My final thoughts on having no hair at 20

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  • BeaveCake
    • Jan 2015
    • 82

    Originally posted by fred970
    Post clear pictures of your hair loss then. If you don't, anything you say here is useless. You could be a NW1 trolling us all.

    At least my pictures are all over the forum. I was bald at 22. I had a hair transplant. My experiences as a bald man were real.
    This was the first pic I took of it when I was 18, after an initial shock to the follicles this was about 50%, I shaved after that point so doctors could look at follicles under a microscope without needing to do a biopsy, after that time they said about 70% entered a resting phase and were killed off, including areas on the sides. If I let it get two days growth it looks like patches the dog, and so I don't have many pictures of the time my hair was actually shedding, but this was just from the top, in the front it looked like I had nothing but light fuzz on my head and even near the ears. And it only got worse after the pic, it looks like the hair on top is gone mostly and sides are patchy if grown out 1 day, It's bald, stop your disbelief and accept bald men can still be successful and shut your spoiled brat mouth 'my experiences were real' you act like your some kinda war veteran, you're not you're a guy who wants to blame life's problems on not having hair, many guys go bald even young, their experiences turned out just fine. Also by the way, I was born a Norwood 2 due to triangular alopecia, literally as a child I had a deep V shape and you know I never thought nothing of it and heard no bad comments. Maybe ignorance is bliss is true but I never cared about my deep hairline once, and when it all fell I got through that too. There's your evidence Freddo. Take it, accept it, or find another dark corner of the internet to skulk and get your pity fix.
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    Last edited by BeaveCake; 08-02-2015, 05:55 PM. Reason: Too respectful


    • FlightTL
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2011
      • 842

      Originally posted by BeaveCake
      I've made a couple other posts on this site before but this time I'll leave one final thread explaining it. Two years ago my father passed away and I was 18 at the time, just graduated it was very stressful as I was the only child, my mom was breaking down, plans for school out the window etc. I gave myself time to recover and save money before starting college. As time progressed I figured I'd go to the doctor for a small issue I'd always had to make sure it was fine. Turns out the doc said it could be linked to several types of crippling life destroying disorders and given family history needed to be checked. In that time I seen more doctors than probably any other time in my life. Specialists from one of the best hospitals in the US were all confused at how I could have these symptoms but no disorder. In the end the told me I was a bit of a freak of nature but there was nothing that would affect my life. Now imagine that stress, being 18 and just losing your father, your friends gone, laying awake wondering if you'd spend your life as a cripple one day. I'm glad that won't be the case but add to the stress I noticed at one point my hair mostly on top, thinned dramatically. The whole Norwood area plus some parts of the sides. In the end it turned out to be a case of Telogen Effluvium that became permanent as the stress causing the loss was chronic and the follicles resting for too long. So I lost about half my hair diffusely and was told it wasn't coming back. It affected the sides too but mostly the top (for whatever reason the top of the skull one is always more sensitive to types of hairloss) And yes you nay Sayers it is bald, you could see through the hair easily so I opted to shave it, it's cue ball bald like Bruce Willis and I shave everyday for the most part. My face and head shape are good for it however I am pale and a smaller built guy so I'm not the typical model shaved guy. And you know what I while I was very worried about what girls would think I still knew that baldness wouldn't keep me from the job I wanted, or being successful financially or socially so to those thinking bald men are lowered by society it's all in your head- for my age my job pays well, I'm attending college and finishing skydiving courses next spring/summer and many people love seeing me around so it hasn't hurt me in those aspects-but I admit I was very worried about what girls would think, especially since with my standards I wouldn't date a girl below a 7 I'd say (I don't feel completely comfortable numbering but just to give an idea) but you know what? They don't seem to mind like I thought. Maybe this site helped I'm a twisted way in that many said women hate bald men so I was braced for it..but it didn't come. I got asked, by an attractive 16 now 17 year old girl to go to her schools prom. I barely knew her, and she was a solid 7-8 asking a cue ball guy to her prom. I went and many people there, kids a couple years younger than me, talked with me and I became a small bit of celebrity when they heard about skydiving. Nobody really cared about the hair, even in highschool which is the most superficial social arena. Anyway that night not only did I find out my date was interested in me so was her friend and they actually caused quite a bit of drama over this bald guy. Weeks later a girlfriend of my friend heard that I was previously really worried about no hair and she (thinking I still was) immediately texted me 'you are a f**king stud without hair' explaining before she hooked up with my friend she was actually checking me out a lot. So young women hating baldness, no not true. Here are the harsh truths and final thoughts on hairloss as a young man:

      While some do pull it off better than others, a shaved head is always better than a horseshoe this young.

      Is baldness a preference to most young women? No, However is it a deal breaker to finding a guy attractive to them? No, horseshoe maybe but shaved (even with a slight shadow of horseshoe) is rarely a deal breaker. You can still be attractive bald.

      Is baldness a deal breaker to some young women? yes it is, just like it is to some older women, but guess what, many girls you think reject you for no hair would reject you for a number of reasons anyway, most people don't find most people attractive in the first place hair or not, (I certainly got rejected with hair too!) it's about finding one you think is great looking and can hold a conversation with, who thinks the same of you. Simple as that, you don't have to settle on a girl you find unattractive, or plain etc. yeah you won't win them all but no one does, if you're going for something real and not trying to be a player, you probably won't even notice a change with how members of the opposite sex treat you.

      Is accepting it a must? Yes, I shave bald because I lost hair. If someone new asks me about it I tell them. I don't wear hats to cover it, I proudly walk around with my pale dome soaking as much sun as possible and I really believe that's why I never went as nuts over it as some guys, because people can tell I can accept having no hair and live on. Hiding it will always make it worse.

      And finally something that really bugs me that guys say here: is baldness the worst thing a young man can experience? No, I watched my father struggling for air, watched my mother break down for months after he was gone, laid awake at night wondering if I'd be in a wheelchair, and that was far worse that losing hair, and anyone who thinks losing hair is worse than that needs to be taught a lesson, and is a spoiled childish brat. Don't get me wrong hairloss is devastating when young, at first. Then you adapt and survive and thrive. If you accept it, shave it and go on with life others will too, if every night you sit hung up on it while continuing on then others will get hung up on it to. Besides my story there are many who have it far worse as well, and live happily. (For the record, the two other young bald guys I know are married with girls who were very attractive, one changed some after child birth but is still pretty, the other is a model looking girl)

      So to any young guy losing hair who reads this, yes it's tough but that's the way life is. Move past it, find a hobby (doesn't have to as extreme as skydiving) find a girl who you find very attractive and love your life. Because everyday the world ends for someone, and when it's your time you shouldn't look back and see nothing but hair that fell long ago.

      This is my final thread on hairloss, and possibly the last time on this site, I may check back to see what others think of what I wrote (if the pity party crew jumps it or not) and if it helped anyone. But I got on this site to look up about hairloss, then realized most of this site is just self defeatist feel sorry for me garbage. I hoped I off set that some.

      May the skies you fall in always be blue.
      Good for you, you young lad. You have true strength and inner character which will serve you well for the rest of your life. As far as women liking you, of course! Look at the Rock and Vin Diesel. Women LOVE them, and you my man, have a hot chick already, so there's proof you're good looking...Good luck to you mate! Let's grab a root beer if you're in Baltimore ever...


      • BeaveCake
        • Jan 2015
        • 82

        I do want to thank those who did show some support and agreed with what I said (and took the time to read the story) and hope they can overcome hairloss as well. However I've wasted too much time thinking about hair that isn't there in the past, so besides a little auto response I'll return to extreme anti-bald people, I'll be leaving this site behind.


        • fred970
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2009
          • 924

          Originally posted by BeaveCake
          This was the first pic I took of it when I was 18, after an initial shock to the follicles this was about 50%, I shaved after that point so doctors could look at follicles under a microscope without needing to do a biopsy, after that time they said about 70% entered a resting phase and were killed off, including areas on the sides. If I let it get two days growth it looks like patches the dog, and so I don't have many pictures of the time my hair was actually shedding, but this was just from the top, in the front it looked like I had nothing but light fuzz on my head and even near the ears. And it only got worse after the pic, it looks like the hair on top is gone mostly and sides are patchy if grown out 1 day, It's bald, stop your disbelief and accept bald men can still be successful and shut your spoiled brat mouth 'my experiences were real' you act like your some kinda war veteran, you're not you're a guy who wants to blame life's problems on not having hair, many guys go bald even young, their experiences turned out just fine. Also by the way, I was born a Norwood 2 due to triangular alopecia, literally as a child I had a deep V shape and you know I never thought nothing of it and heard no bad comments. Maybe ignorance is bliss is true but I never cared about my deep hairline once, and when it all fell I got through that too. There's your evidence Freddo. Take it, accept it, or find another dark corner of the internet to skulk and get your pity fix.
          You have a hair line, and a strong one. People don't look at the top of your head, they see your face nicely framed by your still quite thick hair at the front.

          Yeah, you totally get what it's like to be a bald man in his 20's. In the meantime, this is what I had to work with before my hair transplant:

          I know what I'm talking about obviously. My claims have legitimacy because I experienced true baldness. Your claims are baseless and mostly wishful thinking.

          You're not bald, very far from it. You're still a fullhead in the eyes of the general population, so of course they will still treat you like one of them.

          And don't tell me your hair is much worse now, just post a picture of how your hair looks now then. Why did you have to take that old picture anyway?

          And yes I consider myself as a survivor. I don't have life problems right now. My life is just fine. All I asked when I was bald was to be treated decently by women and society.

          But that was already too much to ask apparently. I'm glad I found a way out for now. No man should ever have to be "the bald guy".


          • jamesst11
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2014
            • 1110

            "still a fullhead"... What the hell are you even talking about? The kid is going through some REAL hair loss which, especially at his age, is traumatic. The not knowing what's going to happen and watching his hair slowly fade away is torture... This is not some competition to feed your sense of victimization that you've attained through going bald at a young age. I know like 10-15 people who went COMPLETELY bald in their mid twenties. The general population does not see "fullheads" and "completely bald", they see what they see and this kid's hair loss all over the top is very real. I am sorry you're experiencing this. I was a legit "fullhead" until I was 31, got a hair transplant to fix an area that was slightly thinning and because of this, lost 50% of my hair in 1.5 years, literally... AND, MY SITUATION has been devastating and depressing, DESPITE the fact I did not go bald in my twenties... you see Fred, not every one is the same. Different situations are traumatic in different ways to different people. If you want to be part of a forum CONSISTING of many different people, with many different situations and many different emotional vulnerabilities, then you should carry and open mind and say things to HELP people, rather then tear them down.


            • Soonbald
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2015
              • 179

              lets just agree that we all hate FRED


              • FlightTL
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2011
                • 842

                Originally posted by fred970
                You have a hair line, and a strong one. People don't look at the top of your head, they see your face nicely framed by your still quite thick hair at the front.

                Yeah, you totally get what it's like to be a bald man in his 20's. In the meantime, this is what I had to work with before my hair transplant:

                I know what I'm talking about obviously. My claims have legitimacy because I experienced true baldness. Your claims are baseless and mostly wishful thinking.

                You're not bald, very far from it. You're still a fullhead in the eyes of the general population, so of course they will still treat you like one of them.

                And don't tell me your hair is much worse now, just post a picture of how your hair looks now then. Why did you have to take that old picture anyway?

                And yes I consider myself as a survivor. I don't have life problems right now. My life is just fine. All I asked when I was bald was to be treated decently by women and society.

                But that was already too much to ask apparently. I'm glad I found a way out for now. No man should ever have to be "the bald guy".
                Fred's hair is a dream compared to mine.


                • jamesst11
                  Senior Member
                  • Jun 2014
                  • 1110

                  ahahaha.... I don't "hate" fred, I understand where he is coming from... but, I prefer optimism in any situation, despite how hard or relentless the situation is.


                  • FlightTL
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2011
                    • 842

                    Originally posted by jamesst11
                    ahahaha.... I don't "hate" fred, I understand where he is coming from... but, I prefer optimism in any situation, despite how hard or relentless the situation is.
                    I respect everyone here. I'm glad Fred is a new man with his new hair on top. His confidence is sky high and that's great! Beavecake is great too!! Beavecake has learned to live with it.

                    Everyone has their own way....


                    • BeaveCake
                      • Jan 2015
                      • 82

                      Originally posted by fred970
                      You have a hair line, and a strong one. People don't look at the top of your head, they see your face nicely framed by your still quite thick hair at the front.

                      Yeah, you totally get what it's like to be a bald man in his 20's. In the meantime, this is what I had to work with before my hair transplant:

                      I know what I'm talking about obviously. My claims have legitimacy because I experienced true baldness. Your claims are baseless and mostly wishful thinking.

                      You're not bald, very far from it. You're still a fullhead in the eyes of the general population, so of course they will still treat you like one of them.

                      And don't tell me your hair is much worse now, just post a picture of how your hair looks now then. Why did you have to take that old picture anyway?

                      And yes I consider myself as a survivor. I don't have life problems right now. My life is just fine. All I asked when I was bald was to be treated decently by women and society.

                      But that was already too much to ask apparently. I'm glad I found a way out for now. No man should ever have to be "the bald guy".
                      A way out yet you spend your pathetic life on this forum, a bit delusional I'd say? I thought as much.

                      What part of alopecia do you not understand, I have spots that won't grow on the sides looking much freakier than just the top. And the doctors told me with my condition the wanted a scalp biopsy at a point to make sure the loss wasn't health wise, I said I didn't want a chunk from my head and a doctor told me they could see the follicles for study with pictures taken from a bare scalp if I shaved, so I did, they kept track and while I didn't notice a change since I'm skinhead bald, they did tell me my follicles were killed off in a very extreme amount after that even. I grew it out for two days and it looked awful, like a rabid dog so I shaved it back to chromedome, so I guess maybe you haven't experienced true alopecia?

                      Fred you are seriously the saddest human being I've ever spoken too, I have a beautiful girl who approached me and everyone loves having me around, so some loser on a hairloss forum won't make me lay awake being self conscious. Women don't mind, society doesn't mind if you own it. And by the way If you weren't happy I don't get why you didn't shave. It's easy and looks good on a lot of guys. It was your loathing of bald guys to begin with that hurt your own self esteem.

                      And for the record, as far as delusional goes, I've never had to be on pysche pills even after family death and hardship far worse than hairloss, the fact yours drove you to insanity only shows that you are the one less connected to reality. Now please, go skulk another post for your self righteous pity party Fred.


                      • DepressedByHairLoss
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 876

                        At least I have respect for this poster because he is practicing what he is preaching. He is not one of these people with such minimal hair loss claiming how baldness is not that bad. It always seems like the people with the most minimal hair loss (less than NW3) are the ones preaching about confidence and how "I would just shave my head" because they've never experienced anything close to true baldness for themselves. Spencer says how those who have never experienced hair loss will never understand how devastating it is. Furthermore, I believe that those people who have such minimal hair loss will never understand how devastating extensive hair loss is. And that is why I empathize with Fred, because I'd bet that all of the people criticizing him on here have never come close to experiencing his degree of baldness/hair loss.


                        • BeaveCake
                          • Jan 2015
                          • 82

                          Oh and Fred this is my current hair, so if this is not true baldness I don't know what is. It shines in the sun, shadow isn't an issue given how my hair thinned everywhere, and I shave it everyday. So if people consider me different than you it's just because you couldn't commit to shaving Freddo
                          Attached Files


                          • FlightTL
                            Senior Member
                            • Jun 2011
                            • 842

                            Originally posted by BeaveCake
                            Oh and Fred this is my current hair, so if this is not true baldness I don't know what is. It shines in the sun, shadow isn't an issue given how my hair thinned everywhere, and I shave it everyday. So if people consider me different than you it's just because you couldn't commit to shaving Freddo
                            You have a good shaped head. Stay strong friend, and yes hot girls do like you!


                            • dus
                              • Mar 2015
                              • 87

                              Originally posted by jamesst11
                              If you want to be part of a forum CONSISTING of many different people, with many different situations and many different emotional vulnerabilities, then you should carry and open mind and say things to HELP people, rather then tear them down.
                              That's the unique thing about baldness forums... the hate. I can't imagine any other illness forum were people who suffer get called pussies/ losers by those who apperently suffer less and visa versa. Can you imagine these kinds of discussions happening on a non lethal tumor forum?


                              • fred970
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2009
                                • 924

                                Originally posted by BeaveCake
                                Oh and Fred this is my current hair, so if this is not true baldness I don't know what is. It shines in the sun, shadow isn't an issue given how my hair thinned everywhere, and I shave it everyday. So if people consider me different than you it's just because you couldn't commit to shaving Freddo
                                It worked for you! Me on the other hand, after the third person asking me if I had cancer, I've quickly understood that shaving my head to the bone wasn't for me.

                                Anyway, I'm glad you feel happy. But don't say the hate and prejudice against baldness aren't real. That's such an arrogant statement, especially for someone who has lived it.

                                Check that Twitter account if you want countless examples:

