I took Fin for 4 years and during that time I did experience sides (I am 25 years old). My libido was lower, no spontaneaous erections, and some weight gain. I could still have sex but my desire for it was greatly reduced so I didn't have it much. I did masturbate but I think what compelled me to do so was to test if my penis was still working.
I decided to take some time off of it and I am 2.5 weeks out. I feel even less libido and my penis feels numb. Most people say their sides are long gone by this time period. In your experience, am I doomed to permanent side effects?
I decided to take some time off of it and I am 2.5 weeks out. I feel even less libido and my penis feels numb. Most people say their sides are long gone by this time period. In your experience, am I doomed to permanent side effects?