This is probably going to sound pretty terrible, but I'm at the point now where I feel as though my body has completely gone against me. I'm a completely healthy 20 year old, all except my hair falling out which has made me so mentally unhealthy that I hardly recognize myself at all anymore.
I have the hardest time looking in the mirror anymore because every time I do, even in the greatest situations, I can't make myself look right. I don't feel happy anymore and all the happiness (youth) I feel I once had, went down the drain with the rest of my hair. All I want to know, is if I'm ever going to get used to this, and feel good about myself again because I'm tired of not being able to look at my own reflection (when of course I ought to be able to comfortably and happily). I'm so tired of feeling like everything I do is worth nothing because of my bad hair. The best clothes, best teeth, clean ears and trimmed nails hardly does anything for me anymore. I'm very confused and like I said, feel very betrayed by what has happened to me at such a young age. I feel like people also don't understand my insecurity because of being so alone in this battle, even with an online community to speak out to, which has helped immensely. I look sad, and in result I think people are deterred from my presence which I can't say I don't understand (you don't want to hang around the buzz kill, sorry for the pun).
My mom doesn't get it, how frustrating it can be to never have a good hair day in 3 years. And she always tries to convince me to shave it although she's spent my entire life telling me I look like a cancer victim with a shaved head... and yet she can't figure out why I'm so afraid to do it. My 'friends' that I've had forever don't really make the situation any better. They have steady relationships, jobs, and hair. Most of the friends I have are still very immature and uninformed about 'anything worthwhile' in life and have never really concerned themselves with the way that i feel. One of my friends tried arguing with me that there was no correlation between the price of food at the grocery store and gas prices. <--- this is what I have to deal with on a regular basis.
I was such a ladies man as a kid, and then that just stopped. It was the hardest thing in the world to finally step back and look at how much my life has changed in the last few years. I went from being funny, motivated, and smart to being secluded, unmotivated and a burn out. And yet, no one can understand why I feel so alone and confused all the time.
I just don't understand how this could have ever been so unenjoyable. And also, I'm paying so much money for these shitty pharmaceuticals that a) don't really help you (but is your only real option!) and b) are a huge inconvenience to apply for anyone. And yet, it's the only chance that you have as a young hair loss sufferer. Hair loss is something that you are supposed to experience as a man, because it teaches you things about yourself, but I just can't imagine it happening 'happily' before the age of 30.
Is there any worse genetically inherited physical condition than pattern hair loss (men and women)? I've got to be honest I don't think so. What I mean to say, is that if your obese you have the option of going to the gym, running or exercising, or swimming or binge dieting or something. If you're vision is cloudy, there are eye glasses prescribed for that. If you have crooked teeth there are braces to fix them. If you are losing your hair, you have 2 options: Rogaine and pharmaceuticals that hormonally disrupt your system, with little chance of improvement to your situation in the long run (personally anyways).
I just want to know how and where to look for the positive, what helped you move on from hair loss. No need to mention the Bible here because I don't believe in it.
I have the hardest time looking in the mirror anymore because every time I do, even in the greatest situations, I can't make myself look right. I don't feel happy anymore and all the happiness (youth) I feel I once had, went down the drain with the rest of my hair. All I want to know, is if I'm ever going to get used to this, and feel good about myself again because I'm tired of not being able to look at my own reflection (when of course I ought to be able to comfortably and happily). I'm so tired of feeling like everything I do is worth nothing because of my bad hair. The best clothes, best teeth, clean ears and trimmed nails hardly does anything for me anymore. I'm very confused and like I said, feel very betrayed by what has happened to me at such a young age. I feel like people also don't understand my insecurity because of being so alone in this battle, even with an online community to speak out to, which has helped immensely. I look sad, and in result I think people are deterred from my presence which I can't say I don't understand (you don't want to hang around the buzz kill, sorry for the pun).
My mom doesn't get it, how frustrating it can be to never have a good hair day in 3 years. And she always tries to convince me to shave it although she's spent my entire life telling me I look like a cancer victim with a shaved head... and yet she can't figure out why I'm so afraid to do it. My 'friends' that I've had forever don't really make the situation any better. They have steady relationships, jobs, and hair. Most of the friends I have are still very immature and uninformed about 'anything worthwhile' in life and have never really concerned themselves with the way that i feel. One of my friends tried arguing with me that there was no correlation between the price of food at the grocery store and gas prices. <--- this is what I have to deal with on a regular basis.
I was such a ladies man as a kid, and then that just stopped. It was the hardest thing in the world to finally step back and look at how much my life has changed in the last few years. I went from being funny, motivated, and smart to being secluded, unmotivated and a burn out. And yet, no one can understand why I feel so alone and confused all the time.
I just don't understand how this could have ever been so unenjoyable. And also, I'm paying so much money for these shitty pharmaceuticals that a) don't really help you (but is your only real option!) and b) are a huge inconvenience to apply for anyone. And yet, it's the only chance that you have as a young hair loss sufferer. Hair loss is something that you are supposed to experience as a man, because it teaches you things about yourself, but I just can't imagine it happening 'happily' before the age of 30.
Is there any worse genetically inherited physical condition than pattern hair loss (men and women)? I've got to be honest I don't think so. What I mean to say, is that if your obese you have the option of going to the gym, running or exercising, or swimming or binge dieting or something. If you're vision is cloudy, there are eye glasses prescribed for that. If you have crooked teeth there are braces to fix them. If you are losing your hair, you have 2 options: Rogaine and pharmaceuticals that hormonally disrupt your system, with little chance of improvement to your situation in the long run (personally anyways).
I just want to know how and where to look for the positive, what helped you move on from hair loss. No need to mention the Bible here because I don't believe in it.