19 with a hairline like this and thinning on top, any suggestions?

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  • Ultima
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2016
    • 2

    19 with a hairline like this and thinning on top, any suggestions?

    When I was about to turn 19 i noticed to slightest bit of thinning on top, and now have lost a lot more, any ideas on what to do with my hair from this onwards?
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  • JeanlucBergman
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2016
    • 284

    Go a hair loss multivitamin (the Lipogaine and HR23 are quite good) + 320 mg of c02 extracted Saw Palmetto, use a ketoconazole shampoo like Nizoral or better yet one without SLS like Regenepure DR, and use a topical DHT blocker and growth stimulator like Trichogen or Revivogen. All natural methods, and unlikely to give you any serious sides.

    Try it for 12 months, if that doesn't work, then try out a low alcohol minoxidil formula and 0.5 mg of Finasteride along with your ketoconazole shampoo. Minoxidil, particularly generic and non sensitive formulas like Kirkland and Rogaine have been known to cause allergic reactions, heightened aging due to decreased collagen synthesis and an array of other side effects. Some people on Minoxidil look like they've aged 10 years in 1 or 2. 0.5mg of Finasteride is a half dose, but even that can give some pretty serious sexual sides along with brain fuzz in sensitive users. If you use a good minoxidil like Lipogaine with DHT blockers along with Finasteride and a Ketoconazole shampoo there is a 95% chance of growing more hair, potentially 1 or 2 years worth of losses back.

    Try the all natural for 6-12 months and stick with it every day, if it doesn't work, try the stronger stuff but be aware that most people get SOME sides from them, even at low doses.


    • Louish
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2015
      • 337

      Originally posted by JeanlucBergman
      Go a hair loss multivitamin (the Lipogaine and HR23 are quite good) + 320 mg of c02 extracted Saw Palmetto, use a ketoconazole shampoo like Nizoral or better yet one without SLS like Regenepure DR, and use a topical DHT blocker and growth stimulator like Trichogen or Revivogen. All natural methods, and unlikely to give you any serious sides.

      Try it for 12 months, if that doesn't work, then try out a low alcohol minoxidil formula and 0.5 mg of Finasteride along with your ketoconazole shampoo. Minoxidil, particularly generic and non sensitive formulas like Kirkland and Rogaine have been known to cause allergic reactions, heightened aging due to decreased collagen synthesis and an array of other side effects. Some people on Minoxidil look like they've aged 10 years in 1 or 2. 0.5mg of Finasteride is a half dose, but even that can give some pretty serious sexual sides along with brain fuzz in sensitive users. If you use a good minoxidil like Lipogaine with DHT blockers along with Finasteride and a Ketoconazole shampoo there is a 95% chance of growing more hair, potentially 1 or 2 years worth of losses back.

      Try the all natural for 6-12 months and stick with it every day, if it doesn't work, try the stronger stuff but be aware that most people get SOME sides from them, even at low doses.
      Are you kidding no vitamin will stop this kind of hairloss at only 19...It's always good to get good nutrition but this quite agressive, you either get on all the hard stuff now or you accept baldness...


      • Hairbrain
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2016
        • 128

        Time is your worst enemy! You need to at least slow down or stop your loss. No vitamin in the world will do that for you or we would all be taking them. You need to see a doctor who specializes in hair loss. Finasteride is your best hope at this age. Do your research, be careful what you read and are told. Many of us here have been down that road your on ( if it is male pattern baldness). You can get some good advice here and like everywhere else you look sometimes not so good advice. So find a good doctor and dont just take his word for it either, like I said do good research and learn everything you can about what others have successfully done to slow down or stop their loss. Good luck


        • JeanlucBergman
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2016
          • 284

          He hasn't lost all that much, why go to the strongest and most side effect ridden treatment possible without seeing if he can get results from a more natural approach? Finasteride, keto and minoxidil are almost guaranteed to work, however a small amount get good results without the sledgehammer approach. It isn't as if he has an obvious bald patch on the crown or anything longer hair won't cover.

          "So find a good doctor" and that is just plain stupid. What is a doctor going to tell him that the internet can't? Most doctors know less about Androgenic Alopecia than you and I probably do.

          If you start your hair loss treatment with finasteride and have a bad reaction to it, what do you propose then? The fact is that even if keto, natural oral DHT blockers and a topical growth and DHT blocking agent do NOTHING, he is still going to have a good amount of hair left and on fin + mino probably grow more than he lost in those 6 months back. There is a small chance he will at least stop the shed with a more natural approach.


          • baldbrah369
            Junior Member
            • Dec 2016
            • 12

            This forum has satanic users and demonic posts. The above user is ****ing with the OP


            • JeanlucBergman
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2016
              • 284

              Lmfao. All I'm saying is that 95% of people who use fin or minox have SOME sides and the majority of them don't make it past the first 12 months, let alone their entire lives. Just because you can't get laid and have no need for a functioning penis or a face that isn't aged a decade from minox isn't reason for others not to TRY other means of growth before jumping on the big guns.

              I repeat, fin and minox are the gold standards for repairing and stopping hair loss, however for someone without serious problems yet, they should try out natural means before they move to these, as they are also the gold standards for ruining collagen synthesis and your sex life. Many don't get serious sides, but I have almost NEVER heard of anyone on 1 mg of fin per day who has gone on it with ZERO sides. A 5000 graft hair transplant in Turkey is a better and cheaper option in the long run than the big 3. A transplant is the only REAL magic bullet cure for hair loss.


              • Hairbrain
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2016
                • 128

                Originally posted by JeanlucBergman
                Lmfao. All I'm saying is that 95% of people who use fin or minox have SOME sides and the majority of them don't make it past the first 12 months, let alone their entire lives. Just because you can't get laid and have no need for a functioning penis or a face that isn't aged a decade from minox isn't reason for others not to TRY other means of growth before jumping on the big guns.

                I repeat, fin and minox are the gold standards for repairing and stopping hair loss, however for someone without serious problems yet, they should try out natural means before they move to these, as they are also the gold standards for ruining collagen synthesis and your sex life. Many don't get serious sides, but I have almost NEVER heard of anyone on 1 mg of fin per day who has gone on it with ZERO sides. A 5000 graft hair transplant in Turkey is a better and cheaper option in the long run than the big 3. A transplant is the only REAL magic bullet cure for hair loss.
                This is a respectful forum with many sincere members who care about hair loss and who try to give genuine answers. I dont think claiming another member has no use for his penis is being either respectful or helpful. You obviously lack the sincerity and more importantly the knowledge about hair loss and real potential solutions , especially considering this man is 19 years old. Your snake oil solutions, where ever they come from, are proof you yourself need to do more research. If you have your opinions fine, at least keep your posts respectful.


                • JeanlucBergman
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2016
                  • 284

                  Keto, along with DHT blockers like Saw Palmetto and Beta sitosterol have studies to back up their usefulness. You make yourself sound like a fool to call them snake oil when a lot of hair supplements get better reviews than FDA approved treatments like Rogaine. Keto is also clinically proven to decrease hairloss and improve growth. Studies suggest that keto 2% along with fin is indistinguishable to 5% minox along with fin. I can guarantee I know more than you about hairloss, you haven't looked at the science or any studies, you've looked at what the FDA has approved and made up your mind. Your close mindedness and rejection of the science hardly makes you deserving of respect.

                  Again, I am not saying that fin and minox are not worth trying as they are clearly the gold standard in hair loss treatment, however to go to these with minimal recession and thinning without trying less side effect prone treatment for six months is plain idiotic. Both Minoxidil and Fin are serious drugs, no one can deny that.


                  • JeanlucBergman
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2016
                    • 284

                    And Badbrah was telling a 22 year old Norwood 1 with zero evidence of pattern baldness to get on minox and fin immediately. He ought to be sued with that kind of horrible advice. Does it give you pleasure to castrate someone else like you have done to yourself? You're not helping anyone by telling the world to get on the most dangerous treatments before they have tried alternatives. If you give an honest try to supplements, keto and topical DHT blockers and it hasn't worked then by all means move to minox and fin, but this is a serious life decision that no one should jump onto because of a random on the internet. Read about it, think about it, learn about the causes of hairloss and what these drugs actually do to the body, beyond their effects on balding. In the mean time, try something natural and see if it does anything for you. I appreciate some people get NO sides in over a decade of use, however some retain sides for 12 months after a 1 month use of 1 mg fin.


                    • Hairbrain
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2016
                      • 128

                      Originally posted by JeanlucBergman
                      Keto, along with DHT blockers like Saw Palmetto and Beta sitosterol have studies to back up their usefulness. You make yourself sound like a fool to call them snake oil when a lot of hair supplements get better reviews than FDA approved treatments like Rogaine. Keto is also clinically proven to decrease hairloss and improve growth. Studies suggest that keto 2% along with fin is indistinguishable to 5% minox along with fin. I can guarantee I know more than you about hairloss, you haven't looked at the science or any studies, you've looked at what the FDA has approved and made up your mind. Your close mindedness and rejection of the science hardly makes you deserving of respect.

                      Again, I am not saying that fin and minox are not worth trying as they are clearly the gold standard in hair loss treatment, however to go to these with minimal recession and thinning without trying less side effect prone treatment for six months is plain idiotic. Both Minoxidil and Fin are serious drugs, no one can deny that.
                      I will not debate you here whether or not I have more knowledge than you about hairloss. But I can tell you I started loosing my hair at around 16. I have tried everthing you suggested above and a lot more. I have had a total of 7 hair transplants over 25 plus years. I have a literal library of everything from medical journals to university studies centering around hairloss and hairloss solutions. I've had one on one conversations with some of the worlds leading physicians and patient advocates concerning hairloss. If you dig deep enough into the real medical research about minoxidil you will find it is not a long term solution as a DHT inhibitor. It often provides a temporary slowdown and some minimal regrowth for some patients. As far as sides are concerned with Finasteride, the fact is Tylenol has not only more potential sides but those sides are more common than any from Finasteride. Please see Joe Tillmans website Hairtransplantmentor.com to educate yourself about this and maybe some other basic topics concerning hairloss. If you you don't know who he is that wouldn't surprise me either.


                      • JeanlucBergman
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2016
                        • 284

                        Anyone who has had SEVEN hair transplants isn't worth listening to. I agree with your point on Minoxidil, but as a short term means of sparking some regrowth it isn't a bad option. A formula without Propylene glycol in particular and one with DHT blockers like Lipogaine sensitive is well worth it if this sounds appealing. Minoxidil on it's own does not inhibit DHT AT ALL. Your point about Tylenol is nonsense, most people aren't taking Tylenol every day like they would be for fin, which can permanently alter hormonal balance and libido. I don't deny Hairtransplantmentor is a good resource either.

                        In all seriousness, how can you have had seven hair transplants? how many grafts have you had? Also what is your opinion on ketoconazole?


                        • Hairbrain
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2016
                          • 128

                          My latest recent HT was with Dr. Jerry Wong totalling 3197 grafts. My two prior sessions with now retired Dr. Bobby Limmer was approximatley 2000 grafts. Dr. Bobby Limmer is the inovator of MFU and the first to utilize microscopes for hair transplantations. Before those HTs I probably had a total of 1000 grafts. Its hard to say because those grafts were not follicular units. They were what was called mini micros, having anywhere between 1 and 8 hairs a graft. If they would have been MFUs it probably would be more like 2500. Yeah I had a lot of donor and according to Dr. Wong I have another strip left and can move on to FUE afterward if I so desire. Just so you're aware Joe Tillman, the foremost patient advocate for hair transplantation and owner of hairtransplantmentor.com has had a total of 9 transplants. I know you stated no one with 7 transplants would be worth listening to but Joe is the man. Like myself he has been through it all and then some. He was a NW6 and now has what appears to be a full head of natural looking hair. His first 2 transplants were done by an unkown unqualified Dr., however he was amazingly repaired by Dr. Jerry Wong. Please go back to his site, take the time to read his story look at his pictures and then maybe think about your former statement in regards who should or shouldn't be listened to.. Joe is a world known patient advocate that has the respect of the best hair transplant surgeons and hair loss experts alike. You like I could learn alot from him. http://www.hairtransplantmentor.com/...r-transplants/


                          • Hairbrain
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2016
                            • 128

                            Just to add I didnt mean to imply that minoxidil is a DHT inhibitor. It is a vasodialator which is why it is often used in adjunct with Finasteride. As far as ketoconazole is concerned, I have no real opinion. At most it may work as well as a low level dose of minoxidil at worst, which is probably the actual case for most it does absolutely nothing. There are certainly those who use it as part of their regiment but usually with a bunch of other "treatments" as well.


                            • JeanlucBergman
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2016
                              • 284

                              Dr Wong does great work especially on later norwoods, however only millionares can afford him. Koray Erdogan in Turkey is doing transplants of a similar standard, for less than half the price.

                              I stand by what I said, the studies make it pretty clear that in some people c02 extracted high % fatty acid saw palmetto alone has had a similar effect to finasteride, while there are studies showing similar reduction in free DHT and alpha 5 reductase in pumpkin seed oil, grape seed oil and nettle extract. Even on this regime some people get side effects similar to those on fin within the first week, so if someone is interested in trying finasteride I would highly recommend they go with this to start off with.

                              We all know minoxidil is clinically proven to regrow and maintain hair, even if after a 3-5 it might go back to the baseline, however regrowth is a desirable option for someone in their 20s. Something like lipogaine sensitive without Propylene glycol also avoids irritation in most users, and taking hydrolized collagen peptides can help with the effects it has on skin.

                              Plenty of studies on keto, and also those that depict results with a combinations such as fin and min, fin and keto and all three, fin and min along with fin and keto being similar, and both 20-30% more effective than fin alone. Keto and min alone have also shown strong results in studies during the first few years, which is a typical study length.

                              To say a more natural approach doesn't work is an outright lie and makes you sound like an idiot, the best beginner treatment for someone with minimal loss is a keto shampoo, minoxidil without Propylene glycol and a supplement like Lipogaine. If no results in 6 months, then they should be aware of finasteride as the next step, but one that the MAJORITY OF USERS DON'T MAKE IT PAST THE FIRST YEAR WITH.

