Propecia and brain fog

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  • mark-1
    • Mar 2009
    • 84

    Propecia and brain fog

    I have recently noticed a difference in terms of my concentration levels and clarity of speech.I find myself missing out full words when i talk or write/type and it seems to be getting worse.

    I have read about "brain fog" which some are linking to the use of propecia/proscar.

    Do any of you know anything about this subject?
  • Layercake
    • Feb 2009
    • 61

    I sorta felt that way too.....but then I analyzed the way I was living. It was probably more the fact that I was only getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night haha. Idk man, it's really hard to say if its actually happening or not. When I did feel it I guess it was sorta like a very mild hang least cognitively.

    I'm curious about this too. The downside of it is --the depression of stopping finasteride and having my hair-loss pick up again will be far more disruptive.


    • Dr. Glenn Charles
      IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
      • Nov 2008
      • 2419

      I have been prescribing Finasteride for many years and do not have a single patient that has reported this particular side effect. That does not mean that it is not possible, but certainly very uncommon. Maybe if you sent an e-mail to the customer support at Merck they would respond and get you some additional information regarding your situation.
      Dr. Glenn Charles
      Member, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons
      View my IAHRS Profile


      • Winston
        • Mar 2009
        • 929

        It sounds more like classic symptoms of depression to me. I think a lot of guys are convinced that their obvious symptoms of hair loss related depression are side effects of Propecia. I heard Spencer Kobren discussing this on his radio show a few weeks ago. I agree with his assessment.


        • Fixed by 35
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2010
          • 618

          It sounds like depression to me too. I've spent most of the last seven years with brain fog, irrespective of whether I was on medication at the time or not.

