanks guys
                  yes! take every other day..and worrying is not good for ur hair either..


                  • NateDog
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 96

                    I agree with that

                    Stress is not good there is little scientific evidence but emotional stress can be devastating to health and therefore can cross over to hair loss (IMHO)

                    In saying that its super hard not to stress over hair loss its such a deeply wounding experience

                    Does anyone know the deal with Spencer and when he upped his dosage of Proscar and was it just his own experiment in medication

