For the past 12 mo. I've been taking 1.25 mg. Of propecia a day, minoxidal 5% twice a day and nizoral 2% shampoo once every 3 days I've had excellent results mostly in the crown area with regrowth and even a little on top, and I've had no further hair loss. I've pretty much plateaud once I hit mo. 10 which is normal from what I've read since I don't expect any further hair regrowth can I stop everything except the propecia and continue to keep what I've currently have. Any advice would help.
propecia,minoxidal 5% and nizoral what to phase out?
For the past 12 mo. I've been taking 1.25 mg. Of propecia a day, minoxidal 5% twice a day and nizoral 2% shampoo once every 3 days I've had excellent results mostly in the crown area with regrowth and even a little on top, and I've had no further hair loss. I've pretty much plateaud once I hit mo. 10 which is normal from what I've read since I don't expect any further hair regrowth can I stop everything except the propecia and continue to keep what I've currently have. Any advice would help.
Don't risk it!